Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1448: not only that

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There was a vibration in the lobby, but it was just a sound made in an instant, as if countless swords in the void collided and made a very sharp sound.


Liang Sixing's expression remained unchanged, and the invitation in his hand seemed to take root, tightly held by him in the palm of his hand.

Then, the sound in the lobby stopped, and a breeze suddenly swept past.

Xiao Naiho just sat on it indifferently, and didn't move at all. Even Ren Gongming and others couldn't see whether Xiao Nai had shot.

And Liang Sixing's very steady hand suddenly showed a slight change, and it actually shook.

The invitation, which was originally extended, was shocked by Liang Sixing.

No, it wasn't Liang Sixing who was shocked out, but a strong attraction that took it in.

After all, Liang Sixing is the creator, the world's top expert, it is impossible to hold even a small invitation.


At this point, Liang Sixing took a breath.

Somehow, he felt that the invitation in his hand suddenly seemed to be heavy, with the weight of a big world.

That kind of load bearing is enough to overwhelm any creator in the world.

Liang Sixing raised his head fiercely, and looked at Xiao Naihe. He released a gravitational force in his palm, and the airflow in the void burst into pieces at once.

"I have already got the invitation, please tell the gentleman, he will fight with the long sky, I will definitely pass."

At this moment, Xiao Naiho's voice suddenly came from the void.

The original invitation that was still floating in the void, did not know when it had disappeared, and fell into Xiao Naihe's hand.

The original strong attraction turned into nothingness at this time, and there was nothing.

I don't know when, all the bricks at the foot of Liang Sixing are cracked. These bricks are made of god-grade sands. Even the average supreme master can't crack.

Not only the bricks at the foot of Liang Sixing, but also a slight crack appeared on the pillar near him.

"what happened?"

It's not just Liang Sixing, but also the Queen Sister and Yu Huqing who have changed their looks.

It seems like everything was just a dream.

The two of them clearly saw that Liang Sixing and Xiao Naihe were snatching the outgoing invitation, but at the next moment, this invitation had already fallen into Xiao Naihe's hands, and Xiao Naihe was still sitting on the chair indifferently. go out.

Being able to steal anything in the hands of a creator is absolutely not simple.

Even when Yu Huqing looked at Xiao Naihe, there was a trace of shock and deep fear in his eyes.

"Unreal magic power, illusion technique, Xiao Shengzi not only specializes in three avenues, but also opened up unreal magic power. Under the persuasion!"

After all, Liang Sixing is the creator. When he came here, how could he not know what happened just now, and give Xiao Nai a gift.

This time, Liang Sixing didn't have the kind of eagerness to try at first, or even faintly disregarded it, and only had deep respect in his eyes.

Any master will be respected by Liang Sixing.

"The worm is just a little trick, not enough."

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly, but put away the invitation.

But his words heard from Yuhuqing, but there was a trace of cold sweat.

Xiao Naihe had just exhibited the magical magical power that he had just exhibited, but he was successful. Under the circumstances at that time, if Xiao Naihe really wanted to kill the three of them, no one could survive.

It was Liu Xiu behind Xiao Naihe who was originally worried about the jade pot. Although Xiao Naihe also had some attention, he did not feel that Xiao Nai could be compared with himself.

But now it seems that Xiao Naihe's strength is not so simple as he thought, but it actually exceeded his original expectations.

"Then my master and I, after three days, welcome Xiao Shengzi and say goodbye."

"Sect Master, drop off!"


Ren Gongming took these three people and sent them all the way down the mountain.

After returning, there were already a few others in the lobby, Xue Xingfeng and Li Wenwen were all present.

"Have they left?" Xue Xingfeng asked.


"Elder Xiao, do you really want to visit the dueling gentleman and the long duel?"

Li article suddenly asked.

"Yes, these two guys are masters of the Eight Peaks after all. Their duel may give me some insights, especially the long sky, this person I have never been able to come. I also want to know that he cultivated What kind of Taoism is it? "

At the beginning of the sky, he said that his cultivation is the same as Xiao Naihe, which is one of the strange books of the Six Realms.

Xiao Nai and Wu Jie Qi Shu have been cultivated by Xiao Naihe, and God Realm Qi Shu is still there.

Then the rest of the magic book, human book, and exotic book, I do n’t know what kind of practice this is.

Perhaps the original source of the original book left in the last era of heaven and earth may also be like the source of Buddhism and Taoism that Xiao Naihe is practicing now.

Although it can't really be called the Six Kingdoms Wonder Book, it is also in a comparable position to the Six Realms Wonder Book.

"I have heard of this gentleman who has been in the world of ancestral gods for hundreds of years. People say he is a genius among geniuses. Eightfold realm, nine thundering disasters. And he is very gentlemanly. Concentrating on humanity. He once made a great wish that everyone in the humanity is a dragon and a phoenix, and everyone can cultivate into a fairy and turn humanity into a fairyland like the Nine Heavens! "

Li Wenwen turned his eyes and turned out some of the information he found.

"In this duel, there will definitely be a lot of people watching in the past. That is why the gentleman hopes to support the rookie of the human world, maybe many familiar faces will appear."

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly, and there was a deep three-pointer in his smile.


When they left Yantian Pavilion, Yu Huqing, Huang Jie and Liang Sixing and their party embarked on the road of return.

After more than an hour, Liang Sixing stood on the east side of the Jiehe River, pursing his fists toward the jade pot: "Mr. Yu, I have to say goodbye to this. I hope that after three days, Mr. Yu can come to watch.

"Haha, it must be certain. The righteous friend is a rare wizard who has been seen forever, and the sky and the sky are the masters born out of this world. This battle is absolutely extraordinary. If I do n’t, then it ’s true. It's a pity. "

"Okay, leave."

"There will be a date!"

Liang Sixing's figure flashed and disappeared in the blush of the sky.

Only Yuhuqing and Huangjie were left above the waves of the Jiehe River.

For a long time, after Liang Sixing disappeared, Yu Huqing suddenly sighed!

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