Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1326: No. 1 in the world

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As soon as he walked in, the audience was silent. Even when Xiao Nai saw the person, he raised his brow slightly.

This person is about ten years old, has a young cardamom, has a pair of apricot eyes, and a small cherry mouth.

Dressed in a purple cloak, a little star dream above the clothes.

When her jade finger moved slightly, Zhou Kong seemed to have a meteor crossed, and the fragrance slightly transmitted from her body seemed to be derived from the plum blossom forest in the depths of nine days.

If Yun Weixue sent a loved one like a floral scent, then this woman came out with a cold taste that refused to be thousands of miles away.

"It's not the creator, but the master of the eightfold supremacy."

Nalanrong's pupils closed and his tone slightly changed, seeming a little surprised.

Rao is in their Nine Heavens and God Realm, and the giant owls with the highest level in the upper realm are not everywhere.

Moreover, the woman ’s years and rings cannot be faked. Nalanrong can feel that the woman ’s age is absolutely similar to that of Xiao Naihe.

"This age, this talent, even in the Nine Heavens Realm is very rare." Na Lanrong thought of this, suddenly his body shocked, the tone became even more terrifying.

Xiao Naihe seemed to perceive Na Lanrong's thoughts, and said in a very ordinary tone: "This is not the creator, nor the superlative, but the half step."


"Her **** mystery on her body hasn't been nine times as far as Thunder Tribulation, and it's almost the level of Thunder Tribulation, but it's almost the same. If I'm not wrong, this woman's strength will definitely not be lower than any giant owl in the world . "

Xiao Naihe shook his head and did not speak anymore, but a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

When he saw this woman, he noticed a strange strangeness at first glance.

Xiao Naihe had never seen this woman, but at the first glance, he vaguely felt a little familiar, as if he had really seen it somewhere.

He has seen many stunning women, whether they are Na Lanrong, Lin Yueru, Yun Weixue, etc., are the top women in Xiao Naihe's vision.

But this woman is not only a fabulous beauty, but also shows a temperament that makes Xiao Nai somewhat familiar, and even vaguely taboo.

"Sister Queen, look, that's ... Is that the giant owl of the Eightfold Realm?" Meng Li below shook his body and quickly pulled the Queen.

"No, this woman is not the Yae Realm, but it is not far from the Yae Realm. It is much more powerful than any of the guests on the scene. I can't be neglected. I will introduce myself."

The elder sister exhaled a little, and the tension that had originally arisen after the woman came in disappeared but disappeared. Instead, she walked towards the woman.

"This girl, did you come to the auction too?"

There was a smile on the Queen's face, there was no tension like that before.


"Please come with me, we will help you arrange a compartment immediately!"

"There is work."

The woman smiled slightly, revealing white snow teeth, and the looming vitality in her body immediately restrained.

"I don't know the girl's name?"

"My surname is Heaven, and my name is one Tong!"

At the moment when Tian Daotong spoke, the originally restrained Qi machine was immediately released, as if the name of 'Tao Daotong' was a representative of a kind of power.

After hearing the woman's name, the queen was shocked, and it was almost difficult to keep herself. The tension that was originally converged suddenly appeared.

"Last name? This surname hasn't appeared much since ancient times. I didn't expect it to exist."

Since the birth of the era of heaven and earth, there has been the surname of "Tian Dao". However, this ‘Heavenly Dao’ is not the heavenly Daoist program that truly protects the order of heaven and earth.

In the ancient times, I didn't know which master was the first one. The first achievement avenue, who claimed to be able to contend with Heavenly Dao and transcend Heavenly Dao, changed his surname and called it Heavenly Dao!

However, after ancient times, humanity reached a heyday, and it was able to reunite in the sky, detach from humanity, and contend with the existence of Tiandao more and more, so the surname of Tiandao slowly disappeared.

Now when I heard it at the mouth of this woman, the masters present who were paying attention to this side were all slightly stunned, and could not help but think of the legends of the ancient times.

The surname of Heavenly Dao is almost the first person to break the shackles of Heavenly Dao and exceed the five elements.

Up to now, whenever you hear the surname "Tian Dao", everyone's first thought will be where the world is going first.

The world is first, the world is first.

Even the hidden creators in the field, or other masters in the 3,300 world, dare not say that they are the first in the world, worrying that they will be burned and dealt with.

But as soon as the woman said the surname "Tian Dao", everyone on the scene felt quite suitable.

With the power of this woman's qi and blood, even the first person on the scene is not an exaggeration.

"Miss Tiandao, please follow me."

After all, Queen Sister is a master. Although she was slightly shocked, her qualities only recovered in a moment of shock.

Tian Daotong nodded, all the vitality on his body converged.

While walking, the elder sister was surprised.

"I half a month ago, stepped into the earth and became the creator. I was almost lost in my heart because of the idea of ​​this Dao. It is surnamed" Tao Dao "!"

Many people do not know that this empress is actually a newly created creator.

On the other side, after a box room, the handsome man in Tsing Yi looked cautiously and looked at Tian Daotong greedily, with a hint of obscenity flashing in his eyes.

"This woman is very unusual, one point taller than the nine-tailed **** fox I had seen."

When Tan Moran was talking, his fingers moved slightly, and he buckled gently on the Taishi chair. It seemed to be calculating something,

Zhou Lingwen nodded behind him, and his eyes were a little daunted: "Is this person a superhero with eight levels?"

"No, like me, she is half-stepped and eight-fold. But this person, in my opinion, is also half-stepped and eight-fold. She is no worse than the ordinary eight-fold realm. Once she steps into the eight-fold realm, she can even become The top level in Yae. "

At the end of the talk, he said lightly.

When speaking, the central part of the venue suddenly heard a clear voice from Meng Li: "Dear guests of the Nantang Chamber of Commerce, our auction is now underway. Without further ado, the first treasure is a treasure of five elements from heaven— —Dust, Purple Flame! ”

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