Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1450: Reunion

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Xiao Naihe has been reborn over the years, and the world has changed very fast, and the changes that have occurred between the four realms are also beyond Naihe's control.

The rise of the Dan Ting, the truth of the destruction of the Wu people, the appearance of the Heavenly Dao, and the white inorganics in the Nine Heavens Realm, all these things slowly appeared in Xiao Naihe's sight.

"Speaking of this, the truth of the Wu clan's destruction is related to Heavenly Dao. Although I guess that the Wu clan was destroyed by one of the forces in these four realms, who is it?"

Since Xiao Nai inherited the "Yuchen Wuxuan" for no reason, he has also been slowly taking care of the Wu people.

Especially last time, in order to prevent Xiao Naihe from investigating, he actually used the consciousness of Tiandao.

If it was that year, in more than six thousand years, the consciousness of Heavenly Dao fell, and with the strength of Xiao Naihe at that time, it was absolutely unstoppable.

However, after the Six Worlds Jihad occurred, Heavenly Dao was calculated by aliens, which severely damaged Heavenly Dao, making the changes of heaven and earth beyond all kinds of control.

The rise of the **** realm, the meanness of the human realm, the decline of the demon realm and the demon realm, and the Wu clan was destroyed.

"If I want to find out the news of the Wu people, at least I have the strength to kill the Night King and the Huo Luo King. I estimate that now Heaven, at most, is the level between the supremacy and the original unity, otherwise he did not Will drop a simple consciousness to stop me. "

Xiao Naihe's thoughts moved.


Suddenly the wind blew, and the petals in the entire yard drifted away.

"However, it's getting late."

At this time, Yun Weixue came out of the house.

Yun Weixue held Xiao Naihe's palm in her small hand and felt the warmth between the two.

The two met together rarely, and still very indifferently, as if nothing happened in the world did not concern them.

Xiao Nai nodded, also holding Yun Weixue's palm tightly.

Yun Weixue and he are Taoist compatriots. Both of them support each other. Xiao Naihe's secrets are very common to Yun Weixue.

Although the identity of his previous life cannot be said, after all, even if Yun Weixue knew what he was doing, he might not be a good thing.

But Xiao Naihe still shared many secrets with Yun Weixue.

"This time in the world of ancestral gods, this duel will definitely attract the attention of many people. Now you are teaming up with Dan Ting Liu Xiu, maybe the people of Dan Ting will notice. Not only that, the people in the Nine Heavens Realm, such as the Night King Huo Luo, they may also notice that if you are in the past, you must be careful. "

Yun Weixue sounded softly.

Although she stayed with Xiao Naihe, Xiao Naihe's sharp edge covered Yun Weixue, but Yun Weixue was an extremely intelligent person. After hearing something about Xiao Naihe, she contacted each other. It is also possible to guess many possibilities.

Xiao Nai nodded: "This I know, Zhengjunzi knows me, it must have come from Dan Ting, this time the long duel between Zhenglong and Zhengjunzi, there will definitely be someone in Danting. But I don't know if it is Who is it? "

"Can't you count your calculations?"

"If it is outside the Dan Ting, naturally it will be counted. But there seems to be a mysterious power in the Dan Ting, which isolates all my celestial abilities. Perhaps it is the magical power of the mysterious God that made my star map impossible. It involves inside. "

Xiao Nai didn't just want to calculate the mysterious God once, but every time he used the heavenly star map, he couldn't really calculate it.

After several attempts, Xiao Naihe knew that there was no result, so he stopped trying.

"But you can rest assured that now with my power, even if it is the Night King and the King Huo Luo, I have enough self-preservation ability, but I can still leave with ease."

Xiao Naihe knew that Yun Weixue was worried about himself. The enemies he caught were not easy. Although Yun Weixue had enough confidence in himself, he sometimes worried.

After talking, Xiao Nai turned back and pulled Yun Weixue beside him, using a trace of thought.

At this moment, a flash of rainbow flashed through his eyes, revealing a blush.

As if the sky was burning with fire, a wave of thoughts ran up and shrouded him and Yun Weixue.

"Did you not come out after seeing this?"

As soon as the voice fell, suddenly there was a wave of tears in front of him.

Outrageously, I saw a figure coming out of this torn space crack.

The man was beautiful and flowery, and his eyes revealed a fascinating charm.

His fingers are like jade, crystal clear.

And above him, a very deep breath came.

As long as you stand opposite this person, there is a feeling that you can make your Dao heart move.

He looks more attractive than all women in the world, even women like Buddha, Queen, and White Fox are inferior in temperament and appearance compared to this person.

But the blue shirt he wore and the cloak robe showed a kind of grace.

"It's so long, I didn't expect to see each other for almost a year. You have actually stepped into the supreme realm and reached the peak level."

When Xiao Nai looked at this person, he didn't know whether he was laughing or showing any emotion.

However, Xiao Naihe's expression was indifferent to a degree.

This person is the long sky that Xiao Nai has seen, and is also the next person to compete with the gentleman.

A long voice sounded: "I came here this time, you should know what's going on?"

"Do you want to invite me over? I will definitely watch over you in a duel with Zhengjun, but I don't understand that people with your talents want to step into the Ninefold Realm as long as you practice for a certain time You can seize this opportunity inside, why use this method? "

"Because I don't have much time."

The voice of the sky is very indifferent, as if to see this man is not a real human, but a person without any expression.

There was a very inexplicable coldness in his voice.

And Xiao Naihe's expression moved slightly. At this moment, the sky-drenched body suddenly released a kind of aura, locking himself whole.

The power of the two people here has reached the supremacy of the Eightfold, and it is the realm of the Eighth Peak. After the power of the nine thunders broke through in the void, it seemed that the world and earth were shaking.

Suddenly, the eyes of Xiao Naihe and the two people in the sky collided in the void, as if two huge stars suddenly collided, causing a great impact, very powerful!

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