Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1345: Clash without knife (Part 2)

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However, this is not surprising. Xiao Naihe's self-cultivation of the five-fold real body, the restrained energy of the blood, has reached a point of reaching its peak.

As long as he restrained his qi and blood, and converged the mind inside his body, not to mention Lin Tianfeng's half-step and eight-fold giant owl, even the veteran eight-layer master such as Yuhuqing, he might not be able to notice a trace of clues.

Only Xiao Naihe was able to restrain all qi and blood within a short time just because he did not scream, so that he could fluctuate like ordinary people's qi and blood, so weak that everyone misunderstood him.

"You really don't know where the Super Sage is?"

The Queen asked again.

Li Wensha shook his head and smiled bitterly: "We really don't know that the super celestial sage is so powerful and so magical that it is impossible for us to find him."

That being said, but when Li Wenwen spoke, he was extremely nervous.

As long as Xiao Naihe's face does not change, he knows that even if this jade pot is performing all kinds of magical powers, he will never calculate that he will receive Chaotian Dasheng into his own space-time world.

The space-time world is originally a special body space. The existence of the Taikoo Leichi, the river of time, etc. will produce a special ability to isolate all the transmitted power.

However, after Xiao Nai converged his strength, these people naturally could not feel it, nor could they detect the breath of Chaotian Dasheng.

"Now that everyone in the Nantang Chamber of Commerce is here, let's go first."

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly, and greeted Li Wenwen and a few people to leave.

Even at this time, Nalanrong nodded, and obediently listened to Xiao Naihe's words, and immediately left.

But just when Xiao Nai and others took two steps, Lin Tianfeng suddenly stopped and said lightly: "Several, after our investigation is clear, it is not too late to go."

Xiao Nai frowned slightly, and Lin Tianfeng gave himself a very uncomfortable feeling. He took down Chaotian Dasheng. Although he got the treasures in the Nantang Chamber of Commerce, he was very comfortable to **** it.

Anyway, he grabbed it from Chaotian Dasheng, not from Nantang Chamber of Commerce. At best, the thing in Chaotian Dasheng's hands is no longer a thing of the Lord.

Lin Tianfeng stopped them now, and Xiao Naihe naturally knew what the other party was thinking.

However, Xiao Naihe did not break it, but said in a very calm voice: "I don't know what else you want to command?"

Lin Tianfeng did not answer Xiao Naihe's words, but turned to Nalanrong.

In Lin Tianfeng's eyes, Xiao Naihe was just an ordinary person who didn't cultivate at all and was not worth his communication.

"Girl, that super celestial lord stole many things from our Nantang Chamber of Commerce. Those things are very important to us to tell the Nantang Chamber of Commerce. Our Nantang Chamber of Commerce is willing to thank you for 30% of these things. "


Although Nalanrong didn't know what the Super Celestial King had robbed, or how many, but even if he robbed three of them, Lin Tianfeng would be willing to give one of the treasures to Nalanrong.

The first few auction items of the Nantang Chamber of Commerce are the most important ones, and the existence of seven grades and eight grades. I do n’t know how many items are not auctioned.

If you get 30% from the inside, even Nalanrong would not dare to say that she is not in a mood.

For a time, Nalan Rong suddenly hesitated.

Seeing here, Xiao Nai knew Lin Tianfeng's thoughts.

This Lin Tianfeng should have guessed that they knew the whereabouts of Chaotian Dasheng, and deliberately used heavy treasure to lure Nalanrong.

Although Nalan Rong is a man in God Realm, everything in the Nantang Chamber of Commerce is a treasure that even the children of God Realm really want.

After all, Nalan Rong was not a saint, and she and Xiao Nai were not all along the way. Now, Lin Tianfeng was cleverly hit by her weaknesses, and things changed a while.

Which one of them is not an elite, how could they not see the expression of Na Lanrong.

Lin Tianfeng deliberately caused Na Lanrong's flaws, no matter how Na Lanrong explained it now, the woman must know the whereabouts of the super heaven.


Xiao Nai could not help but sigh secretly.

However, Xiao Nai was not in a hurry. He stood quietly in the spot, not worried at all, because the power of the star chart in his eyes was slightly working.

The seeds of illusion in Nalanrong suddenly seemed to pierce into the mind, and they would take root and take root, occupy Naranrong's flesh and captivate the soul!

"Oops, why Xiao Nai planted a ban on me. If he had a little thought now, I would definitely die. Unexpectedly, this man from the Nantang Chamber of Commerce, forced me to this point in one sentence."

Nalan Rong returned to his mind, and felt the beating of the illusion seeds in his body. He immediately relieved himself, and there was already a calculation between his bodies.

"Sorry, I really don't know the whereabouts of Chaotian Dasheng."

Nalan Rong is not a fool. Lin Tianfeng said that he was willing to thank him with 30% of the reward, and he did not know whether it was true.

Besides, Xiao Naihe's strength, even Na Lanrong can't see through it now, and she is not willing to gamble. Xiao Naihe even blacked out the super heaven.

In case the Nantang Chamber of Commerce could not take Xiao Naihe, instead, Xiao Naihe gave birth to a murderous heart, and she Nalanrong would live to the end.

She had no doubt that Xiao Nai would immediately provoke the restraining force in her body and kill her when she was about to find out the truth.

"You don't know?"

Lin Tianfeng's face changed, and the expression of Na Lanrong just knew where he was.

Suddenly I turned the conversation now, I must have calculated something.

Lin Tianfeng and others from the Nantang Chamber of Commerce didn't believe Nalanrong's words at all.

"Tianfeng, it seems that this guest is awkward, and helps her sort out the magic power, maybe she will think of something."

A middle-aged woman next to her, with a spooky and sour face on her face, did not conceal her fierceness in between!

Lin Tianfeng nodded and said lightly: "Sorry ..."

After that, I saw Lin Tianfeng ’s hand and would grab it,

Xiao Naiho's body suddenly moved at that moment, as if thundering, patting with one hand, opened Lin Tianfeng's right hand.


Lin Tianfeng took a slight step back, a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes, and then a strange smile appeared on his face, "I did not expect that I was wrong, you are still a creator!"


The elder sister froze for a moment, and she suddenly recovered.

Xiao Nai was unable to stop the power of qi and blood in his body.

This man is actually the creator!

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