Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1615: Defenseless

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"This is regrettable Xiao, exceedingly powerful, but really the strength of the latter part of the seventh just do?"

Shaw and all of a sudden it is regrettable grips, immortal elders are robbed again and again prevail.

Even if the immortal elders can reverse the situation, they will be resisted by Xiao Naihe in an instant.

This realm makes the immortal elders increasingly doubt Xiao Naihe's true strength.

Don't look at the difference between the late Jiuzhong and the peak of the nineth layer, but the master of the peak of the nineth layer can be said to be the pinnacle of the supreme realm. The opponent of the pinnacle master.

At the beginning, Hong Wenhou stepped into the late Jiuzhong period, united with Buddha to deal with Xiao Naihe, and finally was killed by Xiao Naihe's direct refining. This is the gap between the realms.

What's more, Xiao Naihe's ninth peak is different from other ninth peaks.

The four avenues he practiced by himself, as well as a lot of Taoist experience, his mind was mature to the extreme.

The battle against the immortal elders has been fully prepared for a long time without any burden on my heart.

After fighting with the immortal elder, Xiao Naihe collapsed for the first time. The magic wheel emerging behind his body kept turning, and all the airflows in the three thousand miles of the heaven and earth were gathered together.

Whirring whirring.

Feng Lie Xiong Lie, for a time, the whole area seemed to be filled with a piece of yellow sand.

The dust in the sky is directly submerged and covered, and the parcel is directly wrapped in front of the immortal elder.

Everywhere ...

The bursts of tearing sounds, after the huge **** wheel turned, collided with the fist of the immortal elder in the void.

After the violent voice came out, Xiao Naihe and the Immortal Elder seemed to be forced back to the back by some powerful force.

"This old man is really powerful. After all, he is also a master of the Jiuzhong Peak. Although it is not as powerful as the Night King, it can be regarded as a middle-high in the Jiuzhong Peak."

Xiao Naihe's thought moved slightly, and he flew out immediately. As soon as he flew out, a golden glow suddenly appeared in front of him. These golden lights diffused in the void.

Finally, a long avenue of stars was formed.

A piece of golden light seemed to be paving a way, and Xiao Nai leaped up, and within a breathing time, he reached the voice of the immortal elder.

"If you come to France and India, don't move like a mountain.

After three consecutive words of "town" shouted out, Xiao Naihe's bodyguard was aroused to the extreme. His handprint pinched out the form of an empty tuo, and he shot it in mid-air.

In the blink of an eye, this method was imprinted at the moment it was shot, and it slammed into the body of the immortal elder.

It seemed like countless stars and stones squeezed up and piled up toward the body of the immortal elder, making a loud noise.

And this tremor spread for thousands of miles.

If you are in these thousands of miles, you can feel the fluctuation of Xiao Naihe.

"It ’s a good boy, it ’s worthy of San Xiu Sheng Zi. I heard that you were able to contend with the eighth master at the level of the founder. Now that you are in the late nineth layer, you can still deal with me and make me threaten. Now. "

Even the immortal elder, a strong man, clearly felt the divine power in the entire void at this time, making the immortal elder feel a strong crisis in his heart.

In the blink of an eye, the body of the immortal elder seemed to be continuously raised, and his five fingers were crushed to form a punch. This fist suddenly changed another momentum compared to the aura of indomitability just now.

Endless and feminine.

This is Yin and Yang interchange.

The master of immortal elders, practicing humane supernatural powers, has reached a level where yin and yang can be transformed freely.

Slightly, his boxing intention spread to the sky and surged in front of Xiao Naihe.

Denden ...

Click and click.

At this time, the immortal elder made a strange sound all over his body, as if it were a firecracker, with a fierce momentum.

After a while, his fist attacked again, hitting Rulai Fayin in the void.

The collision of one punch and one French seal caused the airflow in the air to explode at once, forming a vacuum zone, and when all the airflows were extracted, Xiao Naihe's body leaped.

