Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1410: Vulnerability (below)

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"It's no use saying more, two girls, please. If there is nothing else, let's go on different sides."

Xiao Nai waved his hand and smiled slightly, but there was a strong taste in his tone.

Wan Yuehua sighed softly. At this moment, her eyes moved slightly, turned to the front, and looked towards the star space below!

"At the end of the talk, have you watched it for so long, haven't you come out yet? Still have to wait for me to invite you out?"

Xiao Naiho also transformed the mind to the past, floating slightly above the sky, locked in the void.

A deafening burst of noise suddenly came through, as if squeezing and crushing countless spaces, revealing extremely powerful magical means.

Tan Moran's figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and the power of Qi and blood on his body was diffused in the sky, forming a huge forbidden enchantment and surrounding himself.

At the end of the conversation, with a slight move, all revealed a very powerful breath.

Xiao Naihe and Liu Xiu glanced at each other suddenly.

"It turned out that this talk broke through."

Talking about the power nowadays, it is no longer a half-step and eight-fold, but the really supreme realm of eightfold, which controls the existence of nine thunders.

"Hahaha, Wan Yuehua you are the same as before."

Tan Moran laughed, but his eyes showed a lustful look.

At the end of this conversation, when I saw the white fox and Yun Weixue, I gave birth to the thought of taking these two women to occupy.

Now Wan Yuehua is definitely not inferior to Baihu and Yun Weixue in terms of temperament and appearance. Now, such a look is under control.

"At the end of the talk, although you have obtained enough benefits in the Starfield of Extinction and achieved the highest level of achievement, but don't forget, you still can't do it."

Liu Xiu said lightly on the side that he did n’t even know what **** luck he had left after the talk. After playing with Xiao Naihe, it should be that Dao Xin's heart broke, but now he has become the supreme realm. Such luck, even Liu Xiu could not help but sigh.

"You don't need to remind you, but ... Dafa Wang said that seven of our competitors can't take the initiative to attack others, but it doesn't mean that people who are not competitors can't take the initiative to attack others."


"Not only that, there is no limit to the Dafa king, you must make the elixir yourself. Whether it is the elixir made by normal means, it was robbed, or obtained by other means, as long as it can gather nine elixir Even if it's a victory. "Tan Ran's voice was slightly paused, and a fierce murderous opportunity was revealed in his tone." So now the Divine Emperor's hands on you are not a violation of the rules. "

"Xiao Naihe, take me a punch!"

At this moment, the figure of the Divine Emperor suddenly appeared from the void, directly tearing the space of the star field, revealing the violent wind.

This boxing intention shone over Xiao Naihe in an instant. The Divine Emperor punched out and locked Xiao Naihe directly.

"Brother Xiao Shi!"

Liu Xiu's face changed slightly. Although he knew how powerful Xiao Nai was, this Divine Emperor was indeed a master of the Eightfold Realm, and when Xiao Nai He and Divine Emperor, Tan Moran, and Xue Xue in the world had conflicts before, it was nothing Life and death duel.

Now the Divine Emperor is really using his life to fight Xiao Naihe, an eight-level master against a creator, and fighting desperately, will definitely have an advantage.

"Haha, Liu Xiu, don't you do it! Don't forget, your seven competitors can't take the initiative to start with others. Once you help Xiao Naiho, you will be disqualified immediately. "

The Divine Emperor laughed.

Liu Xiu also knows that he really can't do it now. When he enters the Starfield of Extinction, he already feels that there is a kind of soul lock in the midst of it, and he seems to have a pair of eyes and eyes looking at himself invisible.

That must be something that the Dafa King used magical means to pay attention to in the Starfield.

"Xiao Naihe, aren't you great? When you were in Yantian Pavilion, you took down my soul and avatar. Now that I'm back to the heyday, I want to give you a good idea of ​​how much difference there is between the Eightfold Realm and the Seventh Realm. . "

A strong murderous eruption broke out in the voice of Divine Emperor, and his fist seemed to encompass everything in the world.

Suddenly, this boxing intention was locked on Xiao Naihe. With a punch, all the starry sky positions within five thousand miles were violently shaken, as if the sky and the sky were under the control of Divine Emperor.

"The Great God Wheel!"

Xiao Naihe was not anxious, but his expression was indifferent, his body strength suddenly solidified and turned into a huge force of divine thought.

This force of divine thought is constantly fused in the void, condensed into a huge divine wheel, and in the process of turning, all the divine emperor's fist intentions are excluded.

The celestial wheel made a sensation, and the entire outline was already shrouded in the sky.

But Divine Emperor was also very calm. His face suddenly showed a vicious smile: "Xiao Shengzi, Xiao Shengzi of shit, my Divine Emperor is the eightfold realm, is it like you, the creator, can compare. "

boom! Click, click!

This shock, the boxing intention merged into the God Wheel, and the Divine Emperor's punch directly smashed Xiao Naihe, the great **** wheel of the heavens.

But at the next moment, the body of the Divine Emperor turned, almost at a very fast speed, beyond the capture of the naked eye, directly into the front of Wan Yuehua, his fist was facing down, it was attacking the wind bell month Come over there.

This Divine Emperor saw that Wind Bell Moon was just a creator, and that Wan Yuehua and Liu Xiu, like that, could not deal with themselves. They were unscrupulous shots.

At this time, the wind chime looked unchanged, and suddenly turned into a blue smoke, rushing into the starry sky.

Between violently, the whole person is rolled up!

"Ice and snow, winter and cold world!"

The blue smoke that this wind chime moon revealed in the void was deeply penetrated into the Divine Emperor's fist.

Suddenly, the two people suddenly collided and sent out a strong shock, back and forth.

But Divine Emperor did not hesitate, because his fist slammed down again. This moment was not just facing Feng Lingyue, but Xiao Naihe also locked it down.


Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!

The bursting sounds, the Divine Emperor's fist has a split, and then reunited, merged into an ocean of endless power.

After this force locked him and Wind Bell Moon, it instantly spread.

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