Reincarnation of Terror: a Hundred Times Reward

Horror Reincarnation: Hundred Times Reward Chapter 255

The grandma of the thousand-year-old dryad far surpassed the world of A Chinese Story!

After all, he has been in control of the court for many years, and through the power of the court, he has collected flesh and blood essence and used it for cultivation.

In addition, Tiangou eclipses the moon, which blesses the power of monsters.

Purdue Cihang's strength and morality are probably several levels stronger than that of grandma!

And entering the interior of the main hall, beheading Pudu Cihang, Lin Chuan walked alone, there is no problem at all.

However, he was worried about keeping this group of people here.

Zuo Qianhu's martial arts are very strong, he can be a mortal, if there are few monsters, he can deal with one or two.

If there are too many monsters, they will definitely die.

As for Zhiqiu Yiye, his Taoism is exquisite, but his behavior is a bit unreliable.

So, on balance, under my nose, I feel a bit more stable.

After shouting.

Lin Chuan raised his hand.

He called out the Seven Star Longyuan Sword and held it in his hand.

Then he took a step and walked towards the interior of the hall.

"Okay, the old man has to watch with his own eyes, the monster is dead~‖!"

Fu Tianchou was the first to follow.

"Father, wait for us."

Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi hurriedly followed.

"You three, don't run around!"

Zhiqiu Yiye was in a hurry, and also hurried to follow.

He was thinking of Lin Chuan's Nine Heavens Thunder Talisman, but he had to take good care of these three talents.

Zuo Qianhu, on the other hand, turned around and looked behind him.

Pull out two long knives and carefully break them.

After confirming that there was nothing unusual behind him, he followed into the hall.

Everyone, after entering the interior.

See it head-on.

At the very center, there is an altar.

On a lotus seat.

Covered by a scarf.

Purdue Cihang is inside!

At this time, the Tiangu eclipse the moon is not yet complete.

He can still temporarily maintain his human form.

And below Purdue Cihang, there were still fifty women standing.

Under the inspection of Tianyan, the same evil spirit surged.

It's the centipede's monster subordinate!

"In the original play, it seems that there are not so many subordinates."

Lin Chuan narrowed his eyes, slightly surprised.

In the original play, Purdue Cihang has only four monsters as subordinates.

Very shabby, not strong, and let Zuo Qianhu be beheaded.

Now, it has changed.

It seems that it was his joining and intervening that affected the plot.

It made Pudu Cihang feel the sense of crisis, so he summoned more monster subordinates to guard him.

However, these fifty monsters have subordinates.

Lin Chuan checked the concentration of its demonic energy, and found that it was only a hundred years old, not too strong.

As for the most central Pudu Cihang, the concentration of evil spirit is the strongest.

At least, 1,200 years, 200 years taller than the thousand-year-old tree demon grandma!

I saw people entering.

On the altar, there were bursts of voices from Purdue Cihang.

"Amitabha, God has the grace of good life, and you will do things in the wrong way and do anything wrong."

"Troubled my Qingxiu, still don't repent?!"

Bursts of sound came in shock.

There is a hint of demon power in the voice.

It's just that he didn't use the life-threatening mantra, just a slight demon sound, disturbing the mind.

And everyone on Lin Chuan's side was extremely angry.

He actually resisted this wave of mental intrusion only by relying on his own anger!

"Damn! It's just a mere monster, how long do you want to pretend!"

Fu Tianchou stood up directly, pointed at Pudu Cihang, and cursed.

"Disturb Chao Gang, harm the world... and deceive me into helping you and harming all living beings, you deserve to die!"

Zuo Qianhu was resentful, unable to keep calm, and also cursed.

"You two...keep your voice down, the other side is not easy to mess with."

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