"My punch is also a punch in humanity, I wonder if you can follow?"

"Huh, a little Jiuzhong later, dare to get an axe in front of me."

The immortal elder snorted, and at this time, he also punched out, "The world is infinite, hunting the fist of God."

Five thousand miles in a circle is full of the fist of immortal elders.

When the whole earth shook, it was necessary to take the lead to suppress Xiao Naihe's whole people.

But at this time, Xiao Naihe's voice suddenly sounded in the void, like a thunder, rumbling, rumbling.

"Welling Chi Xiaoquan."

Xiao Nai He Shennian seemed to be blooming all the time, surging out constantly. In a blink of an eye, he surrounded the immortal elders with all his fists. In a blink, he swallowed out.

Immortal Elder's original punch was indeed powerful. If he attacked into the world, a city could turn to ashes in one breath.

But Xiao Naihe's fist is even more different. It is not as strong and full of strength, as the mountains are cracking.

Not to mention a city, even a country can be completely razed to the ground.

This is exactly the case. Xiao Naihe's punch, in a moment, swallowed all the rights and interests of the Immortal Elder. In an instant, the body of the Immortal Elder seemed to feel an inexplicable danger. He immediately retreated to 30,000. Space outside and inside.

Looking at the sky, after his boxing intention was swallowed and refined by Xiao Naihe's boxing intention, he could no longer keep his original calmness, but a horrified, surprised look appeared on his face.

In the end, it turned into dread, and terrible.

By this time, the immortal elders really saw Xiao Naihe's strength and had reached an extremely powerful state.

Suddenly, the icy voice of the immortal elder rang out: "Good guy, I know that you, the three sons of the Three Cultivation Sons, are capable of killing people by leapfrogging, but did not expect to be so powerful."

"Elder Immortal, you are indeed a powerful person. You and Qi Lian Songping are the second leaders in the Danting court, but Qi Lian Songping is smarter than you, because he has spotted Wu Shenyi as a man. It is powerful and has a great talent. He is indeed very likely to get the position of God. However, I look at him with a shabby face. Even if his martial arts become God in other days, he will not share the chance secret of promotion to the passive realm. You. You beat him to death, but only to be used by him. "

At this time, Xiao Naihe was standing in the void, the fist that originally filled the midair, now covering Xiao Naihe.

Behind him, it is like there is a thick sea, endless mountains and rivers.

For a while, Xiao Naihe seemed to be the most mysterious master in the world. His every move revealed a powerful and endless breath.

Finally, it settled in the void and echoed the breath in Xiao Naihe's body.

Even after the immortal elder felt the breath of Xiao Naihe, his body was shaken hard, making him have a kind of impossible beyond the scope of Xiao Naihe's fist.

"You do n’t have to break my heart with words. I know the things best by myself. The gap between Qi Lian Songping and me does n’t need you to be reminded by an outsider. Today I ’m going to kill you. Can save you. "

The voice of the immortal elder had just fallen, and in a blink of an eye, he collapsed directly, making a loud noise like a shell.

Rumble. Rumble.

After this loud noise spread, a strong smell of sulfur permeated at once, as if all the volcanoes on the entire wild continent had to erupt at this moment.

Whirring whirring……

The wind screamed in mid-air and passed through Xiao Naihe's ear, as if sinking into Xinghai.

Immortal elders also carried a powerful force at this time. It seemed that a huge planet was formed behind the whole person, and it hit Xiao Naihe in the blink of an eye.

"Large ovens, refining."

Xiao Naihe's eyes burst out with a red glow.

At the moment of this burst of light, a huge oven was formed, and finally the planets behind the immortal elders were all absorbed into it, as if shattered.

"Xiao Naihe, promise to come."

At this moment, the immortal elder's momentum turned straight down. His body seemed to be a divine dragon, and he actually landed from midair, and quickly landed in front of Xiao Naihe.

