Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1285: Mantis carduelis

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The power of divine thought on Xiao Naihe did not withdraw. The Buddha behind him still glowed with golden light, and the ninety-nine heavy aperture behind his head fluctuated up and down.

The power of Shennian revealed at this time almost made this sin demons feel a trembling of divine soul.

"Yes, the two of you came to this battlefield planet, it must be for these three magic tablets. These three magic tablets are the mortal magic weapon that we refined before the fall of that year. But there is a difference between having and not having a spirit, and there are many gaps before and after. "

Sin Devil Sect didn't hide it, and couldn't help saying.

A move in Baihu's heart, she also knew that the sin demon lord said it was true, a unique ninth-class Taoist implement, with and without organ spirit is different.

If the sin demons are turned into spirits, only one on the sin demons can be regarded as the ninth-class Taoist artifact.

If the Sin Demon Stele does not have a spirit, it can only be said to be a peak of eight-level Taoism.

The gap between the eighth and ninth grades is definitely a huge difference. It's like a gap between a fairy road and a **** road.

"Xiao Naihe, what do you say?"

Now this child's strength is vaguely reaching an almost eightfold level, whether it is the city or the mind, the white fox feels unfathomable, so she now wants to listen to Xiao Naihe's opinion.

"Dao Qi?" Xiao Naihe's face appeared a smile, but suddenly said: "Aren't you very tough before, want to take my flesh and break away from this planetary battlefield. Why now? Instead, they are actively seeking to be the spirit of the device? "

Sin Devil's face turned slightly red, but soon calmed down, showing a calm light: "In our devil's way, we have always been kings and defeaters, and the weak surrender to the strong. Since you have exceeded me , It is natural for me to submit to you. "

The devil's behavior has always been different, and Xiao Naihe naturally knows, but a thought spreads slightly among his thoughts. After looking at Sin Devil Sovereign, he suddenly thought.

"If you want me to spare your life, keep your soul and reason, so that it will not disappear in the sky and earth, it is not impossible. But you must answer my questions truthfully, if I am satisfied, I will leave you Of the soul and reason. "

Upon hearing this, the Devil Sovereign suddenly showed a gloomy murder on his face, and the cold in his eyes flashed through, and he was quickly covered up by him, even the White Fox didn't feel it for a moment.

"Excuse me."

"I want to know, in the holy war more than 6,000 years ago, among the Six Realms, were the Wu people wiped out by aliens?"

At this time, Xiao Naihe did not forget to investigate the cause of the witch's destruction before.

The inexplicable appearance of the source of witchcraft on his body made Xiao Nai move to investigate the truth.

"Witches are dead?"

Sin Devil Zun's face changed slightly, and it seemed a little surprised.

Seeing this, even Xiao Nai understood a little bit. It seems that the demise of the witch is not known by this sin demons, then there is only one possibility.

The time of extinction should appear after the death of sin demons, or it may be the period after the Six Worlds Jihad.

"Xiao Naihe, I also know about the demise of the Wu people. At the beginning of the Six Worlds Jihad, the aliens of the third plane invaded the clan for the survival of our first plane. Seventy percent of the cultivators fell. At that time, the Wu people were destroyed after the war was over. Except for aliens, no one else can destroy the Wu people. ”

At this time, the white fox on the other side could not help but say.

She did not expect that Xiao Nai actually asked questions about the Wu people. Although she felt a little strange in her heart, even at that time, the White Fox had some doubts about whether this child was a Wu people, and practiced the Wu people's road.

But as soon as this idea was born, he was immediately rejected by the white fox shaking his head.

Xiao Naihe has already practiced demon humanism and Buddha Taoism. These three avenues are the ultimate.

Since the ancient times, even before the era of heaven and earth, there has never been any information about the existence of cultivators of the Four Cultivation Avenues. Even people like Sheng are not the Four Cultivation Avenues.

