Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1478: Hardened Ninefold God King (Part 1)

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Huo Luo's cultivation of Taoism itself is the cultivation of the fire of the Five Elements to an extreme level, and it has a perverted sensitivity to any flame in the world.

Upon seeing the black karma fire spreading in the void, he immediately recognized that this was the haze karma fire from the bottom of the inferno in the underworld.

"This is the underworld karma?"

Pan Lingzi was slightly startled, and she did not expect that Xiao Nai actually had such a killer weapon.

Underworld industry fire is said to be a mysterious industry fire inherited from countless eras and heavens. In the countless eras and earths and countless civilization centuries born in this first plane, only the underworld has never been cut off.

Regardless of any civilization or any epoch, every time life is born, there is a transformation of life and death. When a person dies, he must step into the underworld and complete six reincarnations.

And the underworld was born out of it.

After the birth of the first era of heaven and earth, there is a place in the underworld that is difficult for even the masters of the unity of origin to enter.

That's the bottom of Infernal Purgatory.

The lowermost level of this infernal purgatory, just like the second plane-Xinghai burial ground, is filled with a kind of dead air, time and quicksand, black hole magic sound, even if you have reached the state of the nineth peak, once you step into the Xinghai burial ground After that, it is certainly mortal.

Infinite Purgatory is full of a kind of underworld karma that can contend with the time and sand and the black hole magic sound.

The underworld karma can burn any of the six realms, even if it is a master of unity of origin, once covered by the underworld karma, it will definitely die.

Even masters like Bei Nanyi did not dare to enter the Xinghai burial ground or the lowermost layer of Infernal Purgatory at will. No one dared to fight its idea even if there was a strange treasure like Underworld Karma in the lowermost layer of Infernal Purgatory. .

Bai did not dare, nor did Huo Luo.

However, the underworld karma displayed from Xiao Naihe's hands is indeed true, which makes the three gods present feel horrified.

"If I had gotten the 'Nine Witch's Way to Palm', I'm afraid I would never get the underworld karma. But it is said that the Wu people controlled the underworld in ancient times, it seems that I really need to find a time to destroy the Wu people The whole truth is clearly investigated, otherwise, the reality of the dust and witch book and the underworld industry fire in my body is puzzling. "

Xiao Naihe's thoughts were running very fast. He had just shown such thoughts and he was immediately suppressed.

"A good little son of Xiao, a good son of three cultivators. Hahaha, I have been searching for six rosary beads and the underworld karma for many years. If I get it, I will be able to achieve the realm of unity in one moment."

There was a sudden tyranny in the voice of King Huo Luo. The flames on his body exploded like countless golden suns. The monstrous power instantly submerged in front of Xiao Naihe.

The hundreds of millions of regions of the ancestral world suddenly felt the breath of the strong domain.

"King Huo Luo, did you not take me in the eye? I control this ancestral world, and you dare to take action in my world now? You dare not face Huaxiang on the Wushuang Continent, just Dare to offend me in the ancestral world? "

Pan Lingzi snorted coldly. The thoughts in her body seemed like countless ice flowers, which exploded in the void, and the hot breath in the sky all dropped at this instant.

If it is covered by the flame of King Huo Luo for a long time, this ancestral world will become a sea of ​​fire in less than half a day, and hundreds of millions of lives will die in the hands of King Huo Luo.

But Pan Lingzi knew that even if the entire world of ancestral gods was burned down, I would be afraid that this Huo Luo King would not have any weakness.

In order to get the "six rosary beads" and "nether karma fire" in Xiao Naihe's body, this Huoluo king can even give up even his closest relatives.

"Pan Lingzi, don't you want to get 'Underworld karma'? As far as I know, underworld karma can refine many super-grade Saint Pills, such a huge underworld karma, if you are willing to not shoot, I You can divide half of your underworld karma. "

"Joke, this son is the heir of Beinanyi, and he has received the" Deities of the Heavens ", the demon inheritance, and he is also the son of the Three Cultivators. He will definitely be able to bring a lot of luck to my God Realm in the future, I am It's impossible to watch you catch him. "

"Is it actually the heir of the" Heroes of the Heavens? "Well, I heard that the original power of the Six Realms Book will automatically choose other people to inherit after the death of any one of the inheritors. The reason why Bai inorganic and Bei Nanyi can I became the master of the unity of the origin, because I got the original book of the origin. When I killed this son, I used magical power to seize the "Deity of the Heavens", and assigned it to my other avatar. "

Huo Luo Wang roared with a laugh.

The sky was suddenly covered with countless flames, surrounded by the sky.

A piece of thunderbolt, and a piece of vitality, suddenly came down.

Swept through the geographical space of 50,000 miles.

Countless explosions suddenly occurred in all the surrounding areas, and the majestic power was injected into the void, as if a Mars was thrown into the fire barrel, and the gas explosion that was born, immediately submerged Xiao Naihe.

"King Huo Luo, do you really not exist?"

Rao is a character like Pan Lingzi, who is also really angry at this time. She has no friendship for Xiao Naihe. It is nothing more than to see that Xiao Naihe has inherited Beinanyi's inheritance, and for the sake of the old friends.

But the Huo Luo King repeatedly challenged Pan Lingzi's bottom line four times, making this terrifying woman really angry.

"San Luo Sansheng, ice and snow!"

Among Pan Lingzi's fingers, he immediately swayed, and outlined a picture in the void, as if it really formed the world.

There is a real world in each picture, which is derived from the flood, and suddenly absorbs the majestic flame of the King Huo Luo into it, constantly swallowing it.

It seems like a hungry World of Warcraft, seeing the food desperately swallowed.

Less than three or two times, the fire in the whole area has been less than half.

"Ming Ming, are you still doing it?"

King Huo Luo burst into shock, and Ming Wang, who was behind him, burst into a powerful divine power.

People are like meteors, violently hit Xiao Naihe in front.

"Although this king has no injustice with you, but you blame it because you got six rosary beads and the fire of the underworld, and when the Huoluo king draws your magical powers, I get your flesh and refine your flesh Beyond being a person, you can live by another method. "

In the voice of Ming Wang, the power of meta-magnets like the same strand constantly stimulated Xiao Naihe.

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