Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1309: Count hard

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapters of the rebirth of the heavens!

This huge Danding appeared in front of three people, immediately absorbing the surrounding airflow, as if to devour everything in heaven and earth.

The aperture above Xiao Naihe's mind, the moment of rising up and down, is directly ingested by the void, introducing Han Yinkuan's **** bow and arrow!

"A piece of **** tanding, want to fight against my **** fire bow and arrow, break it for me."

Han Yinkuan smiled coldly, the bow and arrow in his hand was already smashing hard towards this Danding, and there was a sound of impact.

Bang Bang Bang Bang ...

After the clear voice spread, there was a kind of impact force that broke through the dragon and tiger.

This piece of Danding was previously robbed by Xiao Nai and other people from Heavenly Demon Star and others. It has a seven-level gem and once refined the existence of the magic tablet.

Surrounded by Xiao Naihe's divine light, this Danding has a situation of constantly upgrading its grade and the rapid growth of Shennian.

"Broken me. Broken broken ..."

After five consecutive broken words, the entire Dan Ding was hit by the "Shenhu Bow and Arrow" at this time, and a trace of spider silk appeared, and it was about to crack.

Han Yinkuan smiled coldly, he would take this opportunity to completely break this Danding.

"The great chaos of the heavens, take me!"

At this moment, the big Buddha behind Xiao Naihe suddenly changed another way, into a chaotic phantom, a monstrous and complete power, and the void spread.

"Ancient Monster Beast Chaos?"

When Na Lanrong saw the shadow of Chaos behind Xiao Naihe, he suddenly froze and suddenly recognized it.

However, Nalan Rong's reaction was also very fast. At the moment of turning, he was banging, and the sword in his hand immediately penetrated into Xiao Naihe.

"Give me your sword too."

Xiao Naihe burst into a burst of light in his eyes, and the chaotic phantom behind him had already locked Na Lanrong.

At that moment, Nalanrong seemed to be locked in the presence of King Huo Luo, and he was shocked.

If it is distinguished according to its strength, Nalanrong is even worse than Han Yinkuan.

Although the three of them are all creators, and they all reached the level of accumulation in the late peak, but Xiao Naihe occupied too many innate resources and experience, which is far from Na Lanrong and Han Yinkuan can compare.

When the star chart in Xiao Naihe's eyes flickered, he had already calculated everything about these two people, and knew how to shoot it down.

"My Excalibur ..."

Na Lanrong exclaimed, his sword was suddenly absorbed by an incomparably powerful spiritual force, and was immediately ingested by Xiao Naihe.

"Promise against the current, the mind is soaring."

At this time, Xiao Nai and Li Lima displayed their killer skills.

At the beginning, he was relying on the ‘promise against the current’, so that he jumped in his mind, and he leapt to kill. At the time of the six levels of supremacy, he dared to kill the creator.

Faced with opponents of the same level, the threat of 'Promise against the Current' is even more terrifying to the two.

Originally, Xiao Naihe's capacity for Shennian thought had reached the level of about 400 billion yuan. After a sudden increase in the mindlessness of the "promise counter-current", he suddenly reached a level of almost 700 billion yuan, which exceeded the capacity of the eighth level.

At this time, Xiao Nai could contend with the evil Buddha and the exquisite real body in a short time, not to mention Han Yinkuan and Nalan Rong.

"Four ways to one!"


Na Lanrong exclaimed, Xiao Naihe's attack was really unstoppable, it was too fierce, and gave her a look that could not resist.

And the next moment, when Xiao Nai and He Wuji Shennian flowed out, the power of the four avenues had turned into a torrent, sweeping in front of Na Lanrong and Han Yinkuan.

"How could he have such a powerful power of mindfulness that he was almost as good as his father."

Han Yinkuan's face changed, and he did not care about Xiao Naihe's absorption of the past Taoism. Immediately, he and Na Lanrong withdrew and retreated, leaving the center of the storm.

After Xiao Nai ingested the two Taoist devices of the two, he immediately extracted all the Tao Yun and Shenge among them and threw them into the Dragon and Tiger Great Ding.

"Floating Snow!"

At this time, Xiao Nai and He Meixin appeared a bit of shimmer again, showing a broken fan, which was the floating snow world.

