Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1630: You also take me a trick (below)

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Wuhe Tianzun came out slowly, and the black energy on his body seemed to be spiritual, all converging to his side.

When the black gas around the crowd gathered together, this black gas suddenly formed a set of armor. The whole set of armor was not only black gas, but also a strong death gas.

This dead air is exactly the same as the dead air in the cell. The whole cell was surrounded by Xiao Naihe's dead air, as if it had turned into a heavenly demon, making a sharp voice of ‘铮铮 铮铮 '.

"Death ring, blood dragon, one yuan division, you should be the realm of the nine peaks. If I guess correctly, you should be Wuhe Tianzun, but although Xiao Naihe said that he has not been famous for many years, he has mastered it. Knowledge and news will never be worse than anyone in the world, but you have never heard of your name, even you are still a master who has reached the peak of the nineth level. "

When Xiao Naihe spoke, he stood there lightly, and those cultivators who had just begun to deal with Xiao Naihe were all suppressed by Xiao Naihe's powerful forces and could not move.

To Xiao Naihe's real power, the Ninth Peak, the Four Cultivation Avenue, the Holy Spirit, and every move, they can bring them a strong surrender.

"Wuhe Tianzun, it turned out that this person was Wuhe Tianzun. I heard that Han Siyuan, who came out of the Kingdom of the Cloud God Kingdom, was in the Jiutian God Realm. Now Wuhe Tianzun is in control of the world of Fangyuan and I didn't expect to be so young."

Bailibing also saw Wuhe Tianzun for the first time. The last time she came, she was in a hurry and did not really enter into it, so she did not see Wuhe Tianzun.

She looked at Wuhe Tianzun, a little curious in her voice.

"What's this? Even Senior Senior Xiao is not very young. He dare to talk to this Wuhe Tianzun. I'm afraid it's not as simple as the creator. His strength is unfathomable. If he hasn't figured out Wuhe Tianzun clearly, The strength of this is something that dare not speak to this person like this. "

As soon as Zhou Xiaomei spoke, the others around him nodded.

Xiao Naihe just took down so many masters one after another, and beheaded and cracked down one after another. This is no longer the means of the creator. I am afraid that it has reached a more superb level.

In the same way, although Zhou Xiaomei called Xiao Nai as a "predecessor", he was also called by Xiu Wei.

In the practice world, even a nine-year-old child has reached the supremacy level, which is also referred to as a senior by those who have practiced for hundreds of years and thousands of years, but have not reached the supremacy level.

In spiritual practice, only strength is identity.

Although Zhou Xiaomei and others are far inferior to Xiao Naihe in terms of realm and strength, no one can see the real age of Xiao Naihe.

The age of a monk's body will correspond to that of the 3,300 world, exuding a breath, called years and rings, as long as anyone who knows a little bit of monasticism can see it.

"Haha, I have practiced Wuhe Tianzun for thousands of years, and it is the first time I have seen you such a young Son of Three Cultivators. It is said that the" Holy "in the ancient times spent a hundred years in achieving the peak of the Ninefold. I think your annual rings are no more than thirty years old. By comparison, I am also an old guy. "

Wuhe Tianzun laughed, his death was still fluctuating, causing the temperature in the entire cell to suddenly drop, as if he were in a deep ice cave.

Everyone felt cold, and the soul had a sense of freezing. If a person's soul produces an illusory transformation of substantial harm, it is very dangerous.

It is as if Zhou Xiaomei and others now feel that the soul of the soul seems to be frozen under the death of Wuhe Tianzun. It used to be that the soul could not be frozen, but if Zhou Xiaomei and others really felt this way, it would n’t take long for the soul to be frozen into an ice sculpture, the divine thought collapsed, and the real death would never save it again. come back.

