Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1266: The Prestige of the Son (Part 1)

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Under the strong bombardment of Xiao Naihe, the four prohibitions were suddenly turned into ashes.

A strong divine power came from Xiao Naihe's body, and a burst of scorching sun broke out.

At this time, Xiao Nai and He mixed four avenues, demon, human, buddha, and witch, all in one, and they suddenly had some new insights in one punch.

"It seems that after I opened the world, the four avenues switched and merged with each other, and I was able to achieve this power. This is somewhat similar to the one dollar."

As long as you step into the realm of a dollar, you can immediately achieve the highest peak of the Ninefold Supreme Realm.

Of course, this does not mean that Xiao Naihe now has enough accumulation to step into the supreme realm. Speaking of which he has just become the creator, accumulation is not enough to make himself a giant owl of the Eightfold Realm.

It's just that his four major fusion experiences have reached the meaning of a dollar.

"How did this guy do it, he was able to merge three kinds of avenues, almost stepping into the seventh kind of avenue."

Xiao Naihe thought of the character ‘Holy’ at this time. Although he got the experience of holy law, he did not have the idea of ​​inheriting the holy nature. Naturally, he did not know how the legendary character almost created the seventh avenue.

The demon world, the human world, the **** world, the demon world, the witch world, and another alien world whose third plane has disappeared are called the six realms, and there is a avenue in each realm.

As for the Buddha-like Taoism, what has been handed down from the last heaven and earth era is already sullen. Even the original power of the Buddha ’s Taoism is not as good as the other six avenues.

But only the character of Saint, it is said that this person almost merged three kinds of avenues and opened a new avenue. This method is worthy of being a historical figure in the era of heaven and earth.

The same person in the historical chapter, this person can't create a new avenue, nor can Bei Nanyi in his previous life.

One can imagine how powerful this "holy" is.

Just before Xiao Nai's heart-to-heart switch, his attention was separated for a while, and then he concentrated.

At this time, the divine power all over the world was already collected by him. Looking at the disciples in Wushuangzong below, all of them showed panic, anger, fear, madness on their faces ...

All kinds of sentient beings are different.

In his last life, Xiao Nai also destroyed other people's traditions, but it was forced by others, or other people repeatedly provoke themselves.

Just like Wushuangzong, the first time was Taihuangtian to deal with himself, then Shengrui, then Xuanjizi, and later summoned Taishuangtian to gather the three creators.

This is no ordinary hatred, but an endless grudge.

Xiao Nai He is not a saint. He complains with virtue, just like the disciples below. Some of them were to deal with his unparalleled disciples when they attacked Yantian Pavilion.

Although they all acted according to orders, Xiao Nai would not sit idly by regardless of the person who threatened him.

"Elder Xiao really got it. This unparalleled group of Shanmen large groups has experienced ten thousand years. It is far from what our previous Yantian Pavilion Shanmen large group can compare. It was actually broken by Elder Xiao."

Ren Gongming's tone seemed shocked.

However, after seeing Xiao Naihe's magical miracle, Xue Xingfeng was rather calm. "Elder Xiao dare to kill even the three founders and deal with Wushuangzong's mountain array. This is nothing."

"Elder Xiao is invincible!"

After these twenty people saw Xiao Naihe's shot, they immediately forgot all the threats of the millions of disciples in the Wushuang Sect, and their morale suddenly soared.

It was the disciples of the Wushuang Sect below, all with pale and panicked faces, horrified anger, murderous intentions, and fear.

With Cong Tianxin and Kuang Invincible looking in his eyes, he took a sigh of air in his heart: "Good boy, this is just a year's scene, is it so powerful?"

At this time, Cong Tianxin also regretted it. If he knew this was so powerful, he might as well not know how to provoke him.

Moreover, Xiao Naihe ’s companion was still a disciple of Liuyun Avenue, and he might be able to sit on his thighs in the future.

"Could it be that the two ancestors are really fierce?" Sheng Rui shivered coldly.

Xuan Jizi was shocked, the panic in his eyes flashed, and then a chill spread from his body, and finally turned into a thick murderous opportunity.

"The ancestor is definitely not going to die like this. The ancestor is the earth-breaking creator, and his magical means are invincible. This son is only sixfold in the uppermost realm. Less effort. We joined forces together and took them all out of Yantiange. "

Xuan Jizi burst into tears. The following disciples are all looking at me and looking at you. No one dared to go up for the first time, and his eyes showed uncertainty.

Xiao Naihe's supernatural and magical powers just created a huge shadow on the minds of these people. His discomfort was even more terrifying to Xiao Naihe.

When Sheng Rui and the two saw the millions of disciples, they knew clearly and secretly screamed.

"Hum, since that's the case, Sheng Rui and the two Daoists on Liuyun Avenue, you and I have joined hands to deal with this child, Elder Kong, King Lin, Elder Nangong, Elder Beimen, King Tianfa and others quickly came out, Join forces to take the child down. "


Xuan Jizi's voice had just fallen, and suddenly there was a wave of divine thoughts in all directions. Several figures flashed in and flew towards Xiao Naihe.

A few punches and sword spirits, with a strong Tianwei, greeted Xiao Naihe in the past.

These forces have a feeling of tearing the endless void and breaking the world.

"Elder Xiao ..."


Xiao Nai waved his hand, his expression was indifferent, his brow suddenly gleamed with light, a huge **** wheel behind him turned up, his whole body of blood was like a real dragon, he drank a little, and immediately the blood was poured into heaven like flames of smoke.

"Great Wheel of Life and Death!"

The yellow and red breath is diffused, and it is constantly dyed on it, slightly conveying a taste of splitting the sky.

Xiao Nai and his body absorbed the power of the Yuan Magnet in the earth and ingested into the void. One of them shattered all the forces that had been attacked.



These figures were hit by Xiao Naihe's void, and all the spirits shattered in twos and threes, and immediately flew to the ground without knowing life or death.

"These people are the supreme realm owls who have become famous in Wushuangzong. On that day, the Dharma King was fourfold in the supreme realm. It was similar to Sheng Rui, but it did not match Elder Xiao's trick?"

Ren Gongming couldn't help but applaud at this time.

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