Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1251: San Xiu

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As soon as these two hostility spread, Xiao Nai felt it immediately.

The Dark Heaven Taoist is also like this. In his existence, he has reached the pinnacle of the Seventh Level of Supreme Realm in cultivation, although it is still a little distance away from Xiao Naihe, the three cultivation sons.

But the difference is not too big, very sensitive to the soul.

As long as the fears of Tai Shuangtian and Liuyun are derived, the Dark Heaven Daoist immediately knows.

Dark Sky Daoist secretly scolded in his heart, and then his face showed a smile, full of sincerity, said to Tai Shuangtian and Liuyun: "The two Dao friends, the reason why I hide in the void is actually only to deal with This child. This child who killed me, an apprentice in the 3,300 world, has already formed hatred with me. This time I calculated it countless times before I found him, definitely not to fight with you. Eaten. "

"Dark Heaven Daoist, I have heard your name in God Realm, you make you unbelievable. This child has been inherited by the Secret Store of the Holy, do you have no idea?" Liu Yun smiled coldly. .

"If it says no, then it seems that I am a hypocrite. I am naturally interested in the secret repository of the Holy, but you two Tao friends think that this son should be the reincarnation of the legendary" Holy ". Once stepped into The Seventh Level of the Supreme Realm, the power of the creator, the three avenues are connected together, inheriting the experience of Taoism, and immediately become the first person among the creators. Unless today there is a giant owl of the eighth realm that can come down, otherwise the two join hands. Can't deal with this. "

"What do you want?"

"Not good? It's unrealistic to ask the Yaejuu to come down, because even if you come down, even if you can kill this son, then the secret of him will naturally be obtained by the other party. We have no advantage at all. It's not as good as three How about personal cooperation to deal with this? "

Between speaking, the Dark Sky Taoist approached two steps.

Liu Yun and Tai Shuangtian glanced secretly at each other, and each saw a suspicion from each other in their eyes.

The strength of the Dark Heaven Daoist is definitely not under the two of them. If they join forces, I am afraid there is a real chance of winning this game.

However, the statement of the Dark Heaven Daoist in the Nine Heavens Realm is not so good. He is good at sneak attacks, and even the eightfold giant owl has eaten his losses today.

Now three people join forces, Tai Shuangtian and Liuyun are very afraid of this dark sky Taoist.

Another glance at Xiao Naihe, who stood in the distance and looked relaxed, Tai Shuangtian gritted his teeth and nodded, "Well, if we can kill this son, the three of us will share the secret."

After finishing, Liuyun also added a sentence: "But the Dark Sky Daoist, don't think about what to calculate. The two of us have joined forces. If you have any ideas, you'll be afraid that you won't get anything."

The Dark Heaven Daoist froze for a moment, and condemned the two cunningly, but showed a sincere smile on his face, and nodded: "That is of course, of course!"

"Have you finished your last words?"

Xiao Naihe, who had been standing in the distance and seemed to be watching the monkey drama, suddenly asked.

As early as the Dark Heaven Daoist came, Xiao Naihe could have attacked in one breath.

But Xiao Naihe had already deduced the next coping method in his mind between these three people's speeches.

That's right, Xiao Naihe now cooperates with the four avenues and has accumulated so many backgrounds. As soon as he entered the Supreme Realm, he was enough to become the first person in the world.

If he can stabilize the realm in the future, even the giant owl of the Eightfold Realm can fight.

But now it is not the same. Xiao Naihe has just stepped into the Seventh Level of the Upper Realm. Even if he flew through the catastrophe of heaven and earth with one flick of his fingers, there will still be some fatigue left after the trip.

If you are dealing with Liuyun and Taishuangtian, although Xiao Naihe takes some effort, it is not difficult to win them.

But ... Dark Heaven Daoists will be different when they come in. It is hard to say when the three strong creators come in.

Unless Xiao Naiho now enters the world of time and space, and will be repaired to stabilize, then it will not be a problem to capture the three of them.

"If I didn't guess wrong, this son has just stepped into the Supreme Realm Seventh Level. Although he passed through the world disaster in one breath, he did consume a lot of spiritual power in his body. He just didn't show any real means because he was afraid of me He must be in a situation where he is not sure. "

Dark Sky Dao Ren said deeply, the light flashing in his eyes slightly transmitted the intention of killing.

Liu Yun's eyes lit up, and said eeriely: "If so ... just take him down as soon as possible."

"Big Fist!"

His fist is coming from the sky. Tai Shuangtian's fist is even more domineering than he was just now.

It seems that after the Dark Sky Daoist came in, he had confidence in his heart, and once he punched, he immediately became a big kill.


This boxing intention showed two different forms in front of Xiao Naihe. The airflow inside the rumbling crumbling void suddenly became a sea of ​​air, like a gust of wind, which was caught in front of Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Naihe slightly, the star in his eyes kept flashing, and the blue light between his fingers was like a star.

"Promise against the current, the torrents of the heavens!"

The voice fell slightly, and the air currents in the void suddenly converged together, as if a sea of ​​stars had formed, and the vastness of the soup passed through.

Soon, it spread to Tai Shuangtian.

With such a force, Taishuangtian was surrounded by defiance, just like a beast, and it was locked into Suddenly.

"What a powerful force, but I am not alone, the clouds, the dark sky Taoist, are you still not doing it?"

During Taishuang's drink, the clothes on his body suddenly burst open, revealing his sturdy upper body, and a wave of imagination surrounded it, forming a diamond suit.

It's as if the sword and the gun are invulnerable, and the fire and water are not invading. Any attack is useless to Taishuangtian.

"Okay, come together."

The fine light in Liu Yun's eyes flickered suddenly, and a slight ray of light was transmitted between the tender fingers, forming a huge palm.

It is exactly the same as the mysterious palm that attacked Xiao Naiho and torn the space.

The power of this palm is ten times more powerful than before. After a sweep, the power of a loud noise came.

"The Great God Wheel!"

Xiao Naihe got a meal, and a huge **** wheel behind him suddenly turned, as if swallowing countless voids, all the starlight was absorbed into it.

At that moment, this huge divine wheel had struck past Liuyun.

However, there is another tyrannical breath that locks Xiao Naihe at this time: "San Xiu Shengzi, you're better not to enter the creator, as soon as you enter the creator, you will die!"

【Author's Digression】: Thank you, Td96824493, for your support.

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