Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1462: very good

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After contacting the 'Sin Demon Monument', Wu Shenyi suddenly felt like an electric shock, and a powerful force of divine thought burst out from the magic tablet.

Just a little ...

Subsequently, while all the thunders in this mindfulness were rushing out, they spread directly to the palm of Wushenyi, and they should be directly blown down.

"Sin Demon Monument is so powerful? The thunder inside it is so full, it is even more fierce than the nine thunders."

Wushen was so shocked that he never expected that the power of the thunder in the 'Sin Demon Monument' was actually Xiao Nai's direct integration of the power of Taikoo Leichi into it.

Taikoo Thunder Pond is the most primitive thunder force from the era of the ancient times. The thunder that erupted is naturally much stronger than the thunder of heaven and the power of the nine thunders of God Realm.

Although Wu Shenyi had also dealt with the "Sin Demon Monument" in the Starfield of Death, at that time Xiao Naihe was not an eighth state, and did not introduce Taikoo Thunder.

Now that Xiao Naihe urged the power of Thunder, Wushen was hit by this thunder for a while, and his body shook slightly.

In the duel of the eighth-level pinnacle master, this is just such a trembling, missed a good opportunity, the gentleman immediately seized the opportunity.

His body was awe-inspiring, like a surging spring.

"Wanliu Guizong!"

The real gentleman shrank his fingers, his palms flicked at the same time, and all the airflow suddenly shrank into the body of Wushenyi, almost shattering Wushenyi.

"This gentleman is really angry, and wants to kill me."

Wushen was slightly shocked, and his heart was secretly: "If it is unusual, I and the gentleman have one-on-one, since there is no fear. But now there is this Xiao Nai, and the two pieces of Taoism he holds have reached eight grades. It ’s hard to wait. If I create an opportunity for a gentleman, I wo n’t be able to make a comeback. "

In Wu Shenyi's mind, Xiao Naihe's strength is far inferior to himself, but just like a **** stick, there is a righteous man next to him who is not inferior in strength.

When these two people add up, even Wushen feels that he can't make it out. Everyone must be afraid that Xiao Nai is messing around next to him. The feeling is simply 'good enough!'

"You guys are very good. If my martial arts stepped into the Jiuzhong realm in another day, it would be necessary to get back to where it is today."

The gentleman smiled coldly: "As soon as your Wushen can break through to the Ninth Realm, will I not be a gentleman?"

Wu Shen didn't get entangled anymore. He knew that it would be useless to stay again. He immediately took the exquisite and opened the space tunnel. It seemed that the formed fine dust meson Xumi was about to escape into it.

But at this time, Xiao Naihe's lightness skyrocketed, and the two pieces of Taoism were directly received into the eyebrows. The ninety-nine heavy apertures on the body immediately emerged, and they were conceived as if they were coming together.

"If you come to the palm of your hand, if you come to the handprint, there is no light in the day!"

Xiao Nai He burst into a sigh, and he suddenly had trouble at this time, which just made Wushen caught off guard.

In particular, Xiao Naihe ’s power of divine thought, like the sea, jumped out at once, with a handprint, and fell towards the **** of war.

"Xiao Naihe ..."

In Wu Shenyi's voice, he was shocked and angry. What surprised him was that Xiao Nai actually broke up at this time, and the power he showed was beyond his imagination.

Angry that Xiao Naihe still wanted to start his own hands.

But Wushenyi is now unintentionally in love, and Xiao Naihe got his fingerprints right on the big day. He hurried directly to take a trick, and the blood in the whole body seemed to double, and was directly hit hard.

"Xiao Naihe, you remember you ..."

As soon as Wu Nai was upset by Xiao Naihe, he hurt his blood and angered Xiao Naihe in his heart. He could hardly wash it away from all over the world.

But this is also the same. As soon as Wushen boiled along with his blood, he opened the space and followed, turning his body instantly, and disappeared directly among the three.

"Unfortunately, I just failed to hurt Wushen just now."

Xiao Naihe knew that even if he broke out all means by himself, it would not be easy to kill Wushen, but it was already in Xiao Naihe's calculation to be able to injure Wushenyi and hurt it at all.

The changes in the entire war situation are so numerous that it is simply too late to anticipate.

The gentleman looked at the slowly disappearing breath in the void, sighed, and suddenly saluted Xiao Naihe.

"Unexpectedly, Daoyou actually cultivated the orthodox Buddhism, and when the sun came like a handprint, he practiced to nine or nine, and his body had a total of 118 points, which is equivalent to the Buddha in the nine heavens."

Xiao Naiho also paid a gift. Looking at this old friend, Xiao Naihe could not help but sigh in his heart, and smiled slightly: "Sculptures and tricks are not enough to hang teeth. Today, I originally thought that the two gentlemen and friends and the long sky can bring a world. It's a pity to enter the Ninefold Realm first in the decisive battle. "

The gentleman of Zheng was also sorry, and the God of War suddenly shot, wanting to borrow the momentum of the two to seize the promotion luck of the two, and entered the Nine Layer Realm himself.

In the end, both the gentleman and the long sky did not have the chance to enter the Jiuzhong realm, just because of Wu Shenyi's trouble.

"I don't know how to call friends."

"Yan Tiange, Xiao Naihe."

The gentleman's expression moved, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes.

This trace of change is very fast. Although he was suppressed by the gentleman, Xiao Naihe's keen awareness was still captured by him.

This upright gentleman definitely knows his name, but when thinking of what Liang Sixing said at the beginning, Xiao Nai was not surprised.

"It turned out to be Xiao Shengzi. Since the ancient" Holy ", no Sanxiu Son has ever appeared in the world. Now I am fortunate to meet with him. It is my blessing."

Xiao Naihe had just revealed the two Taoist artifacts that Zheng Junzi absolutely knew was not just that. There must be no real magical means on this son.

Even those who value the sky and the sky, Zheng Junzi estimates that Xiao Nai is at least the same level as him, the sky and the God of War.

In particular, Xiao Naihe did not exhibit the other two avenues. The gentleman knew that Xiao Nai was more than that.

"Where, Daoyou's battle today also opened my eyes, but although you did not break through to the Ninefold Realm in this battle, Daoyou's comprehension of the number of one yuan seems to have increased somewhat.

Xiao Nai and his double pupils are brilliant, and there will be no change in the strength of Zhengjunzi.

"Haha, be it, Xiao Xiaoyou, please!"


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