Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1603: Inducing Snakes Is Not Inducing Jackie Chan (Part 2)

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The Night King just exhaled a little, and said a word, these three people were suddenly facing the enemy.

Especially Wushenyi, after comprehending the rhythm of Cangtian Avenue, the cultivation is more superb. Although it has just stepped into the upper middle ninth middle layer, it is still deeper than the Tianshui, which is also the middle nineth layer Three points.

Rao is like this. As soon as Wu Shen looked at the mysterious man in front of him, he felt that the pressure was terrifying, and vaguely gave birth to a thought that could not be killed.

"No, I haven't played yet. Instead, I lost momentum first, which is very unfavorable."

Wushen felt bad for a while, but he hadn't played yet, but he lost. Even if he was so powerful, once he left a shadow seed in his heart, he couldn't get the upper hand again.

As soon as the thought moved, Wushen knew that he had been snatched by the night king's momentum, and his heart moved slightly, running his own mind, forcibly calming his state of mind. The whole person's aura was like a demon. , Erupted like a volcano.

哗哗 哗 …………

In Wushenyi's body, there is a very mysterious and powerful power fluctuation in every inch of flesh, and the blood is surging, like a straight, smoky wolf smoke that cannot be blown.

Suddenly, Wushen robbed himself of the momentum he had exported, and the thoughts that were originally born in his heart were all chopped clean.

"I really have to come to Xiao Naihe, but also to kill Xiao Naihe. Since he is not here, I can only do what I want to do in Yantian Pavilion."

Wushen did not deny it, but waved his hands and used words to compete for his aura. When he spoke, the blood in his body turned into a galaxy, which was immortal.


The Night King stared at Wushen, his expression remained unchanged, and his tone was extremely cold, but his fingers seemed to be the darkness that shuttled through the void, and immediately spread over.

The qi and blood that Wu Shenyi had just excited hadn't had time to run, and suddenly felt that the whole body was within a ten-mile range, which was directly wrapped in a dim qi burst.

Between the words, Wushen's whole body's attention was raised at once. At the moment of stepping out, **** point a bit, like a pair of fingers changed into a sword, pointing violently forward, toward the night king. Go up.

"There is no law, no life, no death, kill, kill!"

Wu Shenyi's voice, like a burst of thunderstorms breaking directly, continued to strike in the darkness, showing a powerful and inexplicable power.

At this time, Wushenyi, the smell of sulfur and molten slurry coming from his body seemed to be like a volcanic river under the ages. A burst of divine power rolled out and was rolled directly around the night king. Send out the entire Night King.

"Nine heavy dark claws."

The Night King's look remained the same. In the darkness, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the direction of Wushenyi. The giant palm he wanted to form in mid-air looked like a dragon.

This layer of gray breath, as if it were the most mysterious dark world in ancient times, wrapped all the boxy world, wrapped three people Wu Shenyi, Tianshui Yi and Linglong in it, unable to move.

"Good character, this person is definitely a master of a few yuan, at least to the level of the late nineth layer."

Wushen deserves to be a peerless genius, and he can see the strength of the night king immediately.

Although he is arrogant, he is definitely not empty. He has a brute force and no brains. On the contrary, he is very clever. When he saw that the strength of the other party has been so strong, Wushen did not hesitate at all. : "Tian Shui Yi, the two of us joined together to break this space and escape directly."

"Okay, you and I are showing magical powers and making a mouth in the east. Linglong, you follow Wu Shenyi."

Tianshui Yi also felt that the situation was not right. Wushen had just made a move, and was immediately cracked by the opposite side. Instead, he pressed it.

Seeing this, Tianshui Yi could not understand how the strength on the opposite side has exceeded their imagination.

"Originally, I wanted to lead the snake out of the hole, but now the snake is not the jackie."

Tianshui said secretly.

At this time, the two men, a man and a woman, had a yin and yang breath intertwined in the body at once, as if they were a dragon-snake attacking together. , The space within ten miles has a feeling of being blown up.

Between the two, the boxy black space suddenly broke a small hole, revealing a gap.

"let's go."

As soon as Wushen grabbed Linglong, he didn't look back, and with Tianshui one or two people, he jumped towards this gap.

But when he just flew into the sky, suddenly a black breath rushed over and stopped Wu Shen and the three of them at once.

Originally the best opportunity just now, I did not expect that at this moment, all the illusions had been turned into, as if everything just now were just a dream.

Even if the Night King did not return to the peak strength, but the strength is definitely not comparable to Wu Shenyi.

The night king, one of the nine great masters in the **** realm from the ancient cultivation to the present, is filled with a black air, and the Yin and Yang Avenues are divided, as if the world is transformed into a huge black world.

"Yin-Yang Avenue, dark fantasy, this person reminds me of the He Ye Wang, the Lord of the Ye Wang who controls Yin Yang and darkness in the Nine Heavens."

Tianshui locked tightly to the Night King and said in a very calm tone.

"Night King?" Wu Shen raised his eyebrows and suddenly thought of Xiao Naihe and Ye Wang when they were in the Hong family. Although Wu Shenyi had left early at that time, Xiao Naihe was fine now, which means Ye The king failed at that time.

"This should not be the Night King. I know that the Night King and Xiao Nai have big grudges. It is impossible to help Xiao Naihe. Not only that, but he and the Night King are not the same person. Xiao Nai He, He De He Neng, can surrender to a Night King. . "

Wushen shook his head, while speaking, he punched out, as if the king of the ten worlds was in control. His fist was full of domineering, and he was crushed towards the headspace. The trend was to directly bombard the night king. Go on.


Just one word, like a flame bursting, a gleam of red light swept away, and suddenly became extremely dazzling in the darkness.

At this time, the three men each attacked and attacked the Night King.

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