Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1414: Outbreak (4)

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"Xiao Nan!"

With a move in Xiao Nai's heart, Xiao Nan's figure immediately turned out in the world of space and time. Suddenly, at this moment, Xiao Nan opened his mouth and absorbed all the medicine and Taoism in front of him into his body.

After all, this Divine Emperor is the existence of the supreme realm, and has accumulated a lot of knowledge over the past three thousand years.

Moreover, Divine Emperor is now close to the mid-level of Yae Realm, and it is necessary to accumulate more details to prepare him for the mid-eighth level.

Unexpectedly, all these preparations were given to Xiao Naihe today at a bargain.

Although Xiao Nan is now infinitely close to the double level of the upper realm, but he is not a fighting beast himself, but a beast that seeks treasure and seeks treasure.

Absorbing violently is to absorb all the existence in the void. Those Tao Qi and Pill Medicine are all absorbed by Xiao Nan, and even Wind Bell Moon has no time to capture Xiao Nan.

Xiao Nan's speed is too fast, almost in a breathing time, jump out of the body world, and then absorb all the things released by the Divine Emperor's self-explosion, and enter Xiao Naihe's body time again.

Before and after, it is simply too late to catch.

"This is the Eternal Soul Fox? I didn't expect you to get the Soul Fox that is going to disappear."

There was a slight movement in Feng Lingyue's eyes. At this time, Xiao Nai could see that the woman was indeed hesitating. She must have thought about robbing when the magical powers and elixir of the Divine Emperor broke out. Xiao Naihe got it.

Xiao Naihe's magical means almost almost surprised Feng Lingyue.

"Wind Girl is also awesome. I should have seen you. Your breath of Taoism is indeed familiar to me. I don't know if Wind Girl can make it clear."

"You can't remember it. Anyway, as long as the trial is over, you can use your own calculation skills and you can definitely calculate my real body."

Wind Bell Moon waved his hand and flew to Wan Yuehua's side.

But at this time, the entire star field suddenly sent a shock. After the original Divine Emperor's personality disappeared, the thunder force in the void should also disappear.

It was at this time that this thunder force once again gathered from the void, forming a stream of rivers, and suddenly, all of them turned into fine light.

In this light, the two figures slowly appeared.

Wan Yuehua, Xiao Naihe, and Liu Xiu looked at each other, and when they looked at them, they saw only these two figures emerging from the fine light. They vaguely enlarged indefinitely and appeared in front of several of them.

"Wu Shenyi, Linglong!"

As soon as Liu Xiu's pupils closed, his voice was filled with deep fear.

The nature he was afraid of was not that exquisite, but Wu Shenyi.

Because when Wushen appeared above the starry sky, his body's blood continued to boil, as if his blood had a boiling temperature, a blood-red blood-blood wolf smoke continued to burst into the starry sky. one place.

Suddenly, in the space of 30,000 miles, all are the blood of Wu Shenyi.

All the breath of the Divine Emperor seemed extremely small at this moment.

"Awesome, amazing. I have been seeing the Seventh Cultivator of the Supreme Realm for the first time in years, and I can kill the Eighth Cultivator. Even if I were the creator, I dare not say that I can be unscathed Kill an eighth master. "

Wu Shen smiled slightly, clapped his hands, applauded, and stepped closer to the few people in front of him.

"Master, as soon as this **** of war came out, what shall we do?"

Wu Guanghui also took a step back and looked at Wushen, his expression was indifferent, but his tone was very calm.

"Although Wushenyi is powerful, it is impossible to take the initiative to deal with us, rest assured. The exquisiteness around him is at most the same as the God Emperor, and Brother Xiao Shi and the Wind Bell Moon can definitely deal with it."

However, at this time, Wushen closed his eyes, and the blood on his body kept gathering to form a river. It seemed that countless minds had derived a new consciousness.

Without any hesitation, the Wushenyi's Shennian River slowly filled the void, revealing his immensely powerful divine breath.

But with this breath, almost everyone's face changed dramatically.

Wrapping Xiao Naihe, when he felt the idea of ​​Wushen Yi, his expression changed a bit: "I calculated it before, and there are two people in the star domain who are breaking through the shackles. The first one is talking about the final words, Then the second one is this Wushenyi. "

Wushen ignited with blood, overshadowing everyone's blood power.

This breath is definitely far stronger than before.

Even Liu Xiudu's expression changed greatly: "Does Wushen one of you already enter the supreme realm?"


At this time, Wan Yuehua shook his head, and his tone showed incomparable caution: "He didn't really step into the supreme realm of Jiuzhong, his physical body has not yet entered that realm, he just realized it from the spirit of God. The number of one yuan up to the highest level is nine and a half steps.

"But even the half-step nine-fold is far more powerful than the masters who reach the top of the eight-fold peak. The difference between people who can understand the number of one yuan and those who can't understand the number of one yuan is very big, just like the world is different."

On the other side, Feng Lingyue also said quietly.

All eyes are on Wu Shenyi.

As soon as Wu Shen reached out, he pointed to Linglong: "We have already refined seven magical pill, and two more. I guess, Liu Xiu, you are not a good alchemist, but I can figure out that you should have With six magical pill, I did n’t expect that Xiao Shengzi ’s attainment of the pill of Dao actually exceeded my imagination. If it was n’t for coming here to make a mess, I am afraid that all three of you can refine the seventh magical pill today. . "

"There is Wan Yuehua, you and this wind chime girl also have the smell of six magical pills on your body. You have been practicing so much in two months, which also surprised me."

"Wu Shenyi, what do you mean by saying this? Don't you still want to **** our panacea? Don't forget, here, our seven competitors can't take the initiative to attack each other."

Wan Yuehua smiled coldly, then moved his eyes, and instantly turned to Linglong: "Although Linglong girl is powerful, after all, like Divine Emperor, it is the early stage of the eighth layer. Xiao Shengzi's means we also saw it, and Wind Bell Moon also has With regard to the strength of Yae Realm, do you think Linglong Girl can handle it? "

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