Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1118: Willingness

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Tantricism is here.

Xiao Nai raised his head, and indeed saw a huge monastery within a thousand miles. Looking at it, there were at least a hundred,

One of the huge blood rushed into the sky, and a huge luck-stricken wolf smoke straight into the sky.

After a while, Xiao Naiho was just close to this tantra place, and he could see a 36-story pagoda in one of the courtyards.

"This is a Tantric stargazing tower. I used to visit it once in my previous life, but it was not so high at that time. Now it seems that it has actually become taller. It seems that it has been rebuilt once in recent years."

Xiao Nai said secretly.

In the days of the Heavenly Demon, Bei Nanyi at that time was free from thousands of worlds, and it was considered to have been a Tantra. Of course, Bei Nanyi at that time was already the first person among the demon roads, even the current monk Xuanji It's far behind, so it didn't show up.

At that time, it was clearly seen that the qi and blood of tens of millions of disciples in Tantra turned into a dragon qi, just like the dragon in the dead, condensed together, and turned the qi and blood power of the whole body into a piece, and then rushed into Heavenly.

At that time, the qi and blood released by so many disciples of the Tantra really had a kind of blood that did not invade, and a blast of blood bombarded it, even if it reached the uppermost level, I was afraid that I would be scared and my heart would break.

But now Xiao Nai is standing in the void. Although there is still a strong blood in Tantra, it is actually ten million times less than when he came by himself.

If it was said that there were tens of millions of Tantric disciples at that time, now Xiao Naihe estimates that there should be no more than 10,000 disciples.

"It is not that Tantricism is the first sect of the true Buddha continent. The sacred place of Buddhism and Taoism. Even tens of millions of people believe in Buddhism and Taoism. Now there are not a few disciples. What is going on? Zi went out with so many people. "

Xiao Nai thought secretly.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, but Xiao Naihe used the power of Tianjitai to calculate it, but found that there was a powerful force that blinded the humanity of Tianji. If Xiaonaihe forcibly continued, he would touch the master of this power.

But even without deduction, Xiao Naihe now has some eyesight.

"Sovereign Son is here, and the poor monks are far away, please come in."

At this moment, the voice of the monk Xuanji had already passed through and entered Xiao Naihe's mind.

Suddenly a ray of light tears open, and a crack in the space shows the figure, it is the monk Xuanji.

The monk Xuanji was dressed in a red robe and abbot's coat. In his eyes, there was a continuous burst of starlight, showing the endless taste of space and time.

It was communicated that when Xiao Naihe saw it, it seemed that when the monk Xuanji and the last time they met, it seemed a little different.

At that time, if it was said that the monk Xuanji was in harmony, because of the origin of Buddhism and Taoism, there seemed to be a sense of integrity.

But now it seems to have become deeper and more elusive.

"Xuanji Monk, please!"

Xiao Nai is no nonsense, although it is said that he got the 'Vajra Realm Seal' from the monk of Xuanji, which can integrate the three Buddha seals and achieve the handprint of the day.

But this is also a big deal.

The pursuit of the existence of the First Sword Emperor, sometimes even the most powerful Taoism, may not provoke Xiao Naihe, because even if the First Sword Emperor does not have one soul and two souls and seizes the flesh of others, that at least It is also the character who once created the creator.

One person's strength can contend with thousands of six-fold giant owls.

This is the power of the creator.

However, Xiao Naihe couldn't refuse it. The 'Vajra Kingdom Freedom Seal' was too important in the first place. If Xiao Naihe couldn't get it and could not comprehend all the high-level officials who came to France and India, then the practice of Buddhism and Taoism would stop and immediately regress.

Secondly, Xiao Naiho also felt that he was in a shackle. If he was fighting against the founder of the previous sword emperor, he was likely to break out of his potential in a crisis and let himself break through in the past. Become more powerful.

For two reasons, Xiao Nai could not refuse.

"Xiao Shengzi is willing to come, and this plan is likely to succeed."

The monk Xuanji put his hands together, and his tone was very pious and respectful. But between the words, it was a little deeper.

Xiao Nai glanced and smiled lightly: "Can I not come? Take short hands ......"

He walked into the hall of Aya Buddha. In the inner hall, a huge golden Buddha visited.

Xiao Naihe had just walked in, and with a double-eyed look, the fragrance of incense hanging above him, and when the smell of incense came, Xiao Naihe suddenly felt an inexplicable power.

"Huh? What's going on? When I passed through Tantra, I never felt this kind of power. What is this?"

It can be seen from Xiao Naihe's body that in his qi sea, suddenly there was a white air current, and between rotations, he entered his own origin of Buddhism and Taoism. Three points thicker.

At that moment, Xiao Naiho seemed to perceive something.

"Is this the legendary wishful force? According to legend, Buddhism Avenue, absorbing the Buddhist believers, can get the wishful force of the believers, just like the spiritual power between the monks, the richer the wishful force, then Your own strength will become stronger and stronger. "

Looking at the monk Xuanji, suddenly, Xiao Nai had a kind of enlightenment, he finally understood why the monk Xuanji only cultivated the 'Vajra Realm Seal', then he could cultivate the Great Consummation Realm and achieve the creation of the void. The threshold of the Lord.

It turned out to have absorbed the wishes of so many believers, otherwise his power would never be so powerful.

"No wonder there are so many believers on the entire true Buddha continent. It seems that the Tantra has indeed operated for a long time for the purpose of wish."

Theoretically, if Monk Xuanji can absorb the wishes of one or two continents and turn the people of other continents into their tantric believers, then there will be no problem even if the world is open.

In the process of Xiao Naihe's thinking, into Xiao Naihe's eyes, two strange figures immediately appeared.

A white crane, wearing a little starlight in his eyes, about sixty years old, with white hair, but his face has a little more clear color on his face, it seems to be a newborn like a baby.

The other person is a woman with a beautiful eyebrow and beautiful eyes. She holds a whisk in her hands, and there are two golden boys and girls around her.

The middle-aged young woman opened her eyes.

Both of them looked at Xiao Naihe the same way, and they seemed to feel something suddenly.

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