Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1467: Sneak attack

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"Brother Li Dao, what do you say this baby is, can actually cause such a terrible change in the world, even when the flourishing Tanglian was blooming, it did not make the entire world and many small worlds resonate at the same time."

"This baby, at least the level of the ninth grade, is probably the legendary ninth grade."

"Nine Grades First Class?"

These people are shocked, and they can't believe it.

But I thought about the changes just that day, but nodded again, and found it very reasonable.

"It is said that the ninth-level magic weapon is only available to the most top-level masters in the Nine Heavens. After the Sixth World War, our human, demon, and demon luck has declined, but the **** luck has not much damage. It makes almost many babies born in God Realm. "

"Yes, although our human world says that luck has gradually decreased, it does not mean that there is really no chance for the birth of strange treasures, just like this time, it should be the rare treasures that have been rare for thousands of years. "

"As long as the three of us can get this treasure and join together to refine the Nine Pins magic weapon, or the Nine Pins Elixir, there may be great hope of breaking through to the Nine Layer Realm."

The breath of these three people showed extremely powerful fluctuations.

Two of them were in the early stage of Yazhong, and were in the stage just after they entered the thunder.

The middle-aged man, dressed in black, fluttered the dust in his hands slightly. His blood was in the core of the earth. He was not affected by the power of magma, but was in a very powerful aura.

This person is in the middle of Yazhong.

"Cheng Shanzhi, Zhou Dezhong, and Xue Fugui, the three of you actually found it so quickly, but do the three of you really think you can get the baby smoothly?"


Suddenly, a voice spreading above the ground was like a thunder ripping, revealing a harsh sound.

The three eight-level masters were shocked, and almost all of their qi and blood were surging at the same time, turning into a diaphragm.

The man who appeared in the sky, the Chinese character face, and a light scar on his brow, had only a pair of eyes, as if there were sun and moon tides flowing inside.

"Blood boy, did you come?"

Xue Fugui looked shocked.

"Hahaha, when a different treasure was born, how could I not come. Now hundreds of creators, as well as cultivators of the Eightfold Realm, have already started to rush into this desert. No one will meet in a quarter of an hour. "

"Actually so many people?"

Cheng Shanzhi, Zhou Dezhong, and Xue Fugui all changed their expressions, looking at each other, looking at the blood boy, they could not help but ask in a dazed tone: "What do you want to do?"

"I do n’t do much, it ’s not just me. I now feel that there are two more masters of the Eightfold Peak. I ’m rushing here. Maybe the good gentleman will come too. Then Wu Shenyi and Long Tianlong will also leave soon, and they may come. That ’s it. By then, we do n’t have many chances for these shots. ”

The blood boy took a slight pause and twisted his tone: "Although I broke through to the late eighth level, I was still a bit worse than Zhengjun and the others. I need these nine products. If the four of us join forces, then this is It's ten in a row and it's stable. I don't know if you want to cooperate with me? "

The three of Xue Fugui pondered for a while, looked at the other two ’s faces, and finally clenched their teeth, nodded: "Okay, but we said uglyly, blood boy, do n’t even think about crossing the river to demolish the bridge. All three of us now have Some means, if you betray us at the end, the three of us can definitely die with you. "

"That's nature. Since that's the case, I opened the avenue with supernatural powers, and we immediately walked toward the center of the underground core. I felt that mysterious force was underground, very close."

As soon as the blood son's voice fell and his palms fluttered, the mind in his body suddenly turned into a 'made **** boat', carrying these three people and flying towards the center of the underground core.

These four people are feeling the heat wave underground, Xue Fugui suddenly raised his eyebrows, pointing to a figure in front.

"Someone is here and has reached the center of the ground."

"So fast?"

Even the blood boy was taken aback. The reason why he was able to come over so quickly was also thanks to his ability to calculate. Is there anyone in the world who has more computing power than himself?

"No matter who it is, since there is only one person, take him down, maybe this person has already got a strange treasure."

Blood Master exposed his murderous energy, and the burst of energy on his body turned into a long stream of fine smoke. The smoke seemed to penetrate the past, present, and future. The three powers of time, immediately covered Xiao Naihe. .

At this time, Xiao Naiho's mind was calm to the point of being extremely calm. After these four people entered the ground, Xiao Naihe felt it already.

And the blood son violently killed at this moment, Xiao Naihe also controlled the ability of these three time flows.

"The big day is like a handprint, King Kong!"


A ray of Buddha rushed out of Xiao Naihe's body, visualizing half of it as a dharma body. His palms flicked slightly, showing a huge "卍" shape, which was to suppress all the energy of the blood son.

"Nine-nine-nine is one, and the Tao is perfect, this person is very familiar." The blood son looked.

Instead, Cheng Shanzhi suddenly called out: "I know him, isn't he the former Xiao Nai, who claimed to be the son of Sanxiu? He actually found it here?"

"San Xiu Son, hum, I don't believe in the rebirth of San Xiu Son at all. Even if the" Holy "is born again, I can crack it down and break me."

The blood boy smiled coldly, and suddenly a force of blood gangs evolved on the Shenzhou, and he forced it directly into the sky.

When the earth-shattering power of qi and blood rushed into front of Xiao Naihe, it showed the power of opening up the world and shaking mountains and rivers. Such as the trembling of the sky drum and the explosion of the mountains and rivers.

When the whole ground is shaken, it is necessary to break free from the core.

"In the later period of the Eighth Layer, Qi is blood and qi. The blood son's method is really powerful, I am afraid that he can participate in the war of Zheng Junzi, Wu Shenyi and Long Tianlong."

"Yes, that's right. The strength of the eighth stage is really strong. If this person helps, we may really be able to get this magic weapon."

"However, be careful that this man is trying to make us overturn in the gutter."

After seeing the means of the blood son, the three eight-level masters, the thoughts in their hearts flashed at once, and they were calculating something.

Instead, Xiao Naihe suddenly snorted coldly, and the blood and wind in the void suddenly changed direction.

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