Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1644: God is not bad

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The entire void was filled with all kinds of red light, and the moment when Taikoohong's power blasted from the void, almost the entire earth was blown out of the hole.

This space is actually an independent space transformed by Xiao Naihe's own supernatural powers. If it is broken, he will immediately enter the space-time world.

Putting people like Taiguhong inside, Xiao Naihe is definitely done!

Even if Xiao Nai and He Qiang reached the top of the Nineth Layer, they would be useless.

Everyone has their own weaknesses, and although Xiao Nai's internal space has been protected by multiple prohibitions, even the average nine-layer master can hardly cause harm.

But ‘Hong’ is not an ordinary master. Even if he is not at his peak now, when he was in the Taikoo period, it was at least one source.

Even if there is only some thoughts, it is still very important.

It can be said that the entry of Taikoo Hong into the space-time world is more dangerous than putting the ancestors of the Hong family and Wuhe Tianzun into their own space-time world.

So when Taikoo Hong first appeared, Xiao Naihe was very calm and immediately formed an independent space, sending the two of them into this independent space.

"You can't be called a genius if you don't have a genius that has grown up. Give me a good house, please."

Tai Kuohong sneered, his right hand was caught in the void, and suddenly a stream of air was poured into it, sucking Xiao Naihe's whole body of thought.


When this airflow spread, Xiao Naiho only felt that his soul seemed to be absorbed by Taikoohong in his body.

"The most powerful supernatural power that the spirit of the gods is immortal, and the King Kong is not bad is that if the spirit of the gods is not completely destroyed by the master of the unity of the origin, and every breath of the spirit of the gods is eliminated, the other party cannot be completely killed. King Kong is not bad, and it also has a life gate. I have practiced this Taoist law today, and its weaknesses are clearer than you. "

Taiguhong's voice was filled with a dark chill. It seems that Xiao Nai and He Hun were up and down, and the calculation was very thorough.

In the time of the ancient times, the other party practiced the magic book of the Wu people's road formed by the origin of the world, and even cultivated to the ultimate form.

Tai Guhong knew the various trails in the "Dust and Witch Book" clearly.

"Three doors of life, refine!"

Suddenly, the overwhelming boxing fist burst out of Taikoo Hong's double fists, and the fist was like a rainbow, and a punch fell directly in front of Xiao Naihe.

Suddenly, Xiao Naihe's flesh and soul were slammed by this fist, making a loud noise.


Taikoo Hung ’s power is extremely powerful even if it is just a thought.

The boundless divine power was released from Taiguhong's consciousness, and the entire void suddenly oscillated.

But at this moment, in Xiao Naihe's eyes, a flash of red light flashed suddenly, as if it was blood red nitrogen, changing very ghostly.

At the next moment, above Xiao Naihe's flesh, a variety of lights, such as infinite red light, golden light and so on, appeared like a colorful glaze of nine days.

All kinds of light gathered together, covering Xiao Naihe's flesh like a supreme creator.

The aura is like a dragon, and the mind is powerful.

Rumble rumbling!

When this thought was drilled out of Xiao Naihe's eyebrows, Xiao Naihe's body had released a powerful and inexplicable power in the 1,118 acupuncture points.

"Promise countercurrent".

This is Xiao Naihe's second show of "Promise Countercurrent".

At this time, his mind was close to the five trillion level, far surpassing the mind capacity of any nine-level peak master.

When the violent airflow erupted from the void, it seemed to be united with Xiao Naihe's physical movement.

Xiao Nai He Wu chaos is a punch, a palm, all released a terrifying prestige.

Bang bang bang bang

When this momentum came out, it was enough to travel to any corner in a thousand miles.

"Fivefold true body, Ashura said!"

At this time, the light on Xiao Naihe's body changed, and all the light from the colorful glazes was contained, as if at that moment, Xiao Naihe's whole person had become a crystalline human.

At this time, between Xiao Naihe's eyebrows, a weird statue was suddenly formed, with three sides in one and six arms of divine power.

In one of the eyes, a form appeared. It has nine heads, each with a thousand eyes, nine hundred and ninety hands, eight feet, and spit fire in the mouth.

The other broad shoulder, because of its wide shoulders, can make the sea surging, roaring like thunder, and soaring into the sky.

The last side is even more fierce, and can cover the sun and moon light with giant hands.

These three sides are integrated to form a true body of law. When fusing onto Xiao Naihe's body, a sudden anger burst out of the sky, as if to blow the whole earth out of the hole.

"This is the form of Ashura, stepping on the sea, standing over the sun and the moon in the hands of Sumiyama, standing on the sea with both feet, which can smash the vacuum of heaven and earth. This is not a magical book of the Wu people and Buddhism, it is another kind of original book, the heavens You actually practiced 'Da Ri Ru Lai's handprint' 'Yu Chen Wu Ji' 'Zhu Tian Yao Dian', the three major source and strange books, are you like San's kid, you can't do all three cultivations? "

Taikoohong's face changed a bit when he saw it, and he looked at Xiao Naihe.

He punched Xiao Naihe with this punch, and suddenly made a rumbling sound on Xiao Naihe's flesh, as if the steel was striking, so terrifying.

"My soul is immortal. Now unless you are resurrected, it is possible to kill me completely. But even if you are resurrected, you must seal all my breath of spirits, otherwise I will escape and be able to be reborn. But you I never think that my real life-saving means is not the soul, but the body. "

Xiao Naihe's voice showed a very deep charm.

"I have combined the magical power of Vajra and the six real bodies together, plus the 1,118 cave-knowledge techniques of Buddhism, now it is not broken by the vacuum, which is more powerful than the spirit of the gods. . "

This is not why Xiao Nai is boasting. Xiao Naihe's physical strength is indeed extremely extreme, and it can be said to surpass any master of the nineth peak.

Even half-step passive, does not have such a strong physical strength.

The Six Daozhenshen was originally a kind of Vajra physical supernatural power. With the physical refining technique of ‘Vajra is not bad’ and ‘Buddhist acupuncture point’, Xiao Naihe ’s physical strength has become so powerful that it cannot be described by words.

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