Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1206: limit

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Xiao Naihe's eighty-eight heavy aperture continued to rise and fall, blending in the flesh, the soul, and the sea of ​​qi, which was displayed in front of Han Siyuan.

At this time, in the entire space secret, there is a peaceful, seemingly changed into a golden sea of ​​Buddha, everyone is a real Buddha, everyone is a dragon.

Even Han Siyuan soaked in this golden ocean, there was a great harvest.

"If he can practice to the 99th heavy aperture, he will immediately become successful and become the founder. I remember that the monk Xuanji is the ninety-nine heavy aperture, almost stepping into the ranks of the creator. The accumulation is not comparable to this son, he deserves to be the reincarnation of the 'holy'. "

Now Han Siyuan has determined that Xiao Naihe is the reincarnation of the 'holy', because only the reincarnation of the holy has the capital of Sanxiu. Throughout the ages, for hundreds of thousands of years, there has never been another saint like this.

When Xiao Nai arrived, at the same time, when the news of the Sacred Treasury came out, how could there be such a coincidence in the world?

Han Siyuan looked at Xiao Naihe and exhaled, then he set his gaze on Miao Miao Shenkong.

A variety of martial arts breaths are constantly circling around him, as if every divine thought is leaping and clamoring in the body.

And Han Siyuan closed his eyes, as if the whole person was fused into the starry sky. Every part of his body was a part of the starry sky, and any breath, movement, exuded an extraordinary taste from front to back.

The position he and Xiao Naiho are in is actually a magic weapon of time that Han Siyuan obtained before, with a flow rate of 36 times.

Thirty-six days in this space, but only one day outside.

Although it is far inferior to Xiao Naihe's space-time world, it is also a unique Taoist instrument, extremely precious.

Han Siyuan suddenly felt that there were four strong breaths in his fingertips. The riots were spring, the heat and the heat, the killing autumn, and the winter.

These four forces are exactly the power of the four seasons that Han Siyuan comprehends, and it is also a key for him to step into the thunder.

"Huh ... Is this the meaning of Lei Guo Jiu Tribulation? I didn't expect that I was in control, it's too mysterious. If I didn't get the extinction of this wonderful and magical sky, I'm afraid I won't realize it in another thousand years. come out."

Han Siyuan sighed, and then looked slightly lighter, "Unfortunately, although Miao Miao Shen Kong has already achieved the power of thundering nine robbers on the flesh, he can still be the creator of the sevenfold supremacy in the state of mind and the soul, otherwise he It wo n’t sit. I can only learn so much from this body. "

Now Han Siyuan, the meaning captured from the decay is also physical, not the spirit of the spirit. His road now looks like Miao Miao Shen Kong, and his body is a step closer than his own soul.

However, Han Siyuan's breakthrough in the mind to the supremacy of the eightfold is also a matter of time, and it will not exceed five hundred years at the latest.

Compared with the situation that has not been controlled for thousands of years before, it is much better.

Han Siyuan only stepped into the creator in 3,000 years, and now he feels that this flesh symbolism is already the best ending.

"That Linglong is also the highest level of Thunder's Nine Tribulation. I think she's an avatar, already stronger than dozens of creators. Maybe after the resurrection of Miao Miao Shenkong, it's no better than Linglong."

Han Siyuan was also very eager for the fall of Miao Miao Shen Kong, but after seeing the power of Linglong, knowing that Miao Miao Shenkong is still inferior to Linglong, could not help but feel a bit thoughtless.


At this moment, the golden lights in the entire space secret space were all recovered. At this time, Han Siyuan felt that every spiritual force in the void was beating, as if giving a new life.

After Xiao Naihe opened his eyes, Han Siyuan suddenly had a feeling that the young man in front of him was already the creator.

"Xiao Xiaoyou, could it be that you are already open?"

"Not yet!" Xiao Naihe shook his head, "I have absorbed Miao Miao Shen Kong's martial arts, which is still insufficient. Han Daoyou, before you promised to hand over the legacy to me, I don't know if you now understand the Miao Miao Shen Kong's martial spirit. How much is it? "

Before, Xiao Naihe and Han Siyuan had a contest, blocking the attribution of decay, and finally Xiao Naihe won. According to the promise, this decay was already Xiao Naihe.

However, an unprecedented and unprecedented degeneration, I am afraid that any creator will be selfish in the heart.

Although Xiao Naihe was sure to get it back from Han Siyuan, the price to be paid was still great.

Han Siyuan was a little stunned. He did say this before. Now he has fully understood the spirit of martial arts.

Now this remnant is far less attractive to him than before, but after all, it is an eight-fold retreat that is very useful. It is not impossible to refining a superb eighth-class Taoist implement.

Just when Han Siyuan was struggling with his thoughts, he wanted to see if he would split up Yan Shi and Xiao Nai, and get even greater benefits.

Suddenly, Han Siyuan thought about turning the phone, and there was a smile on his face: "Of course, I said it before, and now I have also realized the completeness, and this decay ... I will give it to you."

"Thank you."

Xiao Naihe naturally felt that Han Siyuan's thoughts fluctuated just now. I was afraid that the king of Izumo Divine Kingdom must have been a little greedy just now.

However, this is human nature. In the face of the decay of Miao Miao Shen Kong, there is hardly anything in the world that will say no and will give birth to other thoughts.

In fact, Han Siyuan's idea is very simple, even if he gets the demise of Miao Miao Shenkong, he can only get half.

This slough is dead, but Xiao Nai is alive.

If Xiao Naiho is the reincarnation of the Holy Spirit, the future will definitely be limitless. Especially before Xiao Naihe recognized Linglong together, this young man had many secrets he could not imagine.

Rather than snatching a dead object, it's better to be a smooth relationship, and to be close to each other in the future.

These ideas are almost decided in one thought.

Xiao Nai is not hypocritical, and immediately puts the legacy into the space-time world.

Han Siyuan just regretted it a little, and then returned to his normal color.

"World and space, open!"

With an order, the secret space was immediately opened by Han Siyuan, showing the outside.

At this time on the foreign side, Wang Junqi, Han Wantong, Fang Han and Lin Yueru were among them. When they saw these two people coming out, they greeted them.

"What happened to the king?"

Wang Junqi asked.

"It has already been done. If there is no accident, within five hundred years, as long as my soul has accumulated enough, it can naturally become the supreme realm."

Between Han Siyuan's speeches, a pride suddenly came from him.

【Author's digression】: Thanks to the book friends td81630124, Evil Heart, Sui Yuan Yisheng and td101567187 for their support.

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