Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1635: Tianlun Shenxiao

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Torn face.

The ancestors of the Hong family and Wuhe Tianzun finally tore their faces. Although Xiao Naihe knew that the two of them would tear their faces sooner or later, he did not expect to be so fast.

Just when there was profit, the two people immediately exposed their own ideas, and the strong greed was directly revealed.

The ancestor of the Hong family was fierce and shot instantly. The light on his body enveloped the whole person, and on the other side he covered Wuhe Tianzun.

"In this world, there really are no eternal friends, only eternal interests."

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly. At this time, his meson form was already moving towards the rear, almost tens of miles away.

At the same time, the spirit breath attached to Wuhe Tianzun was also withdrawn. Now the battle between Hong's ancestors and Wuhe Tianzun, even if he suddenly withdrew the spirit breath, the other party will not find it.

"Hong family ancestor, since you have already made it clear, I am not easy to pretend. This big secret, big chance, I definitely want it. If you are willing to fulfill me, wait for me to see through the avenues in the future, I can definitely give How about your other great chance? "

Wuhe Tianzun put his hands on it, and turned on the light that enveloped the ancestor of the Hong family directly over his flesh.

"Hahaha, Wuhe ancestor, you really treat me as a three-year-old child, don't you think I will believe your words will not work? Since you secretly calculated me once, there must be a second time, I'm not as naive as you think, Or honestly, roll it down for me. I want this scroll. "

"Are you going to toast without eating fine?"

"Huh! Wuhe ancestors, if it is the realm and strength, you are not as good as my old guy who has been practicing for tens of thousands of years. The person who really toasts and does not eat fines should be you."

"Hahahaha, I know that you suffered a big loss in the hands of Xiao Naihe, and you have lost some of your accumulation and heritage, even if you used to be a little better than me in terms of realm and strength, but now it is different. I Instead, it has an advantage. Do you really think that I am not prepared to deal with you? "

Hearing this, the ancestors of the Hong family immediately had a bad hunch in their hearts, and they bowed left and right and pulled back.


Suddenly, from the position of the original Hongjia ancestor station, a burst of dead air suddenly filled up, wrapping the entire Hongjia ancestor.

"Incessant death killing Shinto? The good guy didn't expect you to quietly set up such a strategy to deal with me? But don't think that only you are prepared, I am not prepared."

The ancestor of the Hong family also smiled coldly. Suddenly, the ancestor of Wuhe, who was originally in the middle of the sky, saw that the ancestor of the Hong family was like a sword. A breathing time has already jumped in front of myself.

With a brush, the ancestor of the Hong family just took a picture and smashed it to the front. His French seal was fierce, as if the mountains were squeezed, squeezed out of the dead air, and slammed out.

The ancestors of the Hong family have been practicing for tens of thousands of years. If they simply discuss cultivation, they will even be a little higher than Xiao Naihe.

If it is at its peak, once he faces Wuhe Tianzun, he will definitely have a certain upper hand.

But the bad thing is that the ancestors of the Hong family were counted by Xiao Naihe and Jun Yongye, and they lost a lot of background and energy. If this shot is taken at the peak, Wuhe Tianzun will certainly have no good ending!

However, under the momentum of the ancestor of the Hong family, the ancestor of the Wuhe ancestor turned, as if it were a spirit cat, in the middle of the air, flipped over, evading the attack of the ancestor of the Hong family.

"Haha, surnamed Hong, you still can't help me."

Wuhe Tianzun laughed. After he turned away from the attack of the ancestors of the Hong family, he jumped towards the front and grabbed the front. He directly grabbed the scroll in his hand.

"Whether I want to do it or not, these two guys are now on the top of their heads. If Wuhe Tianzun snatches that scroll, I want to grab it again, it is unlikely."

Xiao Naiho was hiding in the void, and after seeing the two men fighting, she couldn't help but feel a little idea.

He also heard the words of Wuhe Tianzun just now. The scroll contains the **** figure created by the ancient Wu clan master ‘Hong’, which may be related to the great opportunity to survive the five declines of heaven and man.

If Xiao Nai could get it, what he learned from it, there must have been an explosive growth in his monastic practice, and he might even step into the passive realm in one fell swoop.