Although the cultivators can choose to repair more avenues when they are in the acquired realm, they will become double repairs or even three repairs.

However, after entering Xiandao, each avenue will conflict, and it is almost impossible to merge two or even three avenues into Xiandao at the same time.

Not to mention the Three Cultivation Sons, even if they are Double Cultivation Sons, there are not many.

Many cultivators are in the acquired realm, and the top sects and strong families want to train them to become the level of double cultivation of the Son of God and the three cultivation of the Son, and inject a lot of resources and effort.

But basically at the peak of the heavenly spirit realm, when you want to step into the fairy road, the two or three kinds of avenues cultivated in the body will conflict, and you cannot enter the fairy road at the same time. Either abandon one of the avenues and cultivate it into immortality.

Or it has been staying in the acquired realm, but it can not be called a true monk.

San Xiu Shengzi has been holy since the ancient times, and now Xiao Naihe.

The existence of Sixiu Avenue can't even believe the White Fox.

"Are you a Wu Dao practitioner? But you only have the breath of Buddhism and Taoism. There is a faint way of demon vaguely. It should be a rare double cultivation son, not a Wu Dao practitioner. In fact, when our three great deities were before death Although the Wu people are down, as a middle force to strike aliens, the Wu people have suffered heavy casualties, but among them, there is still a peak among them. At the time, the first person of the Wu people, Jiuwu Youhuang sat in the Wu people, it should be It cannot be destroyed. "

Sudden Demon King suddenly recalled the scene of the Six World Jihad.

As soon as his voice fell, Xiao Naihe and the white fox's mind kept running, and they began to recall the existence of "Nine Witch You Huang Huang".

"I know that the Nine Witches Wraith, he is the first person among the Wu people since the epoch, can be said to be the first master of the Wu people, the existence of the unity of the origin. It is beyond the scope of the supreme realm, only that Only men can compare with him. ":

The white fox on the other side suddenly said slowly.

The man she said was the deity of Beinanyi.

Xiao Nai nodded his head, Jiuwu Youhuang disappeared after the Six Worlds Jihad, that is, after the destruction of the Wu clan, and I don't know if it is still alive in this world.

This Jiuwu Youhuang is arguably one of the most powerful beings in heaven and earth, and can be regarded as the existence of white inorganic and holy people.

And only the last demon Beinanyi had the capital to contend with.

Xiao Nai thought of the existence of this legend and could not help but ponder down slowly and said slowly: "This Nine Witch Wraith is indeed very powerful. Once this kind of existence is sitting in the witch, it can be said that even if there are countless deaths and injuries in the witch, it is impossible. The situation that caused the demise appeared. "

"Yeah, among the Six Realms, the alien race has now disappeared, and even the Wu Clan has disappeared. The so-called Six Realms have become unrealistic and become the Four Realms. The Jiuwu Youhuang is the pinnacle of existence, even if it is the first person of the alien race , May not be able to kill, why do the Wu people still destroy? "

The white fox at this time also sighed.

Xiao Naihe's face moved slightly and suddenly said:

"It is also possible that the alien race is not the real existence that wipes out the Wu clan. It may be that the existence of the witch clan is among the other four realms."

Upon hearing this, the white fox suddenly changed his face: "How is it possible? At the time, how terrible was the Six Worlds Jihad, how did the five world races unite and fight against the aliens together, how could this kind of thought be derived? Besides, whether it is humane demon or Shinto demon , There is no motive to destroy the Wu people. "

"I just guessed it. If Jiuwu Youhuang didn't die, why didn't it appear for so many years? But if he died, who could kill him?"

Xiao Naihe thought, suppressing all these ideas in his heart.

It seems that there is only one way to know the truth of this matter. It is to wait until the spirit of Wen Shiyi's father, who is in the hands of the attribute, regain his thoughts, and then he will be able to know the truth.

"It seems that you know too little, I am very dissatisfied."

