Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1292: Cause and effect

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Upon hearing this, the expressions of the other three people were also full of shock.

Sanxiu Son!

These four words appeared in the hearts of the four people, and they immediately recovered.

Whether it is Dao Zun or Infinite Tianzun, the taboos in his eyes are extremely strong.

"Actually the legendary son of the Three Cultivators, it is said that after the saint disappeared, a secret repository of the saint has recently been left, and it has been passed by many people."

"Does the appearance of the Sacred Treasury have anything to do with the appearance of this son?"

"Three Cultivation Son ... Three Cultivation Son! No, we must kill this child. He is now the realm of the creator, and he can already count the few of us. Would n’t it be possible to squeeze and kill us at will if you had eight levels? "

Liang Kaiming's pupils dispersed, and the murderous opportunity immediately broke out.

A strong qi and blood power suddenly turned into a smoky gas, rushed to the ground, breaking the sky above the sky, this momentum is beyond imagination.

The figure is like a dragon, Liang Kaiming's boxing intention is already carrying a monstrous power, and rushed directly in front of Xiao Naihe.

However, at this moment, Liang Kaiming thought that if he felt something, he seemed to have realized what he felt, and his body felt a slight pause.

"The power of Xuan Bing, lingering soft fingers."

White Fox's voice did not know where it came from, and suddenly it was tearing the space.

Just a little ...

A burst of sound, a chill of ice and snow suddenly filled.

The white fox has a fingertip and gathers the realm of the creator, the power of Dao Yun, directly to the top of the Seventh Level of the Supreme Realm, there is a vaguely eight-level realm of Dao Yun.

"Liang Kaiming, you are not dead."

This voice, cold and biting, the expressionless face of the white fox, the power shot from the fingertips came from hundreds of miles away.

"Liang Kaiming, come back quickly."

Wuliang Tianzun didn't have any thoughts at this time. If Liang Kaiming would die if he would reduce a competitor, they now felt a strong sense of danger from Xiao Naihe.

Only when we join forces, can we take it off at this best time.

But Liang Kaiming didn't have any chance at all. At that moment, the power of the white fox was spreading like a tide.

The force shot from the fingertips pierced the starry sky and pierced Liang Kaiming's chest fiercely.

Since the soul and flesh all pierced through.

"White Fox, I will pull you down even if I die."

The despair on Liang Kaiming's face was still painful, and with a mad hatred, God suddenly burst out.

White Fox's thoughts moved back quickly.

"Xiao Naihe." White Fox burst into a blast.

I saw that Xiao Naihe came out at this time, refracting a little light in his eyes, distorting the space, breaking the vacuum, exhibiting "Senro Vientiane", and earning himself and the white fox into his own space-time world. However, he turned into a meson, flew out, and flew out of the galaxy.

"No, the kid and the white fox are gone."

"Now it's up to the two of them to do it. Liang Kaiming explodes his personality and is powerful enough to kill any creator. Hurry up to block it."

Asked Zun yelled frantically, and looked at Liang Kaiming's self-explosive divine spirit element. Every time the power revealed, it was enough to make all three of them frightened.

"White Fox, and that Son, if we don't die today, we must chase you to the end of the world, and we must refine you!"

The resentment and hatred in the eyes of Infinite Tianzun are extremely strong!

But at the next moment, what responded to them was a tyrannical divine explosion, a huge mushroom cloud, and immediately appeared in the galaxy.

Rumble Rumble Rumble—

Repeated explosions have turned tens of thousands of miles into powder!

On the other side, Xiao Naihe has put the white fox into his own space-time world, which is beyond the scope of the galaxy, tearing the boundary river and reaching 100,000 miles away.

After calculating the enlightenment of Liang Kaiming, the White Fox immediately restrained his strength, fearing to hurt Xiao Naihe's space.

"Is this the world inside you?"

The white fox's eyes turned away and he looked at a world about the size of Wushuangzong Mountain Gate.

However, she knows that the creator of Xiao Naihe, the world derived from the body, is at least 3,000 small worlds in size, not a small mountain range.

Xiao Naihe did seal most of the space. Those spaces such as the Taikoo Leichi, the River of Time, etc. were sealed by Xiao Naihe on the other side, and they were not shown.

In the realm of Xiao Naihe, even if you enter the world of space and time, you can use an idea to show where you want to show in your own world.

I don't want to show it, even under the idea, even the white fox can't see it.

"It's a pity, if I can refine the Pushan Demon Monument just now, I will definitely be able to leave the second person and even kill it." Bai Fox shook his head, it was a pity.

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly: "The magic tablet we have just obtained, it is impossible to have time to refine it as soon as we get it. At least it will take a year and a half for refining to be able to truly refine it."

"That's what I did."

Baihu gave a slight pause, and suddenly smiled: "But Xiao Naihe, you intentionally put away the undefeated demon monument before. Presumably, the infinite amount of Tianzun and their party will kill us outside?"

Before Xiao Nai wanted to take away the undefeated demon monument, Baihu had not thought so much. She just thought that Xiao Naihe, who had a sect, should take the undefeated demon monument back to Zongmen.

After all, a magic tablet that loses Dao Yun is of little use to the White Fox.

"That's right."

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly.

After he merged the celestial machine platform, his own calculations were enough to compare with the giant owl of the supreme realm. Before the arrival of Wuliang Tianzun and others, Xiao Naihe had sensed something through the star map in his eyes.

This is a kind of magical power that touches the future in the future. If the white fox knows it, I'm afraid it will shock.

"Let's go out quickly. The flight of meson form will not last long." Xiao Nai said suddenly.

The white fox nodded.

At this time, Xiao Nai opened the door of his own world, and the two immediately pierced the space. They are no longer aware of the distance of hundreds of thousands of miles from Xinghe.

But as soon as he stepped out, Xiao Nai's expression moved, his eyebrows raised, and he immediately stopped.

Not only him, but also the white fox stopped for a moment in Xiao Naihe, his eyes shot straight ahead!

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