Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1401: Trial large cylinder

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"Yangu, don't worry, although Liu Xiu is powerful now, there is a San Xiu Shengzi assisting, but what about that? Now that Liu Xiu has been noticed by Wu Shen, then Xiao Nai is definitely mortal."

As Yangu spoke, a man in black from the other side slowly walked out from the other side.

The robe worn by the man in black seemed to be the dark stars of the world, turning slightly, as if his clothes had really become a sky.

"What do you mean? Mr. Zhou Da!"

When Yang Gu spoke with this Mr. Zhou Da, the tone was obviously a bit of respect. Dignified competitors of God, the same characters as Tan Mo, half-steps and eight-fold, are already the top-notch existence in the world, and Yang Gu actually has a kind of respect for those around him.

If it spreads, I am afraid that Mr. Zhou must have many people who want to know his identity.

"It's very simple, the realm of Wushen Yi has reached the eighth peak. Not only that, but vaguely this Wushen Yi has touched the meaning of the ninth realm and the number of one yuan. This young man is my first in so many years. This is a really young genius. This guy noticed Liu Xiu and the three sons around him. Do you think they can live? "

Mr. Zhou Da smiled slightly, but there was no smile in his tone, but cold cold air.

While speaking, I saw Mr. Zhou Da's robe slightly moved, and a pair of black strong wind swept past, revealing a pair of withered palms.

"Wu Shenyi, Liu Xiu, and this Xiao Naihe."

Yang Gu's voice slowly turned around in the camp. This week Mr. Zhou said that Wu Shenyi is a real young genius, but Yang Gu does not deny it.

Wu Shenyi's prestige in the Dan Court is no longer a day or two. If he is stared by Wu Shenyi, there will be no good results.

"Yes, Mr. Zhou Da, although Wushen Yi is obsessed with the position of God, but he is also a belligerent person. He must be happy to see it. Wushen Yi is the kind of God who wants to clear the obstacles by any means. This time, Liu Xiu ’s master and servant are not only in the limelight, but Wu Shenyi will not let them go. ”

"Yangu, the most important thing for you right now is to keep your composure. You must not show any limelight. No matter whether it is Wu Shenyi, Liu Xiu, Wan Yuehua, Xuexia in the world, Ling Xiao and Tanran, these people have certain Your advantage is the smallest. You can only wait for them to kill each other, and at the last moment, this is the real tolerance. "

The strength of Wushen and the first class is indeed too great for Yang Gu. Even without the achievement of the Eightfold Realm, the accumulated luck has already been deeper than that of Yangu.

Now Yangu is to wait for these few people to fight inside. After you die, he is shooting with no effort.


Later, Yang Gu frowned, and slowly said: "Although Liu Xiu has the help of the Three Cultivation Sons, but after all, he is a founder, and he will only have the strength of the eighth stage in the top of the sky, if it is Xiao Naihe If you agreed to the request of the Dafa King, following the Dafa King's words, it would be difficult to do. But now it is not a threat. "

"The really threatening person is the God of War I. The God of War is not only a disciple of God, but behind him is the invisible support of the elder Dan Ting. Not only that, even the spirit of the God of the Nine Heavens, Shen Ling, also took his own The disciple handed over to Wushenyi as a fellow. Wushenyi is even more powerful. He has a Wushenyi, which is enough to deal with the advantages of all of you. "

During Mr. Zhou's speech, a deep calculation was revealed in his tone. If Yang Gu could see the face under Mr. Zhou Da ’s robe, he could definitely see all the images of Mr. Zhou Da ’s eyes turning, and it seemed to be calculating humanity.

"This trial is a basis for Danting God to choose the second God. You must grasp it!"


At the end of spring, the humidity in the weather slowly turned into hot, and summer is coming.

On this small land, all the people of the Banten Court gathered on the large square, and a burst of blood was concentrated together and rushed into the sky.

If someone can fly up to a high altitude now, they can definitely feel that a thick cloud of blood has formed.

Not only that, on top of the first peak, Dafa Wang Qilian Songping was standing above, and he saw a huge outline on his head immediately appeared, showing a pattern.

"This trial was promulgated by God. I will take you to the Star of Extinction later. You must refine nine Divine Pills on the Star of Extinction. There are two seven-level magical pills, and two eight-level magical pills. "

When Qi Lian Songping waved his hand, the entire void suddenly twisted, the space was blurred, and turned upside down.

"This time of the seven competitors, each person can only bring two people in. Each of you seven people will go in and out of the Extinction Star Examination Room at different entrances. In three months, who can refine the most magical pill, Who is the winner of this trial. "

"Dafa King, is it only possible to refine the Elixir? I have heard of it before, and there are also trials of prohibition and enchantment."

Wan Yuehua, a female contender, blinked her beautiful eyes as she spoke, revealing a gorgeous beauty. But if anyone thinks that Wanyuehua only has a skin, it is absolutely fatal.

Although Wan Yuehua itself hasn't made much of her limelight, her own strength is already equivalent to that of Liu Xiu and belongs to the mid-level level of the eightfold realm.

"There are nine examination rooms in the Extinct Star, and there are seven different alchemy secret areas in each examination room. A ban in each secret area is left by the elders of the nine major alchemy. All the alchemy materials are in it, as long as you If they can break through the battlefield, they can enter the secret alchemy realm and get materials to make the magic medicine! "

Liu Xiu and others nodded, and now they understood that there were sixty-three alchemy secret realms and sixty-three different kinds of forbidden enchantments in the extinct star.

Only by breaking the prohibition barrier can one enter the secret alchemy realm, obtain materials, and refine the immortality medicine.

"However, I would like to tell you that any competitor himself must not take the initiative to attack or **** others, otherwise, once discovered, he will immediately be disqualified and the identity of the competitor will be cancelled."

A tone of thunder broke out in Qi Lian Songping's tone, and the entire first peak rumbling and shaking!

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