Xiao Nai He originally thought that the sin demons knew the truth of the destruction of the Wu clan, but did not expect the death of the sin demons, actually after the destruction of the Wu clan.

That is to say, the destruction of the Wu people may have happened around the end of the Six World Holy War.

"I really can't answer the question you asked because I didn't belong to the witch when he died."

Sin Devil Lord shook his head, his face indifferent.

"In this case, I don't force it, Miss Baihu, let's take back all three of these monuments."

"Also, this time we are here for these three magic tablets."

The white fox did not refuse, but moved his body, wrapping the power of Divine Thought on the three magic tablets.

Feeling the fluctuation of the mind on the magic tablet, a cold and powerful impact continued to appear in the head of the white fox.

At this time, even the White Fox couldn't help but sigh and said: "I didn't expect these three monuments to be so powerful. It has been more than six thousand years, and there still remains the fluctuations of their minds.

"That is, of course, this sin demons, as well as the previous universal good demons and undefeated demons, they are after all the ninth level of the supreme realm. Is the top tool of the world. "

Xiao Nai couldn't help but say that although these three magic tablets do not have any spirits at present, their grades are a little worse, but they are also very extraordinary.

"Then do you want to practice the Divine Thought of the Sin Devil Venerable into this Sin Demon Stele as an instrumental spirit?"

A gleam of fine light flashed in the eyes of the white fox, suddenly asked.

But at this moment, booming!

A burst of sound burst out of these three monuments, and a burst of black breath filled the void, directly surrounding the whole void.

The power of the white fox's soul was also at this moment. It seemed that he was being bitten back, and he was shocked. He hurriedly retreated back and saw that the power of the words on the magic tablet was already floating.

Each of these words seems to have a kind of life, and the moment it floats in the void, it becomes a kind of elven existence, floating in front of it.

"This ... what's going on?"

The White Fox couldn't help but ask, these three magical monuments actually exploded in such a powerful magic.

And she also reacted at this time, quickly turned her head and locked her eyes on Sin Devil Venerable.

"Hahaha, I know that you will definitely take away the three great monuments. Do you think that we have no calculation possibilities in these six thousand years? Even the magic monuments have been collected. Go, we have calculated the possibility of being defeated, and have already made a response. "

At this moment, the sin demons laughed aloud, and his expression was filled with a crazy murderous opportunity. When looking at Xiao Naihe, he could not help but spread his murderousness nakedly.

"Boy, before you suppressed me, I lost my face. Although my sin demons were already dead, they were one of the pinnacles of the demon clan in the Six Worlds Jihad. I never received such a thing. A kind of humiliation, if today you can't refine the two of you, take away the flesh, I sin the Demon Venerable, how can I stand up to the undefeated Demon Venerable. "

"Undefeated Demon Venerable?"

The white fox's face moved, and suddenly it came to her mind. After appearing from Pushan Demon Venerable and Sin Demon Venerable, she didn't seem to have seen the undefeated Demon Venerable Divine Doppelganger,

Does this undefeated Demon Lord leave no incarnation and seek opportunities to take away the flesh of others?

"Sure enough." At this time, Xiao Naihe's eyes showed a light of wisdom, and slowly said, "I thought about it before, why the undefeated Demon Lord did not appear, it may have died in both of you. If I did n’t guess wrong, in fact, all three of your demon lords have the idea of ​​leaving incarnations. But you and Pushan Mozun should have devoured the idea of ​​the undefeated deity and survived, so Has become so powerful, right? "

Xiao Naihe slowly said, a star chart in his eyes was constantly revealed, and the light of wisdom flashed continuously.

"Yes, Undefeated Demon Venerable has already been swallowed by me and Pushan Demon Venerable. There are also three major monuments. Now, the Undefeated Demon Monument is actually a prohibition. When someone else puts this undefeated demon monument away, You can break out of the ban and wipe out others. Do you really think that I will obediently surrender to you and be your weapon? "

There is a kind of madness in the eyes of Sin Devil Venerable.

