Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1613: Guests come from afar

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Xiao Nai has recovered all his energy in the space-time world.

His current ability of the Four Cultivation Roads is lost, and the divine personality, even the immortal elders and Qilian Songping, can overcome it. If Pan Lingzi really wants to pervert in Yantian Pavilion, Xiao Nai is absolutely capable of stopping the other party.

"you may try it."

After hearing this, Pan Lingzi couldn't help but whispered carefully in his mouth. When he looked at Xiao Naihe, he saw that there was no breath in Xiao Naihe's body, as if the whole person sank into an endless void. Among.

Rao is an opponent like Pan Lingzi, and now he can't catch the depth of Xiao Naihe.

For a time, Pan Lingzi couldn't help but think of the first time he saw Xiao Naihe in the world of ancestors and goddesses. At that time, Xiao Naihe was in the Eightfold Realm, and he already had the power to kill Ming King.

But now that only half a year has passed, Xiao Naihe has actually stood on this level and has become a top presence among the four realms.

"It turned out to be blue, when Bei Nanyi was at your age, I heard that he had just suffered a lot and began to practice Taoism, and it was also the 'Everyday Demon Scripture' that I got at that time. Starting from Beinanyi, I do n’t know how much more powerful it is. Even if you do n’t have the secret of the Lord Tingting, you might be able to become a passive state with your own ability in the future. "

Pan Lingzi sighed slightly, looking at Xiao Naihe, could not help but think of Beinanyi, but Xiao Naihe is much more powerful than Beinanyi.

"Past, present, and future, everything will change. The number of the future, even if it is a master of the passive state, as strong as a white inorganic existence, can not really control it. Saying these words is of no use at all."

"I know that your confidence should be the master of the Nineth Peak behind you, and I heard that you have a good relationship with Shiyou. If I were to work in this Yantian Pavilion, the master of the Nineth Peak behind you would be Come and deal with me. But I heard the immortal elder say that the master behind you was seriously injured. Now even the immortal man can easily defeat him. Are you really able to resist me? "

Xiao Nai suddenly laughed when he heard it.

It turned out that Pan Lingzi misunderstood Xiao Naihe to put his own battles on the night king, but when he thought about it, Xiao Naihe could understand that the strength of the night king was indeed powerful, even if Pan Lingzi knew it, he would be afraid.

She now has this idea, which is quite normal. After all, in Pan Lingzi's eyes, he was only the cultivator of the 'late nineth layer'.

Thinking of coming here, Xiao Nai waved his hand and smiled lightly: "Forget it, not to mention these, the friendship between us is limited to the kindness in the world of the ancestral god. No matter what you want to do in the future, I will take care of it No. People do n’t commit me, I do n’t commit anybody, if anyone commits me, I must commit an offender. This, I hope the girl Pan Lingzi can remember. "

After finishing talking, Xiao Nai waved his hand, believing that he had sent a guest order and sent away Pan Lingzi.

At this moment there was a slight voice in the void, as if something was torn.

Subsequently, a vortex appeared from above, and this vortex circled up, enveloping both Pan Lingzi and Linglong.

"Since this is the case, I have nothing to say. I'll leave now."

After that, Pan Lingzi's body also showed a burst of weird breath, the two were wrapped together, and in a blink of an eye, it had disappeared.

Xiao Naihe watched these two people disappear from the vortex.

This vortex is outside the gate connecting Yantian Pavilion.

At this time, Pan Lingzi walked out of the gate of the whirlpool with exquisiteness, and the breathing time was already 300,000 miles away from Yantian Pavilion.

After Linglong couldn't feel Xiao Naihe's breath, he let out a long sigh of relief and said, "Master, why don't you take that Xiao Naihe down with your ability just now, this Xiao Naihe is offended now? Compared with Wushenyi, compared to Wushenyi, who suffered a loss in his hand, he had a magic barrier in his heart, and he couldn't make progress. Unless he killed Xiao Naihe, he could solve the magic barrier of Wushenyi. "

Linglong is also a very intelligent person, who can easily deduce the current plight of Wushenyi.

Pan Lingzi glared at Linglong and said in a very indifferent tone: "This kind of idea, you don't want to think about it again in the future."

