Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1391: Outside the Danting

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Among Danting's branch halls, there was seriousness, and there were not many people coming and going, almost tens of thousands.

From the east to the west, a long stream of people appeared. These people all had a very strong breath. They were all cultivators who reached a very high level.

The worst one is already in the Divine Lord Realm, while the highest one is already at the level of the Creator.

Not only that, but the people below are still the real protagonists today.

After the snow came out, the dark heaven Taoist who followed him, bowed his head.

Don't look at the Dark Heaven Daoist in the Nine Heavens Realm can be regarded as a middle level, the creator also said that if it is in the 3,300 world, it is definitely a figure of Kaishan.

But now the Dark Heaven Daoist is the ordinary one in this Danting branch hall.

At the scene, there are no fewer than ten creators alone, and each of them has reached the peak level, far above the Dark Sky Taoist.

Even if there was snow in the world around him, it also showed a rigorous look.

"There is snow in the world!"

At this moment, a line of sight from above suddenly came to attention, locked on the body with snow in the world.

This line of sight seems to be burning like a flame, to melt all the snow in the world.


Gently snorted, there was a tumult of blood and blood inside the snow, and it immediately became hot, blocking the sight of this flame.

"Ling Xiang!"

When there is snow in the world, this person's identity is recognized. This person is standing in front of him, the flame of his body is restrained, but there is still a trace of fine power in his eyes. Use Shennian to test the means of snow in the world.

"Ling Xiang, Dafa King is here today, don't you want to make trouble here?"

There was a cold smile on the other side of the world, but there was a fear in his eyes. This Ling Xiang's strength was also in the early stages of Supreme Realm, not worse than himself.

"Haha, wherever I just heard, there was a little conflict between you and Tan Moran in the recent period. I heard that you and Tan Moran seem to have lost money in the hands of outsiders. I just want Come ask. "

There was a change in Xue's face, and the corners of his mouth twitched. It was really good things not spread, bad things spread for thousands of miles.

Before Tan Moran came to settle accounts with himself, he thought that Tan Moran knew what he was doing with Xiao Naihe. Later, after a thorough investigation, he knew that Tan Moran was also losing money in Xiao Naihe's hands.

And at the end of the conversation, he thought he was trying to win Xiao Naihe, and deliberately gave Xiao Naihe this Taoist weapon.

How can someone like Xue in the world not think of what is in his heart.

But soon, these things that happened at the end of his peace talks quickly spread, including a few God competitors already know.

Among God ’s competitors, their means of paying attention to each other are endless. As soon as such a scandal has been cracked a little bit, someone will immediately pursue it.

That is why, in the recent period of time, there is a lot of pressure under the snow.

"The end of the talk came, and there was snow in the world, but he was talking about you and him."

Tan Moran slowly approached, followed by Zhou Lingwen and Divine Emperor.

Today can be regarded as the first time the Emperor Emperor officially appeared in Dan Ting. Although he was an arrogant man, he did not dare to offside here.

Xue Xue swept the conversation at the end of the world, and then glanced at the Divine Emperor, suddenly squinting, and then hummed, no longer accompany.

"It's boring, don't you say it at the end of the conversation?"

Ling Xiang waved his hand and laughed!

"Ling Xiang, you really have a lot of time lately. You came here on March 8th. If you have time here, you might as well pay attention to what happens after we arrive at the Extinct Star!"

At the end of the talk, there was a cold smile, and no longer spoke.

After seeing the two men leave, Ling Xiang waved his hand, and an icy smile appeared on his face: "Well, I'm afraid that you will not be able to come back after you reach the Extinct Star."


At the same time, in Yantian Pavilion, after a period of cultivation, Xiao Naihe has already recovered his physical strength to 100%.

In the recent period, he is a giant owl with eightfold realm, and Xiao Naihe will feel a trace of fatigue even if the background is extremely deep.

Especially today, Xiao Naihe has calculated a hexagram, and Liu Xiu should come to him.

Although I don't know what will happen, Xiao Nai is still preparing to wait for the next thing.

"Xuexue, there may be some unevenness next. You have just entered the upper realm now and should not move. You will stay in Yantian Pavilion."

Xiao Nai waved his hand, a wave of thoughts on his body ran, wrapped Yun Weixue in everything, and then turned into a streamer, and the two entered the study.

Yun Weixue has accumulated a lot since he absorbed the thunder of Taikoo Leichi in the world of space and time, especially when he entered into the supreme realm. Now Yun Weixue has a detached future taste between every move.

"Fortunately, many of the medicinal effects of Dazaohuadan have not yet been digested, and I have to break through to the double realm within this period of time, and it is always inconvenient to stay in the space-time world."

Yun Weixue gave a slight pause, then said softly: "I don't ask what you are going to do, but you must be very careful."

Although Xiao Naihe didn't tell himself some of his recent situation, but after stepping into the supreme realm, Yun Weixue's sense of heaven and earth became more and more sensitive, and he already felt that there were many powerful existences paying attention to Xiao But why.

She and Xiao Naihe are both Taoists, and Dao and Xin are connected. This feeling can never go wrong.

She can't help much, and can only say so.

"Relax, in the past few years, I do n’t know much about the dangers, and I can still come over unharmed. I already have a lot of calculations in mind. Now in the Yantian Pavilion, I have once again laid a huge enchantment, ordinary The eightfold realm is hard to break, you stay here with peace of mind. "

Somehow, Xiao Nai always felt that there was an inexplicable danger in the next thing. He left Yun Weixue here, after all, for Yun Weixue's safety.

Suddenly, Xiao Nai's expression moved, a starlight passed by in his eyes, his body swelled, and he pushed Yun Weixue gently, and the figure had submerged into the void space.

"Brother Liu, you are here!"

【Author's Digression】: Thanks to the book friends and sleepless 001 and Zhi Yan's Tadou for their support.

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