Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1427: Meaning meaning

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"who is it?"

Li Wenwen was shocked, and the three people around him quickly backed up like him, looking forward, only to see a figure coming out of it, revealing his own appearance.

This man is dressed in black and holding a white fan, his eyes are as beautiful as the nebula.

Beautiful and unparalleled, better than Pan An!

"Under Zhang Xianzong, I met Xiao Shengzi."

When this Emperor Sect spoke, there was a hint of highness in his tone.

Especially when he came out, the crushed tables and chairs in the entire inner hall actually miraculously healed automatically, turning into the original new look.

And Zhang Xianzong's body, and slowly sat on a chair.

This man, between words and deeds, revealed a temperament that he could not dare to obey. It is like an emperor who has accumulated countless coercion, even if it converges, it will unnaturally show up when speaking and acting.

And Zhang Xianzong is such a person.

This man was sitting in front, Su Bingyun and Zhou Jianbai next to him were moving, and quickly bowed: "I have seen Master Zhang!"

Xiao Nai's mind turned to electricity, and his look remained the same, but the celestial and astrological charts in his eyes worked instantaneously, calculating his true identity.

It is not simple to be able to be referred to as the existence of adults by these two top creators.

"The supremacy is eightfold, and it is the existence of the eighth peak."

When Xiao Naihe's star map was put away, Zhang Xianzong's true cultivation behavior was already seen.

Although this man is restrained and bloody, he has intentionally or unintentionally exuded his breath, which belongs to the kind of thunder taste that can only be achieved by becoming a master of thunder and nine masters.

When Zhang Xianzong looked at Xiao Naihe, a trace of electro-optical light fluttered in his eyes.

At that moment, Xiao Nai suddenly felt that his soul was hit hard by the mysterious Zhang Xianzong in front of him, as if deliberately putting his mind in his palm.

If you want to deal with any of the creators, a master of the eightfold peak is definitely within your reach.

Even though Xiao Nai believed that he was the first person among the creators, he did not dare to say that he could be compared with the master of the Eighth Peak alone.


However, after all, Xiao Naihe was close to the Eightfold Realm, and his body's Qi machine had become extremely powerful, and it was slightly released. It immediately cut off Zhang Xianzong's mind Qi machine.

At that moment, Zhang Xianzong was originally released. He wanted to give Xiao Nai He Soul a beautiful gas machine, which suddenly turned into nothingness and changed into nothingness.

Zhang Xianzong apparently did not expect that Xiao Nai was so powerful, a mind fluttered, actually broke his breath, and suddenly opened his mouth, a surprise flashed in his eyes.

But after the flash of surprise, it disappeared all at once, and replaced with the faint smile of the previous one, but there was still a taste that refused to be thousands of miles away.

"Brother Xiao, you can put down my two companions!"

Zhang Xianzong smiled slightly, and he couldn't see what the man did on the bright side.

However, if you practice to the level of Xiao Naihe, if you look closely, you will find that there is a purple breath in Zhang Xianzong's eyebrows, which will come out at any time.

Xiao Nai waved his hand, and when he thought about it, the power of the divine thought originally bound to Su Bingyun and Zhou Jianbai disappeared.

Zhou Jianbai and Su Bingyun quickly approached Zhang Xianzong, especially Zhou Jianbai, when he looked up to Xiao Naihe, his eyes were full of anger and fear.

Xiao Naihe's method just now made Zhou Jianbai suffer.

"The two of you are not Brother Xiao's opponents, but Brother Xiao is also good. Both of you and me are the creators of the world. They can actually use Jian Bai and Bing Yun as a single person. The shackles are worthy of being the three sons of Xiuxiu after the Taikoo 'holy'. "

"Are you going to talk about this with me today? If the three of you are guests, I will naturally welcome you generously and welcome you on the couch. Of course ... the premise is not to find fault!"

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly, but also converged all his vitality. At first glance, it was harmless to humans and animals.

However, people familiar with Xiao Naihe, such as Li Wenwen and Tang Hailong, knew that what Xiao Naihe said was actually a guest disguise in disguise.

Zhang Xianzong did not change his appearance, and said lightly: "Really? We came here today, actually came to invite Xiao Shengzi to report in my Wushuang Hall, and turn to Master Huaxiang."

"Master Zhang, this Xiao Naihe just spoke outright and directly called the name of the master of the palace, but I couldn't be more angry."

When Jianbo saw the opportunity that week, he immediately went on, and immediately gave a small report beside Zhang Xianzong.


Zhang Xianzong nodded and turned his head back. The smile on his face was gone. Instead, a very deep meaning was revealed: "Brother Xiao actually knew that Master Hua Xiang, could it be because of the evil Buddha and Nalan invincible. Have you heard? "

"Brother Zhang doesn't need to worry too much. I'm a Yantian Pavilion, and I don't deserve to be your lord. I have no chance to do things in the Wushuang Hall. The three of you, please!"

Xiao Naihe shook his head.

"is it?"

Xiao Nai was not surprised that this Emperor Sect, they knew what happened to them, the evil Buddha, and the invincible Nalan. The Wushuang Continent itself is a territory that belongs to Huaxiang. By means of Huaxiang, let alone the Nine Heavens Realm come down to Wushuang Continent.

Even if there are a few mosquitoes and a few flies in the Wushuang Continent, I am afraid that the existence of flowers like this will be known.

So when Zhang Xianzong heard that the evil Buddha and Nalan were invincible, Xiao Nai was not surprised.

"In this case, we have nothing to say."

Zhang Xianzong stood up and patted his body.

Xiao Nai nodded and waved his hand: "Elder Xue, let me go!"

"Slow down!"

Before Xue Xingfeng walked out, Zhang Xianzong suddenly shook his head and waved his hand, writing lightly: "Jian Bai's words just now cannot be regarded as unheard. I heard that Brother Xiao just called the name of the Lord of the Palace just now. The main hall is the body of Nine and Nine, the peak of the ninth heavy, although you are the son of the three repairs, but also a mortal son, actually calling the name of the master of the main hall. If you join my Wushuang Hall, then the main mind of the main hall is naturally I do n’t mind. But you are not one of my Wushuangdian, you must give meaning to it! "

Xiao Naihe raised his eyebrows, his expression was blank, and his voice became a little cold: "What do you mean?"

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