Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1490: Sky demon

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Mr. Long's eyes turned away from Liu Xiu's body and placed on Xiao Naihe's body, saying, "This is ..."

"This is the Xiao Shengzi the adult wants to see this time."

When the words fell slightly, Mr. Long suddenly exploded a force of blood within his body, making the ban in the entire house immediately unstable.

The blood of Mr. Long exploded at this moment, and the force of restraint seemed to be squeezed by countless thunders and then shattered.

After being broken, it began to recover.

From beginning to end, there is a steady stream.

Obviously it was an extremely sensible ban, but now Liu Xiu did not pay attention to these things, but was shocked by the sudden outbreak of Mr. Long.

"Golden body rises again."

Almost at this moment, Liu Xiu's power in the body burst out, forming a layer of film on the flesh, as if a burst of fine light had swam away from the sky, surrounding himself and Xiao Naihe. among them.

But Xiao Nai's expression was indifferent. Although he felt the extremely powerful power in Mr. Long's body, he could not feel the killing intention of Mr. Long.

If Mr. Long really wanted to kill himself just now, I am afraid that his avatar will have to explain it here. There is no chance to escape at all.

The avatar is destroyed and destroyed, anyway, there is no loss of strength to Xiao Naihe, so Xiao Naihe is very calm from beginning to end, a gas field that collapses in front and does not change color.

"Three Cultivation Sons, Three Cultivation Sons? Which three avenues are you practicing?"

Mr. Long gathered the blood and energy that had just exploded just as far back as possible, and was restrained.

"Humanity, Buddhism, Demon Road!"

Xiao Nai said lightly.

Mr. Long stunned slightly and then said with a smile: "It turns out that these three kinds of avenues are still somewhat different from the ancient" Holy ". Humanity can be said to be the most extensive avenue among the four realms, and Buddhism is the last era. The avenue inherited from heaven and earth is already completely declining. You actually still practice demon way, yes, yes. "

This Mr. Dragon is a powerful demon cultivation in his own right. When he heard Xiao Nai He practicing Demon Dao, his tense face was relaxed.

If he heard Xiao Nai He practiced not demon Taoism, but rather Shinto or Demon Taoism, I am afraid that Mr. Long will definitely not give Xiao Naiho such an expression.

Mr. Long is still looking at Xiao Naihe, "You now have the meaning of nine thunders in your body, I am afraid you have entered the supreme realm. You can actually cultivate humanity, Buddhism and demon Tao to the eighth level. It is indeed There are dragons and phoenixes among people. Not only that, your present year and year rings should be less than 30 years old. It is said that Taikoo's "sacred" practiced for sixty years. One Jiazi has achieved eight realms. You are better than him. Not under Archaic Saint. "

If other people say this, Liu Xiu will definitely be regarded as a joke, but Mr. Long is different, he is already the pinnacle of the late Jiuzhong, and the world is unparalleled.

It is actually said that Xiao Nai may surpass people like Sheng in the future, which has to be paid attention to by Liu Xiu.

"The Archaic Saints are the chapter characters of the Epoch World. Since the birth of the Epoch World, there have been only two chapter characters, one is the Archaic Saints, and the other is the Bai inorganic. It is still too early to want more than one chapter character."

Although Xiao Naiho had enough confidence in his heart, he was humble.

If Mr. Long grasps these words well, it is good for Xiao Nai.

If he didn't grasp it well, for Xiao Nai, it would be killing.

Mr. Long didn't expect Xiao Naihe's words to brew to such a level that he could not help laughing.

"Nonetheless, Sheng He Bai inorganic is indeed a chapter character, but Bai inorganic has been a chapter character for a long time, and it is time to abdicate. Who will be the third chapter character in the future, no one can say for sure."

In the ancient times, the saint was the protagonist of the historical chapter.

From ancient times to the present, Bai inorganic is the protagonist of the chapter of history.

However, in the future development, there may be another historical chapter of the protagonist, who is who, it is now unknown.

"You should use an avatar right now. Your avatar uses three pieces of eight-grade Taoism, and there are the ninth mid-level masters' minds and divinities, which are directly refined. Your avatar is really powerful."

Mr. Long's expression moved, and he laughed again.

"Shen Nian's mind and personality in the mid-ninth layer?"

Liu Xiu was shocked again.

He originally thought that Xiao Naihe's avatar was just Xiao Naihe's use of his own mind and some natural talents, but now he heard that it was the mid-ninth layer of the mind and personality, and Liu Xiu could not help but shake it.

When Liu Xiu looked at Xiao Naihe, there was a terrifying taste in his eyes.

What the mid-ninth-level mid-ninth-level mentality and divine personality represent means that one of the mid-ninth-level mid-ninth-level masters died, and the other party's divine personality fell into the hands of Xiao Naihe.

As for how to die in the middle of the ninth layer? Who was killed? Liu Xiu has no way of knowing.

However, he vaguely began to speculate that it might be Xiao Naiho's hands. If this is the case, then Xiao Naihe is simply too terrible.

Although Liu Xiu felt that it was impossible, before thinking that Xiao Nai had actually competed with a master like Wu Shenyi in the world of ancestral gods, and that Xiao Naihe had already stepped into the eighth realm, this might not be impossible.

"Dragon, if you are still saying these things, it is better to go outside, my guest is here."

At this moment, a voice suddenly spread from the void.

There seemed to be a thunder in the voice, and there was another taste that attracted anyone.

At this moment, Liu Xiu's mind seemed to be unable to control himself in this voice.

After hearing this voice, Xiao Nai also changed his look.

He seemed to recall the master of the voice. When he looked forward, he said secretly, "Is that the man?"

When he heard this person, Mr. Long's smile on his face disappeared without a trace, and he was replaced with a very respectful attitude. He nodded quickly and said, "Sir demon, I know. "

Afterwards, Mr. Long's figure seemed to tear the void in the void, and finally entered a secret realm outside the house.

At this time, Mr. Long's breath has disappeared without a trace.

Actually it was an adult monster, Xiao Naihe and Liu Xiu's look was another change. When looking at each other, they were able to see a shock in the eyes of others.

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