Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1295: Torn face

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"Well, Xiao Shengzi, a good Xiao Shengzi, I didn't expect Lao Kang's supernatural powers to be able to do nothing about you. It was just the inheritance of the holy, the legendary Sanxiu son."

At that moment, the evil Buddha had stabilized. Xiao Naihe's radical act just made the evil Buddha feel uncomfortable.

If a monk is uncomfortable or uncomfortable, it will have a very big influence on his own path.

If it is an ordinary human being, if his heart is uncomfortable, just bear with it, and it will be no big deal.

But for a character like the evil Buddha, what he originally cultivated was not an orthodox Buddhism, but an evil Dao. Once the Dao heart was attracted and his heart was lost, he would immediately form a demon. At that time, the evil Buddha would not only cultivate forever And may even have to go backwards.

"Xiao Shengzi, please move out."

The evil Buddha breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately dispelled the countless thoughts derived from his heart, and the power of the galaxy in his eyes appeared.

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly: "Okay, then I am no exception, just make a move, take me a move!"

At that moment, Xiao Naihe's figure immediately took two steps forward. When the power of his mind was violently rioted, a huge chaos suddenly appeared behind him.

"The great chaos of the heavens!"

This is Xiao Nai and Xiao Nai's strongest demon Dao moves. The source power of the demon Dao is constantly being released. At this time, the power of Shennian's mind is revealed to reach 400 billion.

Not only that, the chaotic phantom behind Xiao Naihe seems to have been resurrected at this moment, opened his eyes, and shot a monstrous power, blasting two huge holes in the void.

"Demon magic power?"

Evil Buddha was slightly surprised.

He originally thought that Xiao Naihe was to exhibit the magical powers of Buddhism and Taoism, because Xiao Naihe had already merged three kinds of Buddhist seals, and it became a handprint.

But at this moment, when I saw the horror hobby, it was another kind of demon Taoism, and suddenly people could feel a bit of skewness as the evil Buddha expected.

His calculations have made mistakes again during these thousands of years.

The first mistake should have been the magical power just to kill Xiao Naiho just now.

Then it was the second mistake now. He thought that Xiao Nai wanted to display the nine-to-one handprint, but it didn't.

"It's just three things, and Lao's calculations will never be wrong again, Xiao Shengzi, come on!"

The evil Buddha burst into screams, and the 500-billion-dollar Shennian body immediately rolled over, much stronger than Xiao Naihe's Shennian force.

At that moment, for the first time, Xiao Naiho felt a pressure that was extremely powerful.

"It is worthy of the super-eighth giant owl, or the veteran giant owl, 500 billion yuan of divine thoughts. According to the magical powers like the evil Buddha, even if you ask the five people or the infinite gods, if you swarm up, I am afraid that all To be killed. "

Xiao Naihe's heart was full of snow, and he saw his magical powers in evil spirits, and naturally had his own thoughts in his heart.

However, after his thoughts came out slightly, the chaotic phantom behind Xiao Naihe was already summoned, as if roaring, and suddenly a crack was torn in the void.

"Evil Buddha, come and pick me up."

The star chart in Xiao Naihe's eyes continuously flashed, and he continued to calculate the next path. At this time, Xiao Naihe's idea was very clear, knowing how to deal with the evil Buddha next.

This evil buddha calculation has unique insights on the magical power deduced by Tianji, but compared with Xiao Nai, which integrates the Tianji platform, it is much worse.

After Xiao Nai calculated twice, he already knew the third calculation.

At that moment, a tremendous power burst out, as if falling apart. ;

Rumble Rumble Rumble—

Within a thousand miles, all the airflow converged on Xiao Naihe at this time, and the big chaos of the heavens opened their eyes, and immediately formed the shadow of chaos that engulfed the evil Buddha.

"Break me, break it!"

The evil Buddha repeatedly called five broken words, and suddenly the entire world seemed to be stagnant at this time, as if the power of time and space in the world had been frozen by the evil Buddha.

"What kind of law is this?"

The white fox was slightly stunned, but at this time, the body of the evil Buddha was already moving.

The zen stick in his hand was like a divine dragon, showing a golden light of immense power, and struck hard against Xiao Naihe's shadow of chaos.

"Xiao Naihe's great chaos of the heavens is almost the same as that of the man. He didn't expect that these heavenly demon scriptures, this child is so perfect."

White Fox sighed secretly.

The evil Buddha did not know what the white fox thought in his mind. The slenderness of the zen stick in his hand burst out and merged into the void. After a tear in the void, the body was already projected into it, and it was the bombardment towards Xiao Naihe's whole body.

At that moment, Xiao Naihe turned around, and the great chaos of the heavens suddenly collided with the Zen stick of the evil Buddha, and made a rumbling explosion.

"What a evil Buddha!"

Xiao Naiho's eyes contracted and backed up again and again, knowing that at that moment neither of them had distinguished themselves.

However, the following white fox looked very nervous, and also admired Xiao Naihe's ability.

After all, Xiao Naihe was the founder of the Seventh Super League who had just entered the Supreme Realm. He was able to evenly share the magical powers when he fought against the evil Buddha. .

"In this case, you and I can't deal with the magical powers, then see the real chapter under your hands."

The fine light in the eyes of the evil Buddha flickered slightly, and suddenly it became horrified. There was a thick black gas spread all over the body, spreading like a black cloud, overwhelming the whole world.

"Evil Buddha, I knew you would never be so kind."

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly. After the shadow of chaos behind him disappeared, the Lakers changed a huge magic wheel and kept turning.

Buzzing buzzing ... There was a violent noise.

At that moment, the huge **** wheel in Xiao Naihe's hands attacked decisively, and suddenly struck the body of the evil Buddha.

"Spirit Avenue, evil!"

At this time, a black air in the eyes of the evil Buddha spread throughout the void, and Xiao Naihe's entire soul seemed to feel bound at that moment.

"This is ... magical magical powers! Evil Buddha, you are not only a Buddhist spiritualist, but also a magical spiritual practitioner. Are you a double practitioner?"

Xiao Naihe's eyes changed, and immediately flew to the back, the power in his hand was suddenly launched!

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