"Thinking too much is not a very good thing. Don't you think that I carelessly slept with you for a while, you must lie on you like a fierce girl for a lifetime and shout to make you responsible for me?" Su Bai was funny Said.

"I can take responsibility for you."

"I do not need."

"Then let's talk about cooperation."

"this is okay."

"Chen Yuan is not stupid, he will take action soon." Tang Yan picked up the spoon and hesitated whether to taste a bit of Su Ye's loving fried rice, just do not know if he will be poisoned after eating it.

"You have a strategy of two birds with one stone. I can also put it to reality and seduce it." The man blinked, with a bit of slyness. "I hate rice I fried? If it is Chen Yuan, I will not hesitate. Eat all of it. "

There was a hint of anger under his eyes. Tang Yan took a bite of fried rice. Fortunately, it was not too difficult to swallow except for some heavy flavors. He swallowed expressionlessly. If he could use Jo Yuan to joke, it seems that Su Bai had adjusted. Fine, knowing that the other side deliberately provoked him, but he jumped in without a second thought.

"Actually, it tastes good." Tang Yan gave warm praise to Su Bai. "I like everything about you."

Endured with the urge to kick Tang Yan's face, Su Ye deliberately countered: "Your technique is not good."

"We can practice a lot, while talking about love and cooperation, and increase mutual communication and understanding." The topic gradually developed in the direction of children at midnight.

"See you in Berlin in three days." The best way is not to fight back but to turn around and leave. The full-fledged Su Ye took a bottle of beer from the refrigerator and walked upstairs. Waste of food. "

Tang squinted and watched the man disappear at the back of the staircase. Su Bai had just drank two whiskies upstairs, and now he drank beer again, his mouth swelled. He quickly bowed his head and rolled the "Su Ye Poison Rice" Ye Guang, a man is estimated to have fallen into bed drunk.


The next morning, Su Ye walked downstairs coldly.

"Yo, Teacher Su, you can walk down the ground today. Would you like to rest a bit more?" Thangka, who had been sitting in the living room for a long time, stared at Erlang with his legs outstretched.

Su Bai smiled at Thangka very "gently": "Go and talk with the Chen family today."

"Why?" Abandoning his mouth, Thangka looked unhappy, "The Chen family's business has always been the boss's responsibility."

"He can't get out of the door today." Sitting on the sofa, the servants on the side quickly delivered freshly ground aromatic coffee.

Thangka's "why" he had already seen the answer before asking the question. The old man Tang Tang's mouth was bruised and went down. Last night, he accidentally caught Su Ye's "drinking wine" trap and ate it up. the love poison rice is not to say, then went upstairs to wait is not soft on the bed waiting for his loved Sue white, but satiate Su Ye effort Zouren.

"Boss, was the cat scratched again?" Thangka grinned.

Tang Yan glared at his cousin who laughed and smiled coldly, "Today you go to Chen's house with Su Mo."

Thangka had a bitter face and was talking nonsense there, saying something like "Do n’t your husband and wife fight the pond fish".

Tang Yan walked directly to Su Bai and sat down, whispering against the man's ear: "Even if I'm doing a show, I don't have to work so hard, I will see my subordinates three days later."

"Anna's concealer lends you." Su Ye stretched out his index finger and picked the man's firm jaw.

"You might as well kiss me, the effect must be better than concealer." With a smile, he lowered his head and kissed the man's finger.

Thangka, who was completely regarded as air, couldn't stand it, and jumped up from the sofa: "Come, the two of you in the morning will be a little bit stubborn, my eyes are going to be blind!" I ran out.

"I'll talk about it next time." Pushing Tang Yan who leaned over, Su Bai turned and followed Tangka to go out.

Anna took a concealer out of her handbag and shook it at Tang Yan, smiling with a wink: "Mr. Tang, do you want a concealer?"

Tang Yan glanced at Anna helplessly, turned around, and then covered his stomach to go upstairs. He now needs a doctor more than concealer.

Chapter 41

"Leader, you let me check the matter. The Hong Kong police have already sent the inspection report. The gunshot wound on Chen Tianhe is very accurate, especially on the knee bone. The gunman must be an old hand and come from the wound. Look, the shooting is very similar to Simon D. "Harvey pushed open the door of the sergeant's office and rushed in, waving the inspection report he had just got.

"It must be Simon, but leader, how did you know that Simon was related to the Chen family? I heard from the Hong Kong police that it was nothing but the internal fight of the Chen family." He opened the chair in front of the table and sat down. Harvey passed the report to the young man behind the table.

Ye Ziwu was very capable with a straight uniform. He took the report and glanced at it, and said in a deep voice, "It is normal for the underworld to fight, but a family that is relatively peaceful is suddenly killed. It's a bit confusing, and my colleague in Hong Kong recently also reported that a 500 million yuan worth of smuggled goods from the Chen family was intercepted by the customs. "

"Pop!" The report was closed tightly, and the young man frowned. "With such a large amount of goods, the customs did not know enough about the smuggling actions of the Chen family suddenly. Someone with inside information must have leaked out in advance. Unfortunately, The customs office has been reluctant to give a positive response. "

Harvey even nodded in agreement with the chief ’s reasoning: “They do n’t cooperate and we ca n’t force their guns at their heads to tell them. The only thing that is certain is that the leaked person is estimated to have ambiguous relations with the police and even has stable cooperation Relationship. But group leader, does this have anything to do with Simon? "

"There is no direct relationship, but I always have an intuition. The Chen family's affairs are not so simple. Think about it, how long have we chased Simon?" Ye Ziwu tapped his fingers on the table and made a crisp sound.

"For several years, every time when we got a clue to find him, he had left the figure." Harvey slammed his thigh and suddenly realized, "Leader, you mean Simon Did you deliberately lead us to Hong Kong? "

Ye Zi delivered to his colleagues a glorious look. They did not catch Simon once, but this time they almost caught up with Simon. Before, they always felt that there was something wrong. Now that they can calm down, they can discover the problem.

"I feel we have been involved in a bureau, Simon.D, Chen Yuan, and Interpol. Everyone came to Hong Kong by accident, the incident of the Chen family, and even the Asian rich Tang Yan and the Chen family. Have contact. Harvey, don't you feel familiar with this method? "Pushing the table full of files, Ye Ziwu got up from the chair, and he froze in the office, holding his hands together with his eyebrows locked.

Almost, I can almost remember who it was, that person's name.

There was a knock at this time, and Harvey went to open the door. He quickly turned to look at Ye Ziwu: "Leader, I just received an anonymous report."

"Who's reporting?" Ye Zi stopped at noon, and keenly caught something wrong.

"Chen Yuan." Xavi just said a name. Ye Zi picked up his coat and ran out quickly at noon, shouting, "Xavi, lead someone to follow!"

"Leader, what happened?" Harvey followed quickly, beckoning to let the people below him follow.

Ye Zi gritted his teeth fiercely in the afternoon, and said a sentence: "Su Bai! It is Su Bai, the old man's usual method!"


"Yawn!" Su Ye sneezed, who was talking badly about him.

"Mr. Su, was it cold last night?" Thangka smiled with a glass of wine beside him. "Have a good health or hurry into the cabin. The sea wind is strong. If you are sick, my cousin should be distressed again. "

It turned out that Thangka was talking bad things about him. Su Bai smiled slightly and rarely did not fight with Thangka. He turned into the cabin and left Thangka leaning on the railing of the yacht alone. "It seems that no matter how difficult it is, Men or women, as long as they are done in bed, they will win. "

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