Xiao Naihe also had such an obvious feeling. His body shook slightly and shook his head secretly: "Only this lifeless death, this man is afraid of killing a lot of people, otherwise it is impossible for him to gather such a strong deathlife. My two There are a lot of ancient battlefields that Shi Weiren has encountered, but none of the battlefield death can have his brutality. "

Xiao Naihe encountered one of the largest ruins of the ancient battlefield at that time. At least eight million people died in the war. He died in the sky and entered it like **** in Shura hell.

And Wuhe Tianzun's body has a stronger sense of death, and he died in the hand of Wuhe Tianzun, at least eight million people have already reached it.

Xiao Naihe II was a man, even if he killed many people, but he thought he had never killed so many people in his life.

After seeing Wuhe Tianzun, he was truly the absolute opposite, a cultivator who safely regarded human life as a mustard.

"Cultivation for thousands of years? There are talents from Jiangshan generation, who have been leading the way for hundreds of years. Now it is not the era when the gods and demons were rampant before that millennium. It is not your time now."

Xiao Nai said lightly.

"Haha, your words are interesting. Are you saying that it is not an age when we are the old guys in western Zhejiang? In the eyes of the cultivator, it is in fact thousands of years, which is no different from decades. It is more than ten thousand years old. People, most people are there. "

"Oh, is it like the ancestor of the Hong family who is with you?"

Xiao Nai's eyes moved slightly, and suddenly he laughed, as if he was tempting something.

"You don't need to tell me about the ancestors of the Hong family, I definitely know more than you. What is the purpose of your coming here? If you just want to save these people, I wouldn't find it so simple. The cultivators are ruthless and can betray everything for the benefit. These people are no different from ordinary people in the eyes of people like you and me. "

"Oh? I really didn't come to save them. The person I want to find should be in your hands. He is called Wen Shiyi."

Hearing here, Wuhe Tianzun shook his body. Although it was soon covered up, it was still not ignored by Xiao Naihe.

It seems that Wen Shiyi was taken away by Wuhe Tianzun, and that as Wen Shiyi was actually taken away by Wuhe Tianzun, this is too suspicious.

The ancestor of the Lian Hong family suddenly appeared here, and Xiao Nai slowly felt that there must be some connection between the two personalities.

"Wen Shiyi? You really came to find the orphan, so then, do you know that thing?"

Wuhe Tianzun closed his eyes and suddenly asked tentatively.

How Xiao Nai heard it was also a move in his heart. The orphan of Wuhe Tianzun said that it must be said that Wen Shiyi is a descendant of the Wu clan.

I have to say that Wuhe Tianzun asked this question quite cleverly, and did not reveal everything, but did not let go of a key clue.

Why did Wuhe Tianzun capture Wen Shiyi, and where did Xiao Nai know, but at this moment, instead of feeling the opportunity came, a smile appeared on his face, and said lightly: "The secret of Wen Shiyi? See? Come you know he is the orphan of that race. "

Xiao Naiho's remark revealed a kind of ‘you know what I know’, but in fact Xiao Naihe did n’t even know what happened.

Wuhe Tianzun's question was very ingenious, and Xiao Naihe's answer was also very ingenious.

Let Wuhe Tianzun have a feeling that the man in front of him also knew this matter.

After contacting Xiao Naihe's identity and intention, Wuhe Tianzun had to leave a little thought in his heart.

With his suspicious nature, he would rather kill the wrong than let it go!

"Since you know it, I can't keep you anymore. The ancestor of the Hong family said your cultivation is strong, but I think he is still a bit exaggerated. In that case, how do you take me?"

As soon as the voice fell slightly, Wuhe Tianzun's body was like a shell, and he stepped out in an instant.

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom!

The violent riot sound passed from the top to the top of the room. There was a burst of noise in the entire space cell. It seemed that countless thunders exploded at this moment.

This burst of noise, a sudden, suddenly blasted off the entire cell, the room beams, and the black iron cage, all at this moment directly collapsed into fly ash.

The spiritual power of Wuhe Tianzun was suddenly wrapped in the sky, almost burying all of Xiao Naihe and others.

When this strength broke out, Xiao Naihe took a step back.