It turned out that Xiao Nai was counting two people from beginning to end. He wanted to grab the Taoist weapons of these two people, refining the "Floating Snow Man", and make up for all the losses he had received before.

"My Godfire Bow and Arrow!"

Seeing the Taoist dignity and Taoyun picked out by Xiao Naihe, Han Yinkuan suddenly felt a pain in his heart, and looked at Xiao Naihe's growing craziness: "Xiao Naihe, I want you to die."

"You can't help it now."

Xiao Nai said with a blank expression.

At this time, the floating snow in his hand was already absorbing the rhythm of two seven-level Taoism, and before it was covered, he dealt with the loss left by the evil Buddha.

Even these two 7th-level Taoist devices have almost evolved to the 8th-level level. After being absorbed by the "Piaoxue Renjian", the defensive strength of this "Piaoxue Renjian" is even stronger than before.

It can be said that if Xiao Naihe now uses ‘Piaoxue Renjian’, he can contend against the evil Buddha ’s four peak shots in a row, without even causing damage.

"The two of you are really my lucky stars, specially sent me the magic weapon. Well, you don't want to leave today, just leave me."

"You fart."

Han Yinkuan screamed coldly, without the demeanor of the Protoss. He raised a blazing avenue in his hand, and a fire appeared in his hand.

"Liu Puba Firepower!"

Swish swish ...

The fire was burning, and immediately spread to Xiao Naihe, directly surrounding Xiao Naihe, showing a restricted space.

"Floating snow world."

A net white coercion suddenly thought of a blizzard in the north, and at the moment it swept away, it swallowed all the flames around it.

All flames were immediately extinguished by Xiao Naiho at this time.

"My six penny bullies fire."

"What kind of karma is this? Let you see it, this is the real karma."

Xiao Naihe drank coldly, and suddenly a black flame appeared in his hand, burning continuously.

This black flame, although it is said to be a flame, does not have the slightest enthusiasm, but the cold coldness.

This black industry fire radiated a trace of Mars, both Nalan Rong and Han Yinkuan felt a very bad crisis.

"Rewind, Han Yinkuan."

Naranrong immediately ordered to drink.

"If you want to go, it's too late."

The fire of the underworld summoned by the law of the Nine Witches is immediately infiltrated into the void, spreading in the surrounding space, as if burned, it will never stop.

"Hum, evil Dao flames, play with fire in front of my fire Luomen, to death!"

Han Yinkuan snorted coldly, that is, there was a huge palm condensed in the void, ingesting it towards this void of the underworld industry fire, it would be pinched.

"Not ..."

Nalanrong took a look, and immediately called out.

But her voice had just fallen. The black underworld industry fire was already covered in Han Yinkuan's hands, as if a Martian jumped into the fire barrel, and all of them were burned at an unstoppable speed.

In the blink of an eye, Han Yinkuan's flesh was burning, and the black karma surrounded the creator's flesh fiercely.

"Ah ... what a flame, why can't I absorb it? Naranrong, save me quickly, save me!"

Han Yinkuan frantically shouted, his face was extremely painful, and when the flame burned, he surrounded his golden body and soul together, showing a kind of ultimate power.

Na Lanrong watched as Han Yinkuan was surrounded by this mysterious black fire at this time, burning continuously, and could not be extinguished. His face suddenly became extremely pale, his breath was short, and his chest was up and down.

"Ahhhh ... Incarnation is out!"

At this moment, a black trace of energy suddenly appeared on the top of Han Yinkuan's head, and at the moment of his emergence, a body of spirit appeared.

"God escapes? Want to go?"

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly. In the void, he exhibited a golden Buddha mark and grabbed Han Yinkuan fiercely.

"Buddha's Palm."

In the face of Han Yinkuan's photograph, Rulanrong's body shook suddenly, and a blue-blue power of the Yuanshen slammed into the body of Han Yinkuan's soul, and escaped Xiao Naihe's Buddha seal. .

"let's go."

Without any hesitation, Nalan Rong directly caught Han Yinkuan's soul and flew away.

But at that moment, a huge torrent of marriage was washed over in the void, and swept over Na Lanrong.

"I told you to stay with me."

Xiao Naihe's eyes flashed a gleam of wisdom, revealing a savage taste.