"Why? Master, you are afraid of the master behind Xiao Naihe, but I can guess that the master must have been seriously injured in Wu Shenyi's hand. In Yantian Pavilion, it is a great opportunity for the master. "

"Do you really think it's that simple? This Xiao Naihe, although the immortal elder said he was in the realm of the late Jiuzhong, I was always a bit weird. The confidence he faced when facing me was absolutely untrue. Absolutely. It ’s not that it ’s mysterious, so I ’m in doubt. If I did it at that time, I ’m afraid that he really had some means to stay me. Do n’t forget, there is a sky monster behind him. This one is already the same as Hua Hua Generally, I have stepped into a half-step passive state. "


As soon as he heard the name of the demon, Linglong seemed to remember something. He shook his head and shook his head. There was a trace of deep fear in his eyes.

"But you do n’t have to worry. Xiao Naihe has someone to deal with him naturally. That person is estimated to have reached the wilderness continent now, I can feel it. But this kind of trouble, we should not be involved now, or sit on the mountain. Watch the tiger fight. "

As soon as the voice fell, Pan Lingzi caught Linglong again, and the whole person jumped out into the sky and flew out towards the sky in an instant.

After a while, the two of them disappeared.

After the two of them disappeared, Xiao Naihe was still in the original pavilion.

It's just that Xiao Naihe's eyes were on the front and the distance, not knowing what he was thinking.

"That plate of Lingzi was very interesting just now. She mentioned the immortal elder. Although she didn't notice it, it must be interesting. It seems that Wushen Yi will not be so kind and willing to give up. It has already moved her mind to deal with me. Now. "

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly, five fingers, and his fingers seemed to pinch, and the sky and star chart in his eyes could not help but run, rotating at a very fast speed.

Then the star chart shone a fine light in the void, showing a figure.

As soon as this figure appeared, it fell into Xiao Naihe's eyes and was immediately recognized by Xiao Naihe.

"This is the immortal elder. Sure enough, this old guy has already reached the wilderness continent. It must have been said by Wushen to deal with me. Now Wushen has suffered such a big loss in my hand. It has failed several times. If there is a magic barrier, I will definitely find a place in me. If the immortal elder can kill me, and the magic barrier disappears in the heart of Wushen, he has the possibility to continue to progress. "

After talking, the star chart in Xiao Naihe's eyes moved slightly, shining the silhouette on the disc with cilia, like a mirror.

"Now that this guest has come, I will naturally go to him."

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly, and suddenly, the figure that appeared in the disc in front of him suddenly flickered, and the eyes of the immortal elder seemed to be turned over in a matter of hundreds of thousands of miles.

Xiao Naihao waved his hand, and a flash of light flashed in his hand, as if it was a breeze. After that, the disc was closed at once.

The figure moved, and then Xiao Naihe's figure stepped into the sky.

While Xiao Naihe disappeared, the other side, the immortal elder who had just stepped onto the wild land, suddenly frowned.

"What was that just now, how did I feel as if someone is peeping at me, and there are absolutely no more than ten people who can do this kind of thing in the world, who is it?"

The immortal elder shook his head, his eyes focused, and said again: "Is it the mysterious master behind Xiao Naihe? That master is already at the height of the Ninefold Peak. There must be some supernatural powers that can sense me. No, right, that master is in Wushen Under Yi's long sword, it must have been seriously injured. The current strength is probably less than 30%. It is impossible to peep at me if I want to run the calculation magical power. "

After excluding this idea, the Immortal Elder continued to fly toward the front.

He flashed through 30,000 miles of space, but it was just a breathing time. Looking at the continuous mountains below, the immortal elder said again: "Speaking of this, Pan Lingzi now does not know if she has brought her apprentice out. It ’s been an hour. But Pan Lingzi ’s strength is not worse than mine, I do n’t know what she is afraid of, why do n’t you do it yourself? Well, there must be some great chance for this Xiao Naiho, if I can get it, maybe It is also extremely useful! "

Between the words, the body of the immortal elder was turned over again and stretched out in midair.

"Oh? Do you think your strength is no less than that of Pan Lingzi? Worthy of being the master of the Nineth Peak, he is so confident in speaking."

At this moment, the immortal elder suddenly felt the sound coming from the void.

In every sentence, it seems to be full of a very mysterious power, which runs and becomes very deep.

After the sound rang, the body of the Immortal Elder suddenly shook, and his eyes seemed to become swords, piercing into the void, pointing directly above.

"who is it?"

The sound of the immortal elder seems to be like a thunder blast, and the clattering piece can almost shock the whole world.

Suddenly, the whole scene became very powerful.

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