Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1070: Dainichi Nyorai

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At this moment, Xiao Naihe, who was a million miles away, suddenly had a throbbing feeling in his heart, and it seemed that he felt something between the souls.

Xiao Nai raised his brow slightly, thinking carefully.

"I have integrated the celestial machine now, and I can already calculate the humane nature of the celestial machine, and change the apology. This feeling ... Someone should be counting me!"

As soon as Xiao Nai He's thoughts were released, the golden thoughts in the void were surrounded and continuously rotated to evolve a star map. This star map is the existence in the heavenly platform.

Deduce humanity of heaven and earth, pass and predict the future!

After the Seven Stars map was released, Xiao Nai calculated one among the celestial machines and continued to practice.

Afterwards, I only saw Xiao Nai with one hand opened, withdrew all the star maps, and slowly said: "It is not that the monk Xuanji is calculating anything. He still needs to use me now. Naturally, it is impossible for me to be disadvantaged. Then only The other party is out-Xuanjizi, Shengrui! "

There are not many people who have hatred against Xiao Nai, but there are not many people who can threaten Xiao Nai He.

In addition to the Xuanji monk, the two men of Wushuangzong can still threaten themselves.

"They seem to have any conspiracy, but even if it is a conspiracy, I can't know for a time. As long as I improve my strength, then any conspiracy is useless."

Xiao Nai He smiled, and the scriptures in his hand suddenly turned and changed his true face.

When he entered from behind the Yantian Pavilion, he still felt that the people of the Xuanming Alliance were still inside.

But now Xiao Naihe did not have the idea of ​​meeting them, but secretly stepped onto his own peak.

His peak has been cast by himself, and among the magic weapons he has obtained, there are also many artifacts that can be placed on the ban. If they are combined, even a giant owl with a supreme status will not be able to come in for a while.

Tearing the space and turning it into a meson, Xiao Nai stepped into the space-time world.


Xiao Nai appeared from the space-time world. When he entered the center, he saw Xiao Nan sitting in the front, circled around Yun Weixue and turned around again, and did not know whether the two were playing!

Now Yun Weixue and Xiao Naihe have become Taoists, and Xiao Nan also knows. Yun Weixue practiced in the space-time world, and was also familiar with Xiao Nan.

Upon seeing Xiao Naihe walk in, Yun Weixue's beautiful face burst into a flower-like smile: "Hey, you are back!"

"Yeah, a lot of trouble happened."

Xiao Nai did not conceal Yun Weixue, and told her that he and Xuanji monk, Wushuangzong, and the sky and the sky were direct.

However, Xiao Naihe didn't say anything about the Liuyun Avenue, that is, the secret store of the Holy Spirit, because there is no evidence to say now, and it is inconvenient to tell Yun Weixue for a while.

After Yun Weixue listened, her eyebrows were tightly locked, and she sighed softly: "I didn't expect such a dangerous, but anyway, what you have encountered since these days is really too dangerous."

Although Xiao Naihe is powerful, he has only two levels of supremacy. It is very dangerous to meet the characters of four levels, five levels, and even six levels of supremacy. Yun Weixue did not hide his concerns about Xiao Naihe.

But vaguely, she really admired and longed for Xiao Naihe. Her man was actually able to talk and laugh with the top six characters in the world. None of the pinnacles standing on the mainland could shake Xiao Naihe. It can be seen how much realm his man has gotten.

"Haha, Weixue, don't worry, now that I have an absolute hole card, unless it is the existence of the creator, other people naturally can't help me."

"Perhaps, but if the first sword emperor is the same as you said, it is a figure of the seventh highest level. Even if it is to capture the soldiers and regenerate, it is very good. You must be careful."

"That's natural, but I put his soul and soul into the inner world, which can be refined. But before that, I have to do something else."

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly, a kind of fine mango appeared in the smile.

Then I saw Xiao Naihe's eyes changed a formation, the star map was derived, and the Vajra realm was changed in the space-time world.

The scriptures appeared, and Xiao Naihe slowly opened them, recording all the existence in the scriptures step by step.

"Sure enough, it is the free seal of the vajra world, and it is the most important kind of Buddha seal in the handprint of Darirulai!"

Xiao Naihe just glanced at it and couldn't help but be surrounded by shock.

The small part he had obtained before is simply not enough to practice now. Now all of them are in the palm of hand. Once Xiao Naihe opened his hands, three different Buddhist seals instantly merged into the void.

The Zhiquan Seal, the Dharma Delimitation Seal, and the Vajra Realm Free Seal, the three Buddha seals are integrated into one body, and then the five-party Buddha behind him is visualized, and various Sanskrit sounds have been continuously spread:

"The Bodhisattva has a method that can break all the evils. What is one? It means that day and night, always thinking about observing the good laws, so that the thinking of the good laws grows, and there is no room for incompatibility between the good and the evil. , The good law is complete! "

After a burst of Sanskrit sounds, Xiao Nai merged all the scriptures printed by Zhi Quan into the seventy-seven aperture.

"With regard to the Dharma Law, the heart is not hindered, live the way of the Buddhas from now on, live with all living beings, and never give up. Like the Dharma, you can learn everything, break all evil, and have all goodness!"

This is the scripture defined by the law. After the fusion, Xiao Naihe's seventy-seven heavy aperture became perfect and bright.

"Nothing in the body. No work in Yu Xiu. No residence in Yu Fa. The past is extinguished. The future is not yet reached. Now the silence. No operator. No recipient. This world does not move. The other world does not change. This How to use it. Named Brahma. "

In the end, it was the free printing of the Vajra Kingdom.

The seventy-seven heavy aperture behind Xiao Naihe's head was continuously derived and merged into the Zhiquan seal, and then into the legal definition seal. The three different Buddhist camps merged into one, and Xiao Naihe suddenly started to expand behind A huge golden outline.

In this round, there is actually a big Buddha appearing.

Overwhelming, the golden light is shrouded together, and Xiao Naihe now has a seventy-seven aperture, which has reached a small and perfect state!

Xiao Nai didn't know how long he had practiced in the space-time world, maybe one month or two months, or maybe half a year.

In the end, Xiao Naihe conceived of the Great Buddha, which was actually more complete than before. It has a charm that is supreme in the sky and invincible to the gods and Buddhas.

"The big day is like a handprint, a complete magical power, and it's really powerful. Compared with the broken Vajra Realm free seal I used to get, this complete Vajra Realm free seal is a fusion of the three Buddha seals. It is simply powerful."

At this time, Xiao Naihe couldn't help but slightly sighed, and the light from his body had become perfect!

【Author's digression】: Thank you, Td96824493, for your support!

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