Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1307: conflict

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"Please ask Elder Xiao."

"I want to find the five elements of Tianwai. Anything will do. Maybe it will be difficult for you. If you have news of the five elements of Tianwai, tell me if you find them."

Xiao Naihe said slowly.

"Treasures of the Five Elements?"

Xue Xingfeng and Li Wenming looked at each other, confused, not knowing what it was.

These two people couldn't help but look embarrassed. Just now Li Liwen thought that he must leave a good impression in front of Xiao Naihe.

Tang Hailong, with a somewhat cautious look, pondered for a moment, and suddenly said: "Elder Xiao, are the five-element treasures you said in the sky, are they materials that exceed the properties of the five elements?"


Xiao Nai nodded.

It seems that Tang Hailong still has a lot of accumulation. He actually knows the treasures of the Five Elements, and ordinary cultivators simply don't know this kind of thing.


Tang Hailong saw Xiao Nai nodded and confirmed, his face suddenly changed, his eyes were full of horror.

Li Wenwen and Xue Xingfeng couldn't help but push Tang Hailong's body and said, "Brother Tang, what's so unusual about the five elements of the treasure?"

"Not ordinary? Of course, not ordinary." Tang Hailong exclaimed suddenly, "Speaking of the Five Elements Treasure, it should actually belong to the existence beyond the Five Elements. Just think about the Divine Pill that the old man rewarded to Elder Xue ..."

"What is actually a top-quality material."

Xue Xingfeng was taken aback.

"No, it's more precious than the fifth-class gem. A fifth-class divine pill can open our eyes. This five-element treasure is at least a seven-level gem, and one billion at least. Fairy Crystal. "

"Billions of immortals?"

Li Wenwen and Xue Xingfeng didn't even come out this time.

Billions of fairy crystals have the same price as hundreds of billions of top grade crystals.

What is the concept of hundreds of billions of top grade spar?

Even if the entire Yantian Pavilion is sold, there is no such value.

It is unbelievable that Xiao Nai actually wanted such a baby.

However, the thought of how Xiao Nai is the legendary creator, there must be a lot of spar in his hand, if you want the five elements of heaven, it is not an accident.

Thinking of coming here, Li Wenwen and Xue Xingfeng calmed down slowly, but they were still a bit surprised.

"The materials of the five elements outside this day are indeed a bit difficult to find, and they are just as many as you can find. I will make a list. When you have any news about the same materials, you must notify me the first time."

After finishing talking, Xiao Naihe suddenly had a flash of fine light in front of him, and suddenly showed three lists, each of which flew into the hands of Li and others.

I looked at the things in the list. The names and features are on it, and they are already very detailed.

However, they haven't seen these things. After all, they are at the seven-level level of gems, and they are not accessible to the five cultivators of Li Wenwen.

"Elder Xiao, we will find these things as soon as possible. If there is news, we will notify you as soon as possible."

"There is work."

Xiao Nai nodded his head, and then the figure paused. The whole person seemed to be transformed into a fine light, pierced the void in an instant, and disappeared in the inner hall.

At this time, Xiao Naihe had already fallen into his yard. As soon as his figure appeared in the yard, a black gleam appeared immediately in his eyebrows. Immediately, he immediately revealed a magic tablet.

This magic monument is naturally the sin demon monument refined by Xiao Naihe before.

It is a pity that there is a lack of spiritual stones and five treasures of heaven and earth to refine the essence of Tao Yun.

"It's useless to be anxious now, things will definitely not let me pass so smoothly, nothing in the world can be smooth sailing."

Between Xiao Naihe's speeches, he received the magic tablet into his own inner world.

His brow furrowed and slowly summed up his enemies.

The first is the mysterious Buddha, who has another part of the origin of Buddhism and Tao, and Xiao Naihe estimates that it must be more than his own origin.

After all, Xiao Naihe is now one-for-nine, and the cultivation of handprints has reached a level of perfection, and has reached the apex, but there is no way to break through again.

He is now just in the realm of the creator, but he feels that the power of the origin of Buddhism has reached its peak.

The origin of Buddhism and Taoism certainly does not stop at the creator. So, the power of Buddhism and Taoism there should be more than that of yourself.

"At least that Buddha's strength should reach the eightfold realm, definitely stronger than the evil Buddha, at least at the level of the eighth peak to the nineth realm."

Xiao Naihe raised his eyebrows between his words, and then his eyes flashed with a fine light.

Next is the snow that day.

There is snow in the world but Dan Ting's character. The existence of Dan Ting, a behemoth, made Xiao Nai care a little.