It was a five-finger press, like a huge five-finger mountain, which extended beyond the space of 30,000 miles, and was severely suppressed.

This momentum, like a bullfight, reversed the world at once.


Between the fierceness, Xiao Naihe's body seemed to be under this huge five-finger mountain, and it hit hard, turning into a piece of thought.

Vaguely, in this thought, Xiao Naiho's soul was also struck into fragments, and his flesh was also slammed into the depths of the ground.

"Hahaha, you are not dead yet? The soul is crushed, even if it is as strong as me, it cannot be resurrected. Xiao Nai He Xiao Nai He is really a pity, but your flesh is still there. Grab it and refine it into something outside your body. "

Immortal elders smashed all the souls of Xiao Naihe in one blow.

No matter how powerful the master is, even if you have stepped into the realm of the Ninth Peak, once the soul and the divine personality are smashed away, all will be destroyed, crushed, and turned into powder.

If one of Xiao Naihe ’s current thoughts can escape from this place and hide for hundreds of years, he can practice again.

But the immortal elder confirmed that Xiao Naihe's spirit and personality were all shattered, and his thoughts were completely destroyed.

Suddenly letting go of his heart, his eyes moved, his body relaxed, and he breathed a sigh of white smoke above his head.

This is because the battle between the immortal elder and Xiao Naihe consumed too much energy. At this time, the immortal elder flew to the front, while looking for Xiao Naihe's body, the other side said softly: "This Xiao Naihe It ’s really amazing, I did n’t expect that I actually expended so much energy. Since practicing to the ninth peak level, after the perfection of a dollar, I have never been forced to this point. ”

The immortal elder shook his head. Although he was an enemy, he could not help but admire Xiao Naihe secretly.

"I don't know where his body is?"

The eyes of the immortal elder are like Xiao Naihe ’s heavenly astrology and star charts, which are constantly rotating. His five fingers are one, I do n’t know what to calculate and calculate.

At this time, a burst of fine light flashed out of the ground, and there was a faint wave of rafting.

"Just there."

The immortal elder sipped and stretched out his hand in the void, forming a void palm, and thus extended into the ground.

In an instant, it has already entered below three thousand feet below the ground.

It can be seen how powerful the immortal elders were at that time, and it was almost necessary to bombard Xiao Naihe's flesh into the earth's heart.

Puff puff puff puff! Puff puff puff puff!

Afterwards, the palm of the Immortal Elder withdrew, and he saw the palm that he gathered in the air, and grabbed a body, which was Xiao Naihe's body.

Upon seeing the immortal elder, a smile appeared on his face.

Suddenly, on top of Xiao Naihe's head, bursts of white light suddenly appeared, and these lights were constantly mixing, as if forming a small vortex.

"what is this?"

In the doubtful eyes of the immortal elder, this whirlpool rotates faster, and in a blink of an eye, a burst of fine light is released, covering Xiao Naihe's body.

These lights glowed with the same breath, as if they were lights in the long river, they could not be extinguished.

Within a short span of time, Xiao Naihe had a white cloud of smoke attached to his body.

"This is ... awful."

Just as the immortal elder burst into a sigh, he immediately gave away his hand, and he quickly backed away.

The instantaneous time has reached thousands of miles.

He originally thought that Xiao Nai He's soul was shattered, and he was definitely dying, so he put down all his vigilance, but he did not expect that the change was rampant at this time.

Xiao Naihe's body seemed to come alive, and after his eyes opened, a burst of light erupted.

"The soul of the gods is not extinguished, and King Kong is not bad."

This is the anti-heaven Taoist law in the "Yuchen Wushu", even if the soul and deity are bombed into fragments, they can be resurrected on the spot, unless they are masters of the unity of the origin, use magical powers, forcibly refine or seal Xiao What kind of soul can make Xiao Naihe die.

But now the immortal elder, who knows Xiao Naihe's magical power, was caught off guard and quickly retreated to a space thousands of miles away.

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