Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1500: Telepathy, go to the stars

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"I know that the Buddhist Taoism he cultivates is an orthodox Buddhist Taoism, and it is the handprint of the Dalai Rulai in the last era, which belongs to the origin of Buddhism. If he can get the complete fingerprint of Rulai and gather all the origins of Buddhism, it is really not a small matter watch for."

Immortal elder suddenly groaned, and his fingers made a "knock" sound on the table, it seems to be calculating something: "The old man heard that there was a son of Buddhism in the world of the last era, He created the Rulai handprint. However, after the five decays of heaven and man in the last era, this son of Buddhism and Taoism has been silenced. The origin of his own Buddhism and Taoism is part of the inheritance, and the remaining half is in that Buddha. Body. I ’m afraid this Xiao Naihe will never be able to get a complete source of Buddhism. "

At this moment, the immortal elder suddenly said an ancient legend.

Even Wushen Yi heard this news for the first time. It was almost impossible for the things of the last era to spread.

Because of the birth and death of every era, no one can survive.

The immortal elder can actually know something happened in the world of the last era, which has to surprise the God of War.

"Son of Buddhism and Taoism? He is said to have disappeared in the last epoch, and I do n’t know in which time and space it is silent, and no one in the world knows whether anyone knows it. It is the demon path he cultivated, which is the source of the demon path in the Six Realms. "

"Demons of the heavens!"

When the Immortal Elder heard that he had come here, the man stood up, and there was a big change in his tone.

Even Linglong next to him, when he heard ‘The Legends of the Heavens’, his look slightly changed.

"It was the original source book of Tian Bei Bei Nan Yi's cultivation? Unexpectedly, after Bei Nan Yi disappeared, it was actually passed on to Xiao Shengzi. It was really lucky."

The immortal elder shook his head and sighed softly.

"Senior Pan Lingzi, why do you know that what Xiao Nai is practicing is the original source book" The Heavens Demon "?" Wu Shen couldn't help but asked.

At this time Linglong said suddenly: "Bein Nanyi had studied Dan Dao for a period of time under Master's hands, and Bei Nanyi was also an old thing."

"It turns out that it's no wonder that Senior Pan Lingzi knew that the" Heavens of the Heavens "practiced by Beinanyi would be passed on to Xiao Naihe."

As soon as Wu Shen closed his eyes, he suddenly recalled playing against Xiao Naihe in the Starfield of Desolation, as well as contesting Xiao Naihe in the world of ancestors.

Between these two times, Xiao Nai relied on two eight-grade Taoist devices and escaped.

But now it seems that I am afraid that this Xiao Shengzi still has a trick.

"Xiao Naihe, Xiao Naihe! No wonder Liu Xiu will treat you this way. Sure enough, you are not easy."

The God of War secretly said a word, suddenly a finger, a battle spirit brewed in his heart.


At this time, far away in Yantian Pavilion, Xiao Naihe was swallowing his essence and using the essence of the sun to nurture his avatar.

At this moment, Xiao Naiho's heart fluctuated, shaking his head and pinching with five fingers: "Someone is mentioning me? It seems that some people in the Dan court should be."

Xiao Naihe now cultivates to the eighth peak and obtains the Ming King divine personality. After refining, he also has a kind of unifying spiritual connotation.

It can be said that his current psychic understanding, even if anyone mentions him in a certain time and space, when talking about him, Xiao Nai can feel clearly.

This is the fusion of the heavenly astrology chart, Xiao Naihe's free magic.

"No matter who it is, I do n’t have time to understand it now. I do n’t know why. Recently, I feel that the power of my Buddha ’s Taoism seems to have been affected. I'll talk about it later. "

Xiao Nai He calmed down.

He sat for five days in a row.

He is now a big repairer, even if he doesn't eat at all, he won't show any weakness.

Xiao Naihe's mind was fulfilled to an endless level, and the source of Buddhism and Taoism in his body kept turning.

During these five days of meditation, Xiao Naihe originally wanted to stabilize the commotion in the origin of Buddhism and Taoism.

After five days, it became worse and worse.

The source of Buddhism and Taoism in the body has a way to rush out of the body and sense a certain mysterious power to go to a certain place.

"I am now practicing as a handprint. It is already one-nine-nine, and Dacheng is complete. Why is there a hint of heart failure."

Xiao Na couldn't figure it out.

Even if it is humane, even if there is a heart barrier in the practice of demon Taoism, there is no possibility of a heart barrier in Buddhism and Taoism.

The spiritual power of Buddhism and Taoism he cultivated has already opened up a kind of incredible belief.

But now that the origin of Buddhism and Taoism will have heart obstacles, Xiao Naihe has to pay special attention to it.

"Anyway, it's impossible to suppress it. I want to see what the origin of Buddhism and Taoism are all about and where to go."

Xiao Naihe moved, letting go of his body and mind, and suddenly a ninety-nine heavy aperture appeared above his head. Not only that, but also a big Buddha appeared behind him.

This is like when the Buddha came out of the fine light, it merged into the ninety-nine heavy aperture, and finally it was constantly shrinking.

"Da Ri Ru Lai Sutra!"

Xiao Naihe suddenly saw that this scripture was his own hand-printed Buddhist scriptures.

After he assembled the ‘Vajra Realm Seal’, the ‘Wisdom Boxing Seal’, and the ‘French Definition Seal’, the scriptures gathered together were Dacheng's perfect handwriting.

Originally, it will not automatically show the shape.

However, in this state, the appearance of the scriptures will change, and Xiao Naihe's control is not at all, as if the entire source of Buddhism and Taoism is to break free from its own body.

"If this source of Buddhism and Taoism, that is, if you come to the Mudra directly to break free of my body, then I will truly become the Son of the Three Cultivators."

Xiao Naihe couldn't help saying a word at this time.

He himself cultivated four kinds of avenues, humane, demon, buddhist and witchcraft. Now if the Buddhism and Taoism disappeared, it would really become Xiao Shengzi who cultivated three avenues.

"Go, I want to see where this Buddhism is going."

As soon as Xiao Naihe's thoughts floated, he clasped most of the origins of Buddhism and Taoism tightly in his hands, while the Rulai mantra in front of him floated up and got into the void.

Soon, Xiao Naihe passed through the void stream, and the whole person was thrown into a starry sky.

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