Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1607: Visit

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The immortal elder groaned slightly, and the blue light in his eyebrows enveloped the two of them. As soon as he was mentioned, he flew directly towards the sky.

After a while, these three people have disappeared.

But the grievance that Wu Shenyi left behind was vaguely conveyed on the battlefield.

Xiao Naihe looked at the place where the three people disappeared in this way, and then a familiar breath passed over at once.

With a look, I saw that the Night King was covered in blood, and the injuries on his body were already very serious.

Even so, the Night King dragged his body and rushed to Xiao Naiho.

When Xiao Naihe fought against others, the Night King, regardless of his severe injuries, directly displayed the Taoism and scared away the immortal elders.

"After the Night King was converted by me, it was really used for me. His personality is now created by me. If I am a little bit dangerous, he will protect me even if he tries hard."

Xiao Nai looked at it and thought secretly in his heart.

After being transformed into the Night King, only Xiao Naihe listened to him. Xiao Naihe created the entire personality of the Night King in one hand, just like the Night King's reborn parent.

If Xiao Nai wanted the Night King to die now, the Night King must be sure that his eyebrows were not wrinkled, and he would go straight to death.

Buddhism turned into magical power, infused his own power into the night king's mind, and transformed all the night king's beliefs into Xiao Naihe's faith.

"Master, how are you? I think your breath is very unstable, is it because of the fight with those people just now?"

Night King's first sentence turned out to be Xiao Naihe's safety.

"Nothing. This was a confrontation between a powerful expert before me and the resulting consumption. The three people, who don't have that ability, can pose any danger to me. Even without you, I was able to Drive those three people away. "

Although Xiao Naihe spent a lot of energy in Huang Lin, he is after all the master of the ninth peak of the supreme realm, Sixiu Avenue. Even if he is an immortal elder, he will not necessarily fight Xiao Naihe alone.

Anyway, now that Huang Lin already knows his existence, Xiao Nai does not have to hide his strength.

"After all, you're so embarrassed. It seems that the Wushen Yi should have used what means to make you suffer such a serious injury."

Xiao Naihe looked at the night king's injury, and then looked at him in the distance. His eyes were like clairvoyance, locked tightly in the distance.

The gully that stretched for thousands of miles showed the fierce danger between the Night King and the God of War.

"After all, Wu Shenyi is a disciple of Huang Lin. He must have what treasure that Huang Lin gave him, and Huang Lin has reached the realm of unity. No wonder you will be seriously injured like this."

If the average person, even the ordinary master of the late nineth layer, was seriously injured by the night king, I was afraid that he would have been killed.

But the Night King is different. Although his physical strength is a bit different from that of Xiao Naihe, it is not much worse.

At the moment when the knife was chopped down, he resisted in time.

"Master, is the Huanglin you said that the Lord of the Court cannot succeed?"

"Huh? Do you know?"

"Of course I know that for so many years in Jiutian God Realm, there is actually some news. After all, the existence of Dan Ting has had a big impact on God Realm. Bai inorganic did a little research at the time to identify the master behind Dan Ting. I found out that this Emperor Lin, the God of Dan Ting, has reached the realm of unity with one's strength. If that long sword was just refined with the blood of the Emperor Lin, then I was seriously injured. , It is already very lucky to be able to save a life. "

The Night King breathed a sigh of relief, remembering that at that time, he was actually able to survive, and also felt very lucky.

Xiao Naihe nodded. He and Huang Lin played against each other. Xiao Naihe was very clear about the strength of Huang Lin.

The most mysterious character in this Dan Ting is arguably the first person in the 3,300 world, and it seems to be even more powerful by three points than it was in the previous days of the Demon.

"Don't say this, you have suffered such a serious injury now, and you need to be treated immediately. I will open a small space in the space-time world. You will conceive for a while in Taikoo Leichi."

Xiao Nai waved his hand, and there was a burst of golden light in his eyebrows, which wrapped up the entire night king.

