Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1393: Master is like a cloud

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"So, this time the most people are this Xiaoxiao?"

Xiao Nai said something.

"That's not, there are a few people whose means and supernatural powers are also very important. There is also a woman in the mid-eighth stage like me, her name is Wan Yuehua, this person is powerful, and the alchemy technique is inherited by the elders. It ’s really powerful. You said that a woman ’s family, even if it ’s powerful, is so versatile, alchemy refinery and forbidden enchantment are so proficient. "

When Liu Xiu talked about Wan Yuehua, it seemed as if he was angry.

Xiao Nai He Dan laughed aloud: "This is nothing. In the Nine Heavens Realm, there are also women of the nineth master. You value the direct difference between men and women too much."

"You said the same thing. I heard that in the Nine Heavens Realm, a woman who has friendship with our elders, she is a master of nine heavyweights, and her strength is extremely powerful. Not only that, but this person ’s mastery of Dan Dao is also in our Dan court. People belonging to the first three levels. "

"Oh? Who is this woman you said?"

"She is called Pan Lingzi."

"Pan Lingzi?"

Xiao Nai He thought, suddenly thought of the girl Linglong.

Xiao Naihe and Linglong also fought with each other at the beginning. He had already seen Linglong a few months ago.

Linglong's strength at the time was already at the beginning of the Eighth Layer, this girl was a disciple of Pan Lingzi.

Speaking of that, Beinanyi at that time, before he had achieved success as a demon, he also asked Pan Lingzi for Dan Dao.

Although Beinanyi later surpassed Pan Lingzi, Pan Lingzi, as the first Danshi in the Nine Heavens God Realm, this person's mastery of Dan Dao is almost unmatched in the world.

Unless Xiao Naihe, and the mysterious God, this plate of spirits can be regarded as the top three characters!

"Speaking of Pan Lingzi, it ’s time to talk about the adult. Although Pan Lingzi ’s mastery of Dandao is great, it is said that the master ’s mastery of Dandao is even more terrifying. Legend has it that the adult squeezed out an elixir. , Is to raise an ordinary person to the level of the creator. "


Xiao Naihe's expression changed. Hearing Liu Xiu's words, Xiao Nai couldn't help but be shocked.

Is it just a small panacea that can directly promote an ordinary person to the creator?

How can this be?

Even if it is a ninth-level panacea, it is impossible to promote an ordinary person to the creator.

To be a creator, you need to understand a lot of magical powers and avenues. How can Xiao Nai practice fast? It also took three years to get the opportunity and adventure between the acquired realm and the level of the creator, almost unmatched.

However, it is impossible for a panacea to raise an ordinary person to the level of the creator.

Even if it was the day monster Beinanyi, the master of unity of origin, using the means of unity of origin, to gather the aura and inject it into the Elixir, at most it can only raise an ordinary person to the sixth level, and it also costs A lot of strength.

But if an ordinary person is to directly break the Qi-Blood barrier and inject the power of the Avenue into this person's body, how could there be such a panacea in the world?

"A panacea can make people open to the earth, which is simply unpredictable. Even the unity of the origins can hardly be done. Unless ... unless the mysterious God, who has achieved great accomplishments on the way to Dandao, is even deeper than me. Many, otherwise how could this near-impossible thing be done. "

Xiao Naihe shook his head, he was calmed down by Liu Xiu's words.

If this God can really create a creator, then the power of the Danting is simply to surpass the Nine Heavens.

Xiao Nai calculated that the number of creators in the Nine Heavens Realm would definitely not exceed 6,000. This is still accumulated in countless years.

And a God can create a creator at will, if this method is true, it is not too much to compare this person with the ancient "Holy", the **** of the realm!

"In the life of Lord God, there are only two personal disciples. One is the Dafa King. His strength has reached the mid-nine-level realm and is extremely powerful. The other is the last God competitor, the eighth peak Wushen Yi!"

Speaking of this person, Liu Xiu did not hide the strong fear in his tone.

"Wu Shenyi? Yazhong Peak?"

Xiao Naihe calculated in his mind that the masters like the Eighth Peak should already be at the level of Nalan invincible and Buddha.

If there is such an invincible Nalan and Liu Xiu, Tan Moran and others competing for God, then Liu Xiu basically has no drama.

Because it is also the eightfold realm, the gap between Liu Xiu's mid-eighth mid-level and Wushenyi's eight-level peak is simply a world apart.

As if Xiao Nai was at the peak of the creator, he could crush the early creator such as Tai Shuang Tian at will.

Not to mention one Liu Xiu, even ten Liu Xiu will not be an eight-fold peak opponent.

"Wu Shenyi? Not only that, but also a personal disciple of the Lord, then this person is not only powerful, but also inherited that God in the attainment of Dan Dao?"

"That's not true. This Wushen is like me who is sincere to Wu Dao. He is very general in Dan Dao's attainments and refiners. He has an assistant beside him. This person is said to also come from Jiutian God Realm. The one inside is called Linglong! "


Xiao Naihe has a weird face. If it is said that Linglong is the person he knows, wouldn't it be Pan Lingzi's apprentice, how could Pan Lingzi's apprentice become Wu Shenyi's staff?

"This Linglong is a character from the early Eighth Layer. She is extremely high in Dan Dao's attainments, not inferior to several God competitors. And she seems to be a future Taoist of Wushen Yi. It is said that this Linglong is an apprentice of a big figure in the Nine Heavens. "

"Ah? You don't know who is this exquisite master?"

"I don't know. After all, the news on Martial God's side is too difficult to hear. I can know so much, and it has already cost several spies."

At this point, Xiao Nai and He thought about it quietly, and began to organize these words in Liu Xiu's heart.

At this time, Wu Guanghui's voice came softly: "Two adults, it's here!"

Subsequently, a crack appeared in the space, and the crack continued to drill open, revealing a hint of white light, which was injected into it.

At the moment when the cracks in the space were revealed, Xiao Nai and He Lima felt that a lot of powerful blood was spreading across the opposite side.

Not only that, there are a few very familiar ones among these qi and blood.

Feeling here, how could Xiao Nai not know who was in it.

"Talk at the end, there is snow in the world!"

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