And Xiao Naihe shook his head and smiled slowly: "I knew that you, such a supreme ninth existence, even if you become a doppelganger, you can't become someone else's doppelganger. Since I've already calculated it, wouldn't it Don't know your method? "

"What do you mean?"

Sin Devil Sovereign heard it, and suddenly had a bad hunch in her heart. Before that, Xiao Naihe had already calculated all kinds of calculations, and he counted Pu Shan Mo Zun until he died again.

Now when I heard Xiao Naihe's words, even the evil demon Zun suddenly felt a bit of a psychological shadow.

"Now only the Sin Devil Venerable and the Pusan ​​Demon Monument are really useful, but they do not defeat the power of restraint remaining on the Demon Monument. It should be an eighth-level prohibition formation. It is a kind of prohibition in your magic path. , But you must have missed something. "


"Your demon ban is restrained by the orthodox Buddha."

Speaking of coming here, the sin demon Zun suddenly felt bad. He finally knew why Xiao Nai did not fear that he planted a ban on the undefeated demon monument and surrounded them both.

This kid, the orthodox Buddhism practiced by himself, can restrain their magic array.

At this moment, endless Brahma sounds were constantly heard in the void, and the appearance of Ruaihe behind Xiao Naihe appeared again, changing in the world, and smashing it hard.

And Xiao Naiho's whole body flashed, and the mantra of Buddhism and Taoism kept spreading in his mouth:

"Speaking of Amitabha, holding the name. If one day, two days, three days, four days, five days, six days, seven days, one mind is not confused."

"At the end of his life, Amitabha and the saints are now in front of him. At the end of the human life, the heart is not reversed, and you have to live to the land of Amitabha bliss. Sari, I see it as a benefit, so I say this. Wen is the speaker and should make a wish to live on the other country. "

"If you come to the Buddha, you come to the handprint!"

At this time, Xiao Naiho, bursts of golden light erupted in his eyes, and raised his head, it was crushed.

The moment when this burst of power broke out, it directly broke the prohibition of this magic array, and the body of Sin Devil Sovereign immediately shivered, and was hit hard behind by the light of the Buddha.

"Good orthodox Buddhism power, is this the origin of Buddhism?"

Sin Devil's face became extremely desperate and horrified. When he looked at Xiao Naihe, there was fear in his eyes!

"Break me!"

Xiao Naiho's voice was heard again, and the next moment, a huge wheel of God appeared in the Buddha Seal.


Sin Devil Sovereign's voice had just fallen, and Xiao Nai integrated the power of the Great God Wheel in Rulai's handprint.

At this moment, a force seemed to be the sulfur in the core, and the moment of eruption drowned the sin demons.

Sin Devil Sovereign sees it badly, and immediately tears the soul into the space and escapes!

But how did Xiao Nai give this sin demon lord the opportunity to escape, and there was a hint of coldness in his eyes, coldly said: "Suppress me."

Buddha light is like a river, spreading on the body of sin demon lord, there is a kind of devil qi that wants to absorb the body of sin demon lord, and all the devil qi will be affected.

"Leave me alone, let me go, I am willing to surrender to you now, I really want to surrender to you."

The sound of the evil demon from sin came from the void, obviously suffering a very painful blow.

At this time, he really did not know Xiao Naihe's mind anymore.

But Xiao Naihe didn't stop blaming Devil Venerable at all, but said coldly: "You demon cultivator, you thought I wouldn't feel it when I was born a killer to me just now, no matter what you say, I must Destroy you! "

As soon as Xiao Nai's words fell, the majestic power of the rivers of Buddha and Dao suddenly submerged the Sin Devil Sect and devoured all the demonic energy in the Sin Devil Sect.

In a breathing time, the sin demons have dissipated the soul and reason, and the three demons have truly disappeared in the world.

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