"Thank you Master."

Ye Wang bowed his body with a respectful tone.

Xiao Nai didn't worry about what the Night King would do. Now, the Night King trusted him to the extreme. The character of the Night King had already been pinned to death by Xiao Naihe, and could no longer be resurrected.

But just in case, Xiao Naihe still created a small space in the space-time world for the Night King to recover.

There is also Yun Weixue in the space-time world, he is not willing to have any accidents at that time.

The state of Xiao Naihe can open up countless different small spaces in his own inner world, and each space is independent and cannot be disturbed each other.

In this way, I'm not afraid of any unexpected conflict between the Night King and Yun Weixue.

After earning the Night King into his own space, Xiao Naihe stepped into the Yantian Pavilion.

At this time, the ancestors of Dai Jun and Zhu Jia, standing in front of the mountain gate, saw Xiao Naihe's figure and quickly bowed: "I have seen the Son."

"Don't be more polite."

"Holy Son, the Lord Ye Wang just left in a hurry, it seems that he was dealing with someone ..." Dai Jun's ancestor glanced at Xiao Naihe and said suddenly.

"Don't worry about this, it's solved. By the way, Weixue may not have time during this time. What happened in Yantiange, you must help Elder Xue and other talents."

Xiao Nai urged him and was about to walk in. Suddenly he stopped and thought: "Daijun Patriarch, you took this thing to this place and gave it to a man named Liu Xiu."

Between the words, Xiao Nai and He suddenly flew out a little divine thought in his heart. The divine thought was crystal clear, like a pearl of night, and fell in the hands of Dai Jun's ancestor.

Upon hearing this, Dai Jun's ancestor immediately knew that the opportunity for loyalty was coming.

Since Dai Jun's ancestors turned to Xiao Naihe, there has been no chance of loyalty. Now Xiao Naihe has ordered him to do things, which is a very good opportunity.

"Yes, I will definitely give the thing to Mr. Liu Xiu. Even if you are crushed, you must send it to you."

Ancestor Dai Jun's tone was very firm.

Xiao Naihe nodded, and Xiao Nai could feel the thoughts in his ancestor Dai Jun ’s heart. If this time Dai Jun ’s ancestor could do well, Xiao Naihe would not be stingy about pointing this Dai Jun ancestor.

Subsequently, Xiao Nai waved, and the figure flashed, already stepping into her own courtyard.

Now Xiao Nai comes and goes freely in the Yantian Pavilion, no matter who is in or out, no one will go to him.

Many people know how Xiao Naihe's temperament is.

And Xiao Naihe is really unwilling to let others find themselves, then others will definitely not find it.

As a result, no matter whether Xiao Nai now enters or exits Yan Tian Pavilion, no one knows.

After he came to the yard, there was a gourd in his hand.

"I came back from Huang Lin. Liu Xiu shouldn't know, or let Dai Jun's ancestors tell it in the past, lest they worry about it, maybe they think I have something wrong."

Xiao Naihe's eyes moved, and then he focused on the gourd in his hand.

The gourd bounced, bursts of gleaming lights continued, Xiao Naihe smiled slightly, and the figure came out, as if it turned into a thick black gas, and then went into the gourd.

At this time in the gourd, it seemed that there was a small world in it, and a woman was standing in the corner.

The exquisite thoughts of Linglong's whole body skyrocketed, as if a powerful light mask was formed, and the whole person was enveloped in it. The power exploded between each palm, and there was a momentum that could devour the mountains and rivers.

Boom Boom Boom Boom ...

A blast of palms shook, and the whole world inside the gourd was torn apart.

Suddenly there was a thunderous boom.

This exquisite attempt was to shatter the whole gourd.

Xiao Naihe shook his head. This gourd was what he got from the night king. The eighth grade is the best Taoist. go with.

Unless it is the role of Wushenyi, using the power of the mind of the whole body to concentrate on his fist and punch down, the entire inner wall of the gourd is completely broken.