He was still Bei Nanyi at the time, when he became a heavenly demon, the original unity. Dan Ting did not send any news. With Xiao Nai's presence in the world of 3,300, it is impossible not to know such a top force.

In other words, Dan Ting was developed during the fall of Bei Nanyi.

Whether it is snow in the world or Zhou Lingwen, it is enough to compete with the gods in the **** realm.

It can be said that Dan Ting should be the first force in the 3,300 world.

"Dan Ting is also a trouble, the same is true for the incarnation of Tao that day."

Xiao Naihe raised his eyebrows, but also remembered the incarnation of Heavenly Dao. Before Xiao Naihe dealt with the incarnation of Tiandao, the powerful force that the other party showed was far above himself.

The truth about the destruction of the Wu clan, Xiao Naihe has now broken the clue.

Why is there a ‘Yuchen Wuxu’ in my body? This has a great relationship with the truth of the destruction of the Wu clan, but there is no clue now.

"Heaven, Buddha, evil buddha, snow in the world, etc., are all stronger than me. Hey, the strength is still insufficient. If I can completely temper the magic tablet, at least I can have a battle. But It ’s too difficult to count the magic tablets now for complete refining success. "

Xiao Naihe shook his head, and suddenly a trouble appeared in his heart.

At this moment, there was a burst of glory in the void, as if the sky was divine, rumbling, and exploding like a thunder.

Xiao Nai thought about turning around, and suddenly looked up.

"someone is coming?"

Afterwards, Xiao Naihe suppressed all thoughts, and a divine thought appeared in the void in his hand, which turned into a prohibition. The silhouette suddenly shuttled, and it directly jumped out of the peak.

After a few breathing hours, Xiao Naihe had left Yantian Pavilion. He was still in his own peak last second, and he was in a desert the next second.

Between the fluctuations of his mind, he immediately calmed down.

This thought passed from the void has been continuously formed, and a burst of heat is constantly fluctuating, rumbling transmission.

Subsequently, a figure appeared in front of Xiao Naihe.

He was wearing a woven brocade robe, tied with a blue tiger tape around his waist, black hair, and a pair of deep eyes, with a huge body.

In this man's eyes, a burst of fine light flickered between the flashes, already showing a mysterious power of restraint.

This person's power has already reached the peak level of the creator, it should be at the level of the dark sky Taoist, and it is three points more powerful than the Liuyun and Taishuang days.

Qi and blood burst.

Coax coax coax coax!

It seemed that a wolf of smoke burst into the sky in an instant, entered the sky, and calmed down.

"Xiao Naihe, Xiao Naihe, I'm here for you."

As soon as the man opened his mouth, he locked his eyes on Xiao Naihe's body, and his whole body burst into an instant.

The strength of the Seventh Peak of Supreme Realm seemed to explode at that moment.

Xiao Nai raised a brow and immediately shouted, "Who are you?"

"We are messengers from the Nine Heavens."

From the other side, a female voice came.

Xiao Naiho's eyes moved, and a character woman suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Naihe.

She was wearing a deep purple sprinkle flower, straight collar brocade dress, a garnet red soft silver light green leaf skirt, and a red Yunjin thin tobacco yarn. Wu Liang's long hair, chic and elegant chiffon fell into the bun.

There are some emerald crested flowers embedded in the gently rolling temples, a turquoise bracelet on the skin-like hands, and a pink and pink embroidered flower pattern girdle on the waist.

A light blue silver thread embroidered lotus purse is hung on it, and the burgundy baoxiang pattern cloud-headed sleeping shoes are worn on the feet. The whole person is elegant and refined.

In particular, the power of blood in this woman is completely under the man. The erupting power seems to be flowing and restrained.

Xiao Naihe raised his eyebrows, and the power of these two people seemed to explode, collide, and squeeze continuously in countless planets.

"The two of you are the gods of the Nine Heavens Realm? They are the characters in God Realm, are you the gods?"

"Yes, we are gods of the Protoss, do you know why we are coming to you?"

"I want to know that I have nothing to do with Jiutian God Realm, why should you come to me?" Xiao Naihe thought, "Do you know that I have become the creator and feel my breath, want Income me into Jiutian God Realm? "

"If it was before, we did have this idea, but although you have a magical means to hide the breath of the creator, we can still find you, why come to you. You killed Liuyun, too Shuang Tian, ​​although the two of them are waste, at least they have a place in God Realm. Now that you have killed them, it is already a violation of heavenly regulations. "

Sky rules?

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly, and his tone suddenly became cold: "The two of them want to kill me, to calculate me, why can't I kill them? Do you want to avenge them?"

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