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Helping Yantiange now is nothing. And he is not alone now, it is impossible to do everything by himself, naturally he must cultivate his own influence.

Thinking of coming here, Xiao Nai nodded and said, "Well, because of the things just now, many places in the sect door were damaged. You take them down and distribute them to some disciples." Suddenly appeared.

The divine light flickered, and immediately received in front of him.

Hundreds of magic weapons, immortality medicines, and celestial treasures appeared in front of everyone.

The breath of Xue Xingfeng, Ren Gongming, and Fu Hai suddenly became very dignified, almost unbelievable.

The Taoism and the Elixir in it are each of the unique level, and the highest level even reaches the fourth level.

Even if they accumulated tens of thousands of years in Yantian Pavilion, they did not accumulate to the fourth-grade level.

The reason why Xiao Nai took it out was hundreds of pieces. This kind of courage made the Xingfeng Feng and others amazing.

"Xiao ... Elder Xiao, these things are for Yan Tiange?"

Ren Gongming looked a little horrified, and asked with uncertainty.

"That's nature. Since I am now an elder in Yantian Pavilion, I can't help myself. Now Yantian Pavilion needs to be well developed. These Taoist weapons and magic weapons will be separated. Say."

"Enough is enough!"

Xue Xingfeng nodded again and again, with ecstasy in his eyes: "With these things, our Yantian Pavilion will soon be able to become the top sect on the Wushuang Continent. Elder Xiao is assured that you have helped in this way. If it develops into the power of Wushuangzong, then I and the other senior executives of Yantian Pavilion, everyone will take a rope and hang it. "

Just kidding, Xiao Naihe's hundreds of treasures, I am afraid that Wushuangzong may not have them.

Each piece is a gem of a unique level, which can only be possessed by the supreme state.

Until now, they only have Xiao Naihe and Xue Xingfeng as the supremacy. If other disciples get these things, they can develop immediately.

"Okay, let's talk first. I'm going to retreat for a while now."

"Congratulations to Elder Xiao!"

Xiao Nai is no nonsense, immediately tearing the void into the world of time and space.

Looking at Xiao Naihe's means, such magical powers, Xue Xingfeng could not help but sigh slightly: "Elder Xiao's magical powers are really powerful, this is the strength of the creator."

"Haha, even if it is the creator, I am afraid that it is not the opponent of Elder Xiao. Do you forget how Taishuangtian and Liuyun died?"

Upon hearing Ren Gongming's words, other people's thoughts of Xiao Naihe's tyranny immediately gave rise to endless power in their hearts.

"Elder Xiao is in our Yan Tian Pavilion. If we can't develop Yan Tian Pavilion into a Wushuang Continent ... No, it's becoming the top sect in the 3,300 world. We are all ashamed of Elder Xiao. "


During this conversation between Xue Xingfeng and others, Xiao Naihe has entered the world of time and space, and the strength of his whole body at this time is silent.

After fighting with Taishuangtian and others, Xiao Naihe's spiritual power was also consumed, but now he needs a period of retreat to restore his strength.

In the space-time world, the flow rate of a hundred times of time is only about one hundred days. Xiao Naihe has returned to the peak state and stabilized the blood of the creator.

"It's time to try the fusion of the divine personality."

Xiao Nai He thought, looking at the Divine Divine Spirit floating in the void, the blue and white light ball shone slightly.

I thought of borrowing the power of this divine power before, but the power of 10% was to push the snow almost to the extreme. If you can now integrate the power of this divine power, Xiao Nai can immediately contend with the masters of the highest level. And fight to kill.

"Surrounded by Divine Thoughts, Integrating Personality."

With a scream, Xiao Naihe suddenly had four blazing suns behind him. These were all the powers of Xiao Nai who combined the powers of Buddhism, Demon Taoism, Humanism, and Wu Dao to form the power of Jindan Qihai.

The four avenue forces in the void form a scorching sun, which is even stronger than the golden sun scorching above the void.

On Xiao Naihe's head, three verses of nothingness appeared suddenly.

One is the ‘Demon ’s Book of Heavens’, the other is the ‘Roy of the Dust Master’, and the other is the scripture of the ‘Dari Rulai Handprint’.

These three source scripture books floated in the void, and suddenly merged Xiao Naihe's idea into the sky.

The dignity in front of him suddenly radiated a deep blue radiance, all over Xiao Naihe's thoughts.

"Begin to merge the divine personality."

Xiao Naiho's eyes lit up, and his 400 billion psychic thoughts turned into a huge net of light, which directly surrounded the divine personality and was to be integrated into his body.

But at this time, Xiao Nai unexpectedly happened.

Throughout the void, a piece of **** spread, as if it had turned into a river of thousands of miles.

A long river flowed, and the light of this divine personality suddenly condensed, and Xiao Naihe's idea was to be bounced out.

"What? Isn't it possible for me to merge this divine personality into the seven-level realm of supremacy?"

Xiao Nai was shocked, and he was so unprecedented that he could not accept the divine personality.

This divine power seems to be more powerful than he thought.

Shen Nian bounced back, and Xiao Nai He Lima was a bridge to cut off the communication between his own soul and the divine personality.

"Fortunately, it was cut off in time, otherwise just now, my soul will be seriously injured immediately, and even if I haven't even gone out by then, I will repair backwards, and enter the six-level cultivation of Supreme Realm."

When Xiao Nai thought of what she had just said, she couldn't help but feel a little scared.

Xiao Naihe has already seen how powerful the divine personality is. If he turns it back, I am afraid that even Xiao Naihe may be in danger and become a backward step.

"Hey, what's going on? The 400 billion yuan mind is not enough?"

Xiao Na couldn't help but sigh slightly, but when the power of the divine power was put away, there was suddenly a fan in his hand, which was the floating snow world he had obtained before.

"Since it is impossible to integrate the divine personality, then this Taoist tool, I will directly erase the above consciousness."

The glimmer of light in Xiao Naihe's eyes flashed, and suddenly a force of divine thought entered the world of drifting snow.

Rumble, as if a river of power burst out of the fan.

The smell of snow in the world came from the mind, and at that moment, Xiao Nai directly wiped out the consciousness.

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