"It seems that I have heard of the Wu clan master 'Hong'. It seems that it is in this era of the world, the first to understand the power of the Wu clan who has stepped into the passive realm. This person must be the ancient" holy ", white inorganic, This kind of person is Shakya. If I can get that scroll, it is definitely a chance! "

Xiao Nai thought about it, when his thoughts were born, suddenly, a strong and extreme breath, directly into the sky.

At the moment when this breath erupted, Xiao Naihe even had such a thought in the spirit of the soul-unable to contend.

"It's a familiar breath, this is the imperial lord Lin of Danting!"

Xiao Naihe suddenly shook the whole person, looking at the front with a dead light that exploded in the void, and the whole light in the sky directly wrapped the entire relic.

The figure who appeared in the field was none other than God Emperor Lin.

The breath of Huang Lin's entire body seemed to be urged to the extreme. When it was released, Xuan Miao was incomparable, which gave birth to an idea that could not be confronted.


The ancestors of the Hong family and Wuhe Tianzun all felt this person at this time, and the movements in their hands were one beat slow.

From the moment when He Huanglin appeared, within a breathing time, his eyes moved slightly, looking at the scroll that had been seated in Wuhe Tianzun's hand, and his pupils shrank slightly.


When Huang Lin's eyes glared over, Wuhe Tianzun exploded, as if locked by some super scary beast, to be completely torn apart.


Wuhe Tianzun didn't hesitate anymore. When he saw Huang Lin, he only had a feeling that he would not be the opponent of the man in front of him.

Although he does not know the identity of Huang Lin, his experience over the years tells him that the mysterious man in front of him has reached a very terrifying state and is very dangerous.

"Come down!"

Huang Lin just glanced at it, and now it was a slight catch in the void. With such a catch, the momentum was violent, and a burst of energy was bursting out of his acupuncture, just like Shura, shrouded in the air.

"This Emperor Lin ... When he played against me, he really concealed a lot of strength."

Xiao Naihe's face also changed a little, very cautiously.

Where he can't see it, Huang Lin's power now is completely different from when he first worked with himself in that secret space.

It can be said that if Huang Lin showed such a momentum at that time, I am afraid that Xiao Nai could not survive at that time.

Shenwei is like the Shura of heaven and earth. When he catches the void, he actually pulls down the whole person of Wuhe Tianzun and slams it down to the ground.

Boom Boom Boom Boom!

A violent explosion, the entire underground seems to be exploded at this time.

The scream of Wuhe Tianzun came out, and suddenly a huge amount of heat was directly uploaded from the body of Wuhe Tianzun: "Explode me!"

A burst of voice came out, and it seemed that a scorching sun had suddenly formed in the sky, to surround Huang Lin as a whole.

"Good guy, Wuhe Tianzun actually burned his own personality and wanted to escape the palm of Huang Lin. But ..."

Xiao Nai sighed softly. At that time when Wuhe Tianzun was burning his own personality, Huang Lin slapped it out again, as if it were a yin and yang cut, which actually divided the heat of Wuhe Tianzun into a rigid body. On both sides.

"World and earth!"

As soon as the voice fell, Huang Lin grabbed it with his right hand, as if pinching an egg, forming a huge palm in midair, and actually grabbing Wuhe Tianzu's body into a crush.


The ancestor of the Hong family looked cold, but did not expect a master like Wuhe Tianzun. Under the face of this mysterious man, he was squeezed and burst out, and even the burning spirit was too late. Raise the ash, hit the dust.

"This man must be the one with legendary origins, stepping into the existence of the passive state? Is it the Bai inorganic in nine days, or the Nong Mengwu. Isn't it right? I have seen Bai inorganic and Fu Mengwu On the one hand, the breath on them is definitely not so weird, so to say ... this person should be the God of the mysterious Dantian in the world of 3,300. It turns out that the legend is true, and the Lord of the Court is really a unity of origins Master. "

The ancestors of the Hong family couldn't care about it at this time. When they saw Wuhe Tianzun actually being confronted by Huang Lin, they were blown away directly, and no idea could be born.

"Want to go?"

Huang Lin glanced and pinched out of the void, grabbing the ancestor of the Hong family.

However, the ancestor of the Hong family was obviously very experienced. At that time, when the body was almost caught, the body and the spirit of the soul had one point, and a concept of avatar was derived, which was escaped into two spaces.

"Forget it!"

Huang Lin withdrew his momentum, then turned his eyes, and turned around again. At the next moment, his gaze was like a sword, pierced in front of Xiao Naihe's meson form.

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