Reincarnation Of The Businesswoman At School

Chapter 2710: Cold and less need support

Chapter 2710, Cold and Low, Need Support

Generally speaking, for a good person, it is either a jealousy and hatred, or it is a good deal.

Shen Yiling didn't have any embarrassment about Gu Ning. He only appreciated and admired it. For Gu Ning's age, the present work is really excellent.

Of course, with Gu Ning, she also has her own thoughts, because Jing Jining.

She likes Jing Jining, so she hopes to have a good relationship with the people around him, because sometimes, the people around him will become assists.

“Yes!” Gu Ning did not refuse, because her impression of Shen Yiling was good. Whether she could be a friend or not, there was nothing to know.

Then the two exchanged their mobile numbers.

After Shen Yiling sent Gu Ning out of Tiancheng, he went back.

Although the weather is dark now, but for Gu Ning, there is not much difference with the daytime, fear of black things, for her, has long existed.

Because Gu Ning returned to the city, the time was not early, so I didn't go back to school, but I didn't go to the courtyard, but went to the Mid-Levels.

For the first time, Gu Ning came to the "Semi-mountain Name", and there was no coldness and sorrow. I always felt empty in my heart.

It’s been ten days, and Leng Shaolu hasn’t contacted her yet, nor how his mission is going.

When Gu Ning took out her mobile phone, she called Routan. Although she knew that if she had time, she would call her, but she couldn’t help but take the initiative.

Of course, the result is still off.

Gu Ning couldn't sleep, and they chatted with Chu Peihan in the group.

Chu Peihan has been filming most of the time recently. Although he is not the protagonist, he is also the main actor, so he spends most of his time in the crew and rarely has time to chat with everyone.

At this time, Chu Peihan just finished the night play and returned to the hotel to rest, chatting with everyone.

Everyone asked Chu Peihan not tired of anything, tired of course tired, but tired and ruthless, after all, Chu Peihan likes to interpret, does not care about fame and fortune.

Gu Ning is the least people who chat in the group, so when they appear, everyone will ask around Gu Ning, especially the shop-stricken incident that happened, and ask her how to deal with it.

After the incident occurred, under the concern of everyone, Gu Ning also said something to them in the group. The specific situation did not say clearly, and he said that he had a conflict with the other party, so the other party came to the store.

Now, the loss has been calculated, and the other parents have been found. The other parents also agreed to compensate. The amount is quite large, so they gave the other party a month.

"I thought it was a king. I couldn't think of a bronze."

"It’s a small king who has met the great king and is destined to die!"

Although Jing Yuejun lost to Gu Ning, but for ordinary people, Jing Yuexi is very powerful, so Mu Ke and others did not despise him because she lost to Gu Ning.

Because if they let them meet, they will lose them.

"To say that woman is also very powerful! One can easily turn the point into that, and hurt people."

"If there is no point, how dare to provoke the boss! Only the boss has more skills than her."

"makes sense"


After a few more days, Leng Shaolu still did not contact Gu Ning, and Gu Ning’s phone call was still in a state of shutdown, which made Gu Ning, who was worried about it, more worried.

Then on this day, at noon on Friday, Gu Ning received a call from Jing Yunyao, saying that Wei Lingfeng called her and said that there was something out of the cold and there was support for them.

Upon hearing this news, Gu Ning’s heart suddenly jumped to the eyes of the blind man. It seems that she was uneasy these days, and it was cold and cold.

"There is nothing wrong with the Shaolin!" Gu Ning quickly asked, what she is most worried about now is the safety of the cold and the young.

"The specifics don't know, but there should be no accidents. The other members of the Red Flame team said that the ensigns were mixed into the mutation research organization. When they entered, they explained to other people, saying that if he had not contacted them within five days, let They contacted the chairman and let us support in the past. Now it has been a week, so I contacted the main **** and found me." Jing Yunyao said.

Although she feels that the cold and the young are so powerful, it will not be easy to accident, but it is still very worrying. After all, this is not a matter of dealing with people, but a matter of mutating people.

A few words, cold and less can deal with, but that is the site of others, who knows how many variants!

The cold and the younger are more powerful, and that is, after all, it is a person. When faced with multiple masters, there will still be powerlessness.

Gu Ning also felt the seriousness of the matter, and he was also worried. Then he stopped asking more questions. He immediately left the school and went to the courtyard and Jing Yunyao.

Cold and low, they are in the city on the edge of the R country, Gang City.

After the call between Jing Yunyao and Gu Ning, the ticket to Oka City was fixed immediately.

However, because most of them are stopped, there are very few direct flights. If they stop, they are five or six, seven or eight hours. If they fly straight, they will arrive in three and a half hours.

The fastest way to get them is to fly directly after two hours.

It’s about two o'clock, four o'clock, and then arrives at about eight o'clock in the evening.

After Gu Ning arrived at the courtyard, he directly picked up Jing Yunyao and Shangguanyang and went to the airport.

Yes, there is Shangguanyang together, because the task of this cold and cold is still more dangerous.

It’s not that Shangguan Yang is not optimistic about Gu Ning and Jing Yunyao, but he is very interested in this so-called mutant, and wants to find out.

Then, just help the cold and less.

He is naturally worried about the safety of his apprentice.

A few people in Gu Ning reached the airport at about 2:40, and the international terminal, all the formalities were handled. When it arrived at the boarding gate, it was about half past three, and there was still half an hour to board the plane.

Several people found a position to sit down.

It’s always an hour or two to get to the airport in advance, so it’s not too early for Gu Ning to arrive at this time, and there are already many people at the boarding gate.

Because it is an international flight, there are quite a few R passengers here.

Although the grievances of China and R countries are already past tense, although R people are not all bad people, but when they hear R, they still can't help Gu Ning feel a bit disgusted. Some impressions and emotions are already ingrained, regardless of the past. How long does it take to erase it?

However, I am not disgusted with letting her say anything and do anything.

(End of this chapter)

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