This step is not a simple one. If he jumps, he steps back a dozen feet.

When retreating to the back, his body turned slightly and was also a punch, dispelling all the dead air around him, and there was a strong dragon spirit in the boxing intention.

"Fist of human dragon, bloody!"

Xiao Naiho's body and blood seemed to boil, and the temperature rose at once, making a boiling sound.

The sound of these sound waves, and Xiao Nai's acupuncture all merged together, as if the music sounded between them, every flow of sound waves is so perfect.

"Peddle and pedal."

The sound of this impact is like a huge mountain squeezed up, forming a supernatural shuttle, a rumble, almost pulling the whole island away.

"It's a powerful shock, a powerful match. Wuhe Tianzun must be beyond the groundbreaking level, but this senior Xiao is also a character beyond the creator. I did not expect to be able to see the legend in my life. Masters in the game! "

Baili Bingrao is like frost in his heart. At this time, when he saw Xiao Naihe and Wuhe Tianzun as an opponent, he couldn't help but was excited.

And her face also showed a horrified, horrified, excited look.

It was not just her, but also the people around. Looking at Xiao Naihe and Wuhe Tianzun, the eyes were shocked and frightened, respected and horrified.

Xiao Naihe also has Wuhe Tianzun. No matter who they are, there is a trace of breath from them that has a feeling that can make everyone wonder and kill immediately.

Zhou Xiaomei nodded and shook her head again. The look on her face was very complicated. She only felt that Xiao Naihe and Wuhe Tianzun's every move brought her a thought that would never be able to resist.


Just when everyone was horrified, two sounds flew out of the thick smoke, with a strong breath behind them.

Suddenly, Wuhe Tianzun's body stretched out in mid-air, and a shield was formed on his body to protect all his body.

"Wuhe Tianzun, courtesy and reciprocity, I took a move from you, and you take a move from me."

Xiao Naiho's voice came from the air.

Somehow, after hearing this voice, Wuhe Tianzun suddenly had a bad hunch in his heart.

When he raised his head, he saw Xiao Naihe's face with a smile on his face, but there was a huge torrent form behind him.

"The torrents of the heavens!"

Wow wow wow wow wow!

In an instant, from all directions, above the sea around the entire island, tens of thousands of tons of seawater were directly extracted by Xiao Naihe at this time.

After these seawaters were brought up, a torrent formed, like a tornado, rolled out violently, directly wrapped around Wuhe Tianzun.

"This is a supernatural power?"

Wuhe Tianzun was slightly taken aback. At the next moment, there was a slight crack in the shield on his body. In this torrent, Wuhe Tianzun's body seemed to be thrown out of Jiuxiaoyun.

"Great Comfort!"

At this moment, Wuhe Tianzun slapped both hands, and a huge statue appeared suddenly on his body.

After the statue appeared, it was released from the inside of Wuhe Tianzun from the inside out. Finally, the **** opened his eyes, as if he had come alive from the ancient times, and took a palm shot, which fell directly to the front. Severely suppressed, he shot heavily towards Xiao Naihe's head.

"You have your statue of liberty, I have my Buddha statue."

Xiao Nai He sneered coldly, and when that torrent was caught in the sky, Xiao Nai He's body was vertical, as if he had transformed into a vulture, directly rushing into the torrent of sea water.

Subsequently, from the top of Xiao Naihe's head, a hundred apertures were derived, and the hundred apertures were continuously gathered together to cover a huge Buddha statue.

If you look closely at this Buddha statue, there are Xiao Naihe and Shakya form.

This is due to Xiao Naihe's breath and Shakya Sari.

However, a kind of terrifying power came from the Buddha statue, so that hundreds of people behind the island had a thought in their hearts to worship.


Wuhe Tianzun hadn't spoken yet, Xiao Nai just burst into a blast, and a huge Buddha image flew to the front in an instant, and slammed into the **** statue on Wuhe Tianzun.

哐 哐 哐 哐!

Suddenly, the entire island was directly submerged by seawater.

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