Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapters of the rebirth of the heavens!

Hei Wujue's face was full of fierce killing intentions. The moment his murderous erupted in the body, the dark air all over the place suddenly shrouded, as if forming a cage.

This boxy cage was constantly rotating in the sky, and suddenly, it had already fallen in front of Xiao Naihe. Even Xiao Nai could feel the divine power from the power of this cage. , Jump out of the taste of the five elements.

The five elements belong to the control of heaven and earth. If a person can practice to jump out of the five elements, it means that he is free from the control of heaven and earth.

Cultivation to the supreme realm, the giant owls reunited in the void, can compete with the heavens and the earth.

The existence of the creator belongs to the existence that ignores the laws of heaven and earth.

Before Xiao Nai became a founder, and after his cultivation, the gap was definitely not the distance between one and two, but one and one hundred or even one thousand.

Although this black five is slightly inferior to the white fox in terms of details, but the degree of accumulation, Xiao Naihe estimates that even if the other party wants to go through the sky, it will have at least a 50% chance.

Such a character has already been counted in the first half of the eight steps, and some of them have the means to reach the upper boundary.

"Little creator? It sounds like you are not the creator."

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly.

Although this Black Five is absolutely powerful, it is not a strong man belonging to the Eightfold Realm after all.

Xiao Nai even dared to count the eight-fold giant owls, not to mention Hei Wujue.

"If you come to the palm of your hand, the river of Golden Bridge!"

As soon as the words fell, the palm wind showed a golden air flow, slowly gathering in the air, as if countless fireflies, condensing on the top of Xiao Naihe's head, after a while, the ninety-nine heavy aperture on him Is formed.

Behind him, there is a huge Buddha like Buddha, opened his eyes, a kind of righteousness, compassion, awe-inspiring, fighting flavor was released from his pupils.

Whirring whirring…………

There was a long scream, and when this strong wind burst out in a flash, the Void Barrier was suddenly cracked.

"Don't you know that Orthodox Buddhism has absolute restraint on your magic cultivation of evil spells like this?"

A **** form appeared in Xiao Naihe's palm, as if the thunder was beating, hitting **** the square cage.

With a blow, the spiritual power of the mind in the cage was completely disintegrated.

The Black Five regresses incessantly, and his face is full of unbelievable: "Orthodox Buddhism, it is said that Buddha Buddha built the orthodox Buddhism thousands of years ago, and achieved the first Buddhism, far surpassing the evil Buddha. But did not expect you A boy whose annual ring is less than one Jiazi, has actually become an orthodox Buddhism that returns to nine or nine. "

Xiao Naihe knew the existence of this Buddha in the words of Wu Wujue before. He initially estimated that this Buddha was probably the one who attacked Xiao Naihe in the mysterious void.

However, without really seeing the deity, Xiao Naihe was still not sure.

"Bai Zunzi, haven't you shot yet?"

Black Wu Jue burst out with a cry, his peak creator, one foot in the supreme realm of eightfold existence, actually felt a threat of death in this child's body.

That orthodox Buddhism is absolutely the most restrained of his existence, and only by uniting Bai Zunzi can he be killed.

"This son's flesh actually became the founder, and he is one in nine. Neither the blood, the flesh, nor the bones are the treasures of heaven and earth that are no less than seven grades ..."

Bai Zunzi smiled, the killing was even stronger.

"Yan Luo Nine Fists!"

Bai Zunzi burst into a scream, and gathered thousands of divine powers in his fist, suddenly torn a barrier in the void, and like Xiao Naihe, showed a kind of incomparably overbearing divine power.


But at this time, the changes were rampant.

A chill came out of the body, and at that moment Bai Zunzi seemed to feel a very dangerous thought.

It was almost an instant, no, it turned around in half a breath.

"This is ... Baihu Tianxiang!"

Bai Zunzi roared, his voice was shocked and frightened, without any hesitation, all the pores of the body contracted, and the panic was so extreme that the mind was derived and he withdrew.

But even if Bai Zunzi retreated quickly, the attack of the white fox was faster, she had been preparing for a long time, and took a blow.

Bai Zunzi suddenly felt dangerous. Although the reaction was quick, where could he be faster than the long-prepared white fox?

"The sound of nature, the technique of ninety-nine!"

The white fox's voice resembles a nine-day piano string, which fluctuates little by little, touching people's hearts.

The sound of the sound of nature from the sound of the strings, a sudden burst of light in the cold eyes, suddenly flashed into a crystal sword.


Jian Qi entered the body, and all the limbs and bones were crushed into powder.

Bai Zunzi was too late to scream, the soul, flesh, and meridians were all in this sword spirit, and they were all killed.

"You chased me for so long, and finally there is this day."

The white fox looked cold and expressionless. After the sword gas condensed from the void broke Bai Zunzi's flesh, he immediately retreated.

Seeing that his partner, Bai Zunzi, was all crushed into powdered flesh at that time, Black Five was suddenly cold and shivered, without any fighting intention.

"White Fox, do you count us? You haven't gone through the sky."

"If you don't lead you out like this, how can you take them down together?"

No longer talking nonsense with the Black Five, the White Fox turned his beautiful eyes, and immediately said to Xiao Naihe: "Xiao Shengzi, I will help you restrain this person. You will kill him with the palm of your hand."

"it is good."

Although the Taoist practice of this white fox is powerful, it is slightly more powerful than the Black Five. But it is also impossible to kill Hei Wujue.

Only Xiao Naihe's ability to cultivate orthodox Buddhism known to restrain demon has such ability.

"White Fox, and this creator, do you really want to kill them all? I am a member of the Nine Heavens Realm. If you kill me, you will definitely fight against the Nine Heavens Realm, and you will definitely die."

"Haha, there are more than one cultivator of the Nine Heavens God Territory who died in my hands. There are more than one you and less than one."

Having said that, the white sword's string and sword spirit is to surround the Black Wu Jue, forcing the Black Wu Jue to be unable to break free.

The ninety-nine heavy aperture behind Xiao Naihe's head appeared, as if coming to the French Seal, it had already fallen down, the soul moved, and he continued to persecute the Black Five.

At this moment, Hei Wujue clenched his teeth, Shen Nian wrapped himself, immediately broke his sword gas, and fled directly to escape.

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