Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1497: Dangerous! Dangerous!

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"As long as I step into the Ninth Realm, and merge the remaining Divine Divine Personalities, then I can step into the Nineth Peak in one fell swoop, even the Huo Luo King is not my opponent. In this period of time, it is better to bear it. Love. "

Xiao Nai didn't think of it. Instead, she wanted to return Bei Nanyi's love, but instead gave it to herself, but she turned around and finally returned herself.

That's why Xiao Naihe accepted it without any burden.

"By the way, since you are the heir of the teacher, then I have to tell you something."


The look of Ei Yu moved slightly, and said in a very cautious tone: "Be careful of Ling Xiang, Dan Ting, to be precise, be careful of the supporter behind him."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Xiao Nai smelled a conspiracy from the words of Nai.

"It's nothing. The master behind Ling Xiang had a big grudge against the teacher. He has reached a level that is not inferior to me. If he knows that you are a teacher's heir, he will definitely start with you first. "

Speaking of which, the look of 滒 湮 has recovered.

He waved his hand, and suddenly there was a burst of divine light on his body, which surrounded Xiao Naihe's entire person.

In this ray of light, it seems that countless neon streamers flickered, wrapped Xiao Naihe's body, and gently pushed it outside.

"What do you mean? People who have big grudges with me? There were many people who had big grudges with me, but it is unlikely that people who can cultivate to a level that is not inferior to the level of annihilation. Who is it?"

Xiao Nai raised a brow, constantly recalling the memories of his past life, but think about it carefully, although he has offended many people in his life, but he is almost dead, and in terms of realm, it seems that there are not many who can compete with him. .

"It's useless to think so much. I'll use the sky chart to calculate it first."

Of course, the most useful method is to use magical means to calculate the mysterious person.

Afterwards, Xiao Naihe's eyes suddenly emerged from the sky and star map.

He used the void to summon the deity of the inner world, and use the power of the celestial star map in the deity to communicate with his present avatar.

A ray of light suddenly connected, and merged with Xiao Naihe, and then in this ray of light suddenly formed a picture of heavenly stars.

In this star map, countless stars flow, forming a gossip form, with a feng shui-like appearance.

"The avenue leads to heaven, Zhouyi magical power, one hexagram, two hexagrams!"

With a clap of hands, Xiao Nai's five fingers suddenly burst into a burst of light, converging into a piece, and finally merged into a little.

The stars in his eyes worked at once, and the magnificent vitality spread out in his body, as if spreading far away.

At this time, in a mysterious space, this space is boxy, without any walls, but there is a geometric form of space that cannot be described by words.

Above, a man dressed in black suddenly opened his eyes, bursting out a gleam in his eyes, throwing it forward and converging on one piece.

There was a burst of black gas in the last light.


The man snorted coldly, and suddenly a black death air appeared in his eyes, and he slammed: "The witch wheel is densely rolled and the five parties suppress it."

Afterwards, the man opened his fingers with five fingers, like Wuzhi Mountain, suddenly suppressed in the void, and hit hard against the sky.

Finally, it landed on the top, actually caught in the void, grabbed the light of the stars flowing.

On the other side, Xiao Naihe's face suddenly changed through the unknown space of hundreds of millions of miles: "Not good, close!"

Just when he was about to take back the power of the stars, he suddenly heard another cold voice from the void: "Want to leave, leave this Emperor!"

Afterwards, a black lifeless energy immediately condensed and continually merged and twirled. A vortex was directly caught in the sky, and Xiao Naihe was to be ingested into it.

"Shang Changsheng punches!"

In Xiao Naihe's words, suddenly seemed to burst out countless thunders, showing the holy humanity, a fist that contained the breath of the blue sky, and was immediately involved in it.

This punching force collided with this self-proclaimed "Bei Huang" death air, which was suddenly broken apart, all smashed directly, and finally turned into endless fragments.

And the dead time in the void, suddenly disappeared without a trace, and finally Xiao Naihe's star map was directly received into the pupil.

"I didn't expect that the other party was so good. It could be torn apart through countless spaces, and he was almost ingested by him. This person's strength is indeed not under the influence. I can calculate his position. But he was n’t caught by him. It ’s already a blessing. "

Xiao Naihe exhaled softly. Although he has already reached the eighth peak, the gap is still too large compared to the half-step passive state, and it is not something that can be compared casually.

He used the mysterious power of the celestial and astrological maps, but he was not able to calculate the identity of the other party. Instead, he was almost directly captured by the other party, and he could see how dangerous it was just now.

"But this voice is really familiar, who is it? Ye Yu is right, I absolutely know this person, who is this level of strength, who is it?"

Xiao Nai raised a brow.

While Xiao Nai was thinking hard, on the other side, the master who claimed to be "the lord" was standing in the void, looking at the space barrier that was just broken by a mysterious calculation force, and fell into contemplation.

"Senior, that was ..."

At this time, standing beside this mysterious master, it is the competitor of the Lord of the Court-Ling Xiang.

Ling Xiang also used honorific words when speaking to this mysterious master, and he did not take advantage of him as a competitor of the Danting God at all.

"Nothing. Just now someone wanted to use some means to calculate my identity, but in the end it was stopped by me, but unfortunately it was only a step away from him."

The mysterious master has recovered, and said lightly.

But when Ling Xiang heard it, he was shocked and said quickly: "Is it Lord of the Lord?"

"It shouldn't be. Lord Tingting is really powerful. If he wants to calculate my identity, he doesn't need to be so sneaky. The other party is just borrowing some mysterious celestial weapon. His strength should not have reached the level of a dollar. "

"There is such a weapon in the world?"

"Yes, if I guessed right, it should be the legendary celestial machine!"

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