Ye Zi went to take the rag again at noon and blocked the guy's mouth.

After a while, Tang Yuan, they all came with weapons.

Mr. Su, who was unable to move, sat on the sofa and beckoned to the man: "Tang Yun, come here, let's think about the battle plan for a while."

Tang Yan walked over without doubt. He sat next to Su Bai, and clenched the man's hand in the darkness: "I won't let him hurt you." Even after fighting this life.

"These words are sensational." Su Ye slightly grasped Tang Yan, "I wait for you."

The next moment, Tang Yue suddenly fell down unexpectedly, and Simon, who had been standing next to Su Ye, put away the powerful anesthetic gun.

"This ... what's going on?" Thangka couldn't understand at all. "Simon, why are you hitting my boss!"

"Su Mo." Leaves frowned.

"Let's go by speedboat." Su Bai looked down at Tang Yan, who had lost consciousness in his arms, and gently rubbed his crushed forehead with a quiet voice. "Remember to bring someone back to me after returning to shore . "

"No!" Ye Ziwu clenched his fists, how could they leave Su Bai alone on the boat.

"Only I can hold Chen Yuan, you don't want to die if you don't understand people? Hurry up!" The man's voice sharpened instantly, scaring a few people in Harvey who were afraid to say anything.

Simon stepped forward to grab Thangka, walked to the corner and dragged Zayed out, and walked outside. Harvey looked at his standing leader and looked at Su Bai, at a loss.

"Leader, we ..." He yelled boldly.

"Leaves, let's go," Su Bai said softly. "You know the decision I made is the best for everyone."

Ye Zi turned fiercely and left, his chest was undulating, his hands clenched into fists and broke his palm.

"Mr. Su Mo, please believe that we will come back to save you!" Harvey gritted his teeth and followed.

Grandpa Su laughed aloud: "So I hate sensation."

After a while, a dark shadow came to him, his blond hair was very eye-catching even in the dark, and Simon knelt down on one leg and held Su Bai's hand.

"Teacher, please let me take your place." As soon as Su Bai responds, he can immediately look like Su Ye.

Su Ye reached out and gently rubbed Simon's blond hair: "I used to think about why the two of them would betray me. Actually, there is also my own fault here. I don't want to go wrong. I have lost two children. Simon, I don't want to. Lose you again and leave with Tang Yan. "


"Don't disobey my orders." The man frowned.

"Yes." There was always a little trembling on his face without extra expression, and he didn't say anything more. Simon got up and quickly carried the unconscious Tang Yan back and strode away from the cabin. It was probably the cold sea breeze that struck his eyes, his eyes Slightly red.

The speed of the speedboat started to ring quickly, and it went further and further.

"Simon, you are free."

Don't have to live for me again.

The man got up from the sofa, he turned on the light on the boat again, and stepped slowly to the bow of the boat, sitting on the stool where he had just sat with Ye Zi and Tang Yan, quietly Looking into the distance from the sea.

The sea breeze whistled, hitting his face cold.

Several large ships quickly surrounded the lonely wreck floating on the sea, and the bright lights were particularly dazzling.

"Su Ye, I said we will eventually come back together." Chen Yuan stepped onto the ship board, "I'm here to pick you up."

Final volume

Chapter 70

The forefinger and thumb squeezed the white glove on the other hand, and Chen Yuan casually threw the iconic white glove on his side to the attendant next to him. He looks very good, even if there is not much expression on your face. You can also feel the rare cheerful taste in him.

Two guards with guns guarding the front door closed the door and opened the door. There was a staircase that kept going up behind the door. Looking up, I could not see the end.

Chen Yuan strode in, black leather shoes crackled on the solid ground, vertical dark gray trousers penetrated the hard lines, and swayed along with the man's footsteps, on the walls on both sides The light brightened the stairs, but there was always an illusion of suffocation.

At the end of the staircase was a solid silver vault door. He stepped forward and entered the first digital password. When the door opened, it looked like a laboratory in an American movie, with silver walls, smooth floors, and a few white clothes. People in lab coats walking around.

When a doctor saw Chen Yuan, he walked over with a bowed waist, looking a little scared.

"How's it going?" The man's voice was a little cold.

The doctor whispered next to Chen Yuan and said in a low voice: "The operation was very successful. The fractured leg has been successfully reset. It should be no problem to rest for three months."

"Should?" The man raised his pitch slightly.

"Sure, I can recover." The doctor's forehead suddenly exuded cold sweat.

"Very good." Chen Yuan walked to another sturdy gate. As he was about to open the door, the doctor followed him. He squinted and looked at it. The guards in the room immediately strode to hold the doctor. .

The doctor looked at Chen Yuan with his eyes open and begged, saying, "Mr. Chen, my family ..."

"They will be safe working here, or you can get together under the ground together." Chen Yuan impatiently gave the guard a wink, and the two high-headed Malaysian guards quickly dragged the doctor down.

Second door, retinal scan.

When the door was opened, there was a private room that looked like a bedroom. There were windows, a bathroom, and a study, but Chen Yuan didn't stop for a moment. He walked towards the door to the third room.

One door after another is a tightly guarded door. The last room at the end of the door is not hidden in the gold of a rich country, nor is it a famous product. The door that can only be opened by Chen Yuan's fingerprints is still a room. The "walls" of the second and third rooms are transparent, and people can see everything in the third room in the second room.

There is a mirror at the door. He stopped in front of the mirror and opened the fingerprint lock of the third door. The decoration of the third room has a classic taste of the new era. Tables, chairs, tea sets, and guqin beside, the faint sandalwood diffused in the room has a soothing effect.

This is obviously a beautiful “prison” that has been designed for a long time. Since there is a cage, it is naturally related to the people in the cage.

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