After being surrounded by the force of the torrent, Nalan Rong was unable to move, showing a very ambiguous posture and being severely bound in the torrent.

However, Xiao Naihe did not appreciate Nalanrong's ambiguous posture, but received nothing in the air, and was about to ingest Nalanrong and Han Yinkuan.

At this moment, the instantaneous speed, the body of the soul that Han Yin became into, flew out of Nalan Rong's hands, and tore a small space, directly into the void.

"Han Yinkuan!"

Nalanrong's complexion changed, and he was extremely pale.

She didn't expect Han Yinkuan to abandon herself at this time and escape directly into the void.

Xiao Naihe raised his eyebrows, and the speed of Han Yinkuan's escape was too fast, and Xiao Nai was using a lot of force to restrain Nalanrong.

Before he and Tiandao avatars started to work, as well as refining the magic tablet and the floating snow world, they also lost a lot of spiritual power.

Now that Nalanrong is caught, he has tried his best, and there is no way to capture Han Yinkuan's soul.

"Well, Xiao Nan, absorb the accumulation in my body for me."

A black industry fire in Xiao Naihe's hands appeared again, blowing away the underworld industry fire on Han Yinkuan.

At this time, Han Yinkuan's body, a creator's body, was actually burned into coke. Nalanrong looked at it, and suddenly lost his mind, almost unable to grasp his own heart.

It's terrible, the creator's physical body has reached a level that is indestructible in the world, and it will be burned into this look by the attribute of flame.

Even the King of Huo Luo did not dare to say that his condensed fire could burn the body of a creator into this look.

Xiao Naihe deliberately showed Han Yinkuan's flesh to Nalanrong, which made the woman feel a little lost.

After all, to catch a creator, although the opponent's strength is not as good as his own, if he holds an attitude of burning jade and stone, I am afraid that Xiao Nai is still dangerous. The idea of ​​rebellion arises.

Now seeing Na Lanrong, Xiao Nai nodded, he knew his plan was successful.

Although Han Yinkuan's flesh was burnt and not humanoid, the space world inside him was intact. Xiaonan jumped out, opened his mouth, and absorbed it fiercely.

Innumerable Taoism, immortality medicine, heavenly earth and earth treasure, fairy crystal appeared in front of Xiao Naihe.

Seeing the accumulation of Han Yinkuan, Xiao Naihe's heart jumped fiercely. The quality and quantity of the Taoist and immortality medicines were almost comparable to the sum of the three of Liuyun, Taishuangtian, and Tianmoxing.

"It is worthy of being the son of Huo Luo King, the arrogant son of God among the Protoss, and he has accumulated a lot of details."

Xiao Nai secretly thought, would he want to find another opportunity to rob the gods of these gods in the future?

This Han Yinkuan is the son of Huo Luowang. Before the other party blurted out inadvertently, Xiao Naihe also knew.

After receiving all the accumulated information from Xiao Nan, Xiao Naihe waved his hand, and Xiao Nan's body jumped over Xiao Naihe's shoulder.

"Thousands of soul foxes, or the type of space treasure hunting? This is not a legend!"

When Nalanrong saw Xiaonan, his eyes flashed a hint of light again, and a greedy mind was derived from her heart.

"Don't forget, you are now my prisoner."

Xiao Naiho's face became cold, and after his voice spread, it seemed like a thunder, breaking openly in Nalanrong's heart.

Nalan Rong was shocked and his face became very ugly. He gritted his teeth and said, "What do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do? It should be what you Huo Luo Men want to do? The Huo Luo King has long been the supreme realm of Jiuzhong. Although I believe that I have no rivals among the creators, but a giant owl of the nineth peak, There is still a great threat to me, I naturally have my own plans. "

Between Xiao Naihe's speeches, he revealed a taste of Zhizhu's grip.

Thinking of how Xiao Nai was the son of Sanxiu, Nalanrong knew that the man was right. The other party was indeed the first person among the creators.

"No wonder Liuyun and Taishuangtian will die in your hands. Today I am miscalculated."

"Haha, although you have figured out my existence, you are wrong, step by step. You have no chance now, and you must also hand over all the accumulation in your body."

When Xiao Naihe finished speaking, he waved his big hand and directly surrounded Nalan Rong.

【Author's digression】: Thank you book friend Tashi Dele for his support.

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