Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1366: Beyond the creator

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These two people each exhibited their magical powers in mid-air, and Xiao Nai He snorted coldly. Although he did not know the identity of this mysterious man, with his current strength, even if he did not apply the Eighth Class Taoist, Already the first person among the creators.

Even if he met the ordinary early eighth master, Xiao Naihe also had the strength to fight.

Although the strength of this mysterious man is strong, it is not the eightfold realm after all, or even the creator of the late peak, it can only be said to be the creator of the mid-term.

"Heaven and earth are grinding, everything grows!"

Between Xiao Nai's speeches, his elbow hit Wu Guanghui in front of him. The Taoism he practiced was cultivated from the holy human experience.

Compared to the 'Fist of Human Dragon', this 'World and Earth Grinding Plate' has three more points of domineering and weirdness. When his elbow hits out, it seems that a real dragon that transcends the world is born, and the fist is stronger .

At this moment, Wu Guanghui only felt that his soul was locked up by this fist at that moment. No matter how he wanted to act, even if it was a wave of divine thought, Wu Guanghui would feel that he was going to be the next moment. Kill it.

"The same as the creator, this person's cultivation strength is actually so high that it can be compared with the end of the talk. The end of the talk is also the creator, but the power can already be compared with the ordinary eightfold realm. The same is true for this child, not the eightfold is better than the eightfold. "

Wu Guanghui was shocked, and immediately recovered his body. His mind was now wrapped in his entire person, showing the shape of a ball.

"Daheng Enchantment."

After the words were finished, the enchantment that Wu Guanghui had exhibited, slightly resisted the force that Xiao Nai He punched out.

However, the moment when Xiao Naihe's fist broke out, it didn't end like this. His punching intention was already showing his second move in a turn.

"Fist of Qi King!"

Xiao Nai's acupoints around him have opened up all of the 118, he did not exhibit other magical powers from beginning to end, but rely on these acupoints opened by himself to display some means of humanity and Buddhism.

His fists are simple, but they fall into Wu Guanghui's eyes. They are terrible to the extreme. Between each fist, there is a breath that can smash everything in the world.

Subsequently, the two people's breath collided with each other in the void. Not only that, Xiao Naihe's very simple boxing intention immediately became thicker at this moment, and even felt that there was a very sharp, almost tearing the creator gold Body taste.

"The Art of Dark Stars!"

Wu Guanghui stepped back quickly, and suddenly there were countless black airflows above his head, which condensed into a planet. This planet was certainly not real, but a coagulation of blood.

However, Xiao Nai didn't look at it. His boxing intentions were entrapped in 1,118 acupuncture points, and burst out again.

His boxing intentions are constantly changing, like running horses, meteors, thunder, lightning, and fire. Each shape changes out in one breath.

"Is this the ever-changing power of acupoints beyond life and death?"

At that moment, Xiao Nai suddenly felt that even if he had cultivated to the original unity in the days of the demon in his previous life, the power of acupuncture on the flesh was not as strong as it is now.

The magical power of Buddhism and Taoism is worthy of being the most powerful avenue of physical strength.

If the evil Buddha can learn all these 118 points, the current strength is definitely not under the Buddha.

The reason why Buddhism can get more sources of Buddhism and Taoism, Xiao Nai has a feeling, it must be the reason for opening so many caves.


Xiao Naihe's heart was bright and bright, his fists came in a flash, and the two confrontation between one face did not have too much destructive power.

According to the means of the creator, if the two creators are dueling, the entire Yantian Pavilion can be destroyed directly.

But Xiao Nai is different. The power of the acupoint he cultivated is already perfectly controlled. Without the help of any Taoism, he simply uses the power above the martial arts and the body to destroy it with absolute destructive power. Wu Guanghui's Taoism.

"I'm taking a punch, the dragon fist."

Between the sound changes, Xiao Naihe's humanistic **** bombarded again, and his body seemed to become a real dragon in an instant, with a real dragon breath on his fist.

Wow wow wow wow wow!

As if the sound of the thunderous cloud in the sky was being broken, Xiao Naihe's fist intention seemed to be constantly broken and shuttled in countless mysterious spaces before finally reaching Wu Guanghui.

That punch brought Wu Guanghui endless pressure and murderousness.

Wu Guanghui has never faced such a strong threat since practicing to the creator.

The same is the creator, Wu Guanghui once again understands that Xiao Nai has far exceeded himself in power.

However, Xiao Naihe's fist intention moved slightly at the moment of the fight, and it seemed that he felt something. The fist intention was received in time, and the body was a little bit, without any hesitation, he immediately jumped to the back.

"Daoyou, you have watched it for so long, how come you come out?"

Xiao Nai said in a very indifferent tone, but in his eyes, the star chart flickered, it seemed to be calculating!

Before Xiao Naihe and Wu Guanghui started, they had sensed a figure hidden in the void, and the figure flashed slightly, revealing its true body.

This man was wearing a purple crane cloak, wearing a black crown, his eyes were like a starry day, his sword eyebrows were raised, and there was a kind of emperor.

Liu Xiu smiled slightly and waved: "Wu Guanghui, you are not his opponent, retreat."


Wu Guanghui exhaled softly. He had never been in such close contact with death. If Xiao Nai did not stop at that time, Wu Guanghui even felt that it was too late even if he wanted to explode his personality.

At that moment, Xiao Nai could absolutely kill himself completely.

Such a figure, Wu Guanghui suddenly understood why Liu Xiu came to Xiao Nai.

"I originally heard that the adult is coming to conquer this Xiao Naihe, but I feel that the adult pays too much attention to this person and is not worth it. It seems that I am wrong."

Wu Guanghui couldn't help but think of it.

Between the mind and the electricity, Liu Xiu was slowly approaching Xiao Naihe. His body shook slightly. The purple clothes on his body suddenly showed countless starry light flows. Special Taoism.

Xiao Naihe felt a taste beyond the creator in Liu Xiu's body.

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