Otherwise, it is impossible to escape.

Linglong is obviously not a master of existence like Wu Shenyi. Between her every move, her power is extremely limited.

Although it looks amazing on the outside, it is not worth mentioning in Xiao Naihe's eyes.

"You don't have to waste your time, my gourd, the top grade, let alone one you, even ten people like you can't break this place together."

Xiao Naihe shook his head, and his voice spread from behind.

At this moment, Linglong ’s head would n’t, and her eyes became extremely cold. Her body seemed to be an excalibur, and she stabbed directly in the void, with the same wind and sound, towards Xiao But in front, it was just a shot with a palm.

"Xiao Naihe!"

Linglong's voice was full of hate, and when the strong palm wind was blowing out, it was enveloped towards Xiao Naihe.

At that moment, the speed reached an extreme.

The momentum is amazing, almost swallowing the world, but Xiao Naihe just looked at it quietly.

Even at the moment when the exquisite palm wind broke out, Xiao Naihe seemed to be looking at a little girl, her expression remained unchanged,

"Do not move like a mountain."

At this moment, Xiao Nai's five-finger open, his eyes suddenly burst out, as if a burst of sparks, at the moment of bursting, it merged with Xiao Naihe.

Suddenly, Linglong seemed to be bound by a mysterious force, unable to move.

"Miss Linglong, do you remember? You were in the secret realm of Miao Miao Shenkong, but you used an avatar to chase me down, but now more than a year has passed, but you have become my rank prisoner How time flies. "

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly, but his smile was very cold.

That's right, Xiao Nai was chased by Ling Long before getting the remnant of Miao Miao Shen Kong.

At that time, Xiao Naihe also displayed all his strengths, and finally escaped Linglong's clutches.

But in less than two years now, although Linglong was still Linglong at the time, Xiao Naihe was no longer Xiao Naihe at the time.

At this time, Xiao Naihe's strength reached the level of the Ninth Peak, already at the level of Pan Lingzi.

"Xiao Naihe!"

After hearing Xiao Naihe's words, Linglong's eyes suddenly appeared very complicated.

Linglong obviously also remembered that he was able to chase Xiao Naihe and forced Xiao Nai to run away. But now Xiao Naihe can catch himself easily.

This change in time really made Linglong feel an incredible.

"What happened to you when you caught me?"

Linglong exhaled, calmed her emotions and asked in a very indifferent tone.

"What's the matter? You and Tianshui Yi and Wushen I, three people, unite to count me, and still have to catch my companion, which is not good for me, you ask me why I caught you, if not in the face of Pan Lingzi Above, I can kill you now. "

Xiao Nai waved his hand.

When he was in the ancestral world, Xiao Nai faced the Huo Luo and Ming Wangs, and Pan Lingzi shot temporarily.

Although Pan Lingzi at that time only looked at the face of being the heir of Beinanyi, he would help himself, but that time did indeed give Xiao Naihe a big favor.

Because of feelings and reason, Xiao Naihe is not good at killing Linglong now.

If Xiao Naihe really wants to kill Linglong, as long as Wushen is in the scene, he can use his magical powers to riot and kill.

However, Xiao Nai was not naive to the point where he would let a person offend himself and want to do harm to himself.

So Xiao Nai captured Linglong.

"Xiao Naihe, I know you are very powerful, but my master is already at the level of the nineth highest peak, and now it is more powerful than you, to an unknown level."

"What do you want to say?"

"Are you like your sister, are you threatening me?"

Xiao Na couldn't help but smile, shook his head, and suddenly waved his hand, and said with a smile: "So, I will give you a chance, if you can use this three tricks in this place, let me take a step away, I will immediately let you go Go. How? "


Linglong was slightly surprised, and did not expect that Xiao Naihe would actually say this. It seemed that Xiao Naihe was arrogant to the extreme.

At this time, Linglong couldn't help but wonder, what Xiao Nai was trying to do.

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