Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1658: You are here to die

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Between the momentum of the Night King and Xiao Naihe, the two momentums collided with each other, seemingly continually oscillating in Xiao Naihe's space-time world, making a loud noise.


In an instant, the strength of the Night King was filled with the black air, and he punched out with a punch, like a thunderous thunder, and a loud noise directly hit Xiao Naihe's blood.

Since Xiao Nai has absorbed the spirit of Jiuwu Youhuang, the spiritual power of Shennian has reached the level of Huaxiang and Beisongyang. The energy revealed slightly has a frightening and uncontrollable taste.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The loud noises seemed to be all fluttering and trembling!

"My method is to gather together without being scattered, and be together again."

"Although this master's method is powerful, all things in the world have the same reason. They get angry and die, and they are exhausted! Now this is the second time that the Great God Wheel is waiting for me to break through the second time, and then this The Shenlun is also exhausted. "

The night king's eyes revealed a faint light, and the forward was a stride out, full of energy, and a punch jumped out, as if all the energy would be cracked.

"You have a good idea, but do you think it can break me a second time?"

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly, his five fingers turned over and over, as if surrounded by a beacon, and the blood and blood in the body was slightly actuated, suddenly covering his ten fingers.

Afterwards, his fingers flickered a bit in the void, as if thunder and lightning flew out. Suddenly, the huge **** wheel behind him gathered three powerful spiritual powers and formed a whole.

This huge divine wheel, the divine power on it for a long time, slammed into the sky at once.

The night king's punch collided with Xiao Naihe, the huge **** wheel. Suddenly, the spirit of the night king seemed to be shaken out, unable to extricate himself.

"What? Master's Taoism is actually superb to this level? Even the man of Huaxiang is almost at this level! Could your master's strength have been cultivated to a half-step passive state?"

There was a strong shock on Ye Wang's face, and his fingers flicked. Even the peak-level masters such as Ye Wang felt that Xiao Naihe's momentum was shaken in his heart.

"Half-step passive? I'm still a little bit down, but it's just that my strength has reached the level of unity of origin, but it's still in the realm of the nineth peak. But my experience is not the realm of the nineth peak, even if I met Hua Xiang, I also have the power to fight! "

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly, waved his hands, and the breath on his body suddenly contained himself, converging the gloomy atmosphere of the previous moment and restoring it to the harmless appearance of humans and animals.

Between the talks, Xiao Naiho waved his hand and changed a thunderous vitality in the void. The thunder of Taikoo Leichi burst out and wrapped around the bodies of Xiao Naihe and the Night King, making them both spend a little energy. , Recovered in a flash.

"It turns out that this is the legendary Sanxiu son's power? And this time the master has got the Jiuwu Youhuang's personality. With such a chance, not many people can match it even since ancient times. Jiuwu Youhuang this Man is the first person since the age of the Wu clan. If he gets his chance, it is really lucky! "

Ye Wang nodded and sighed softly, even though he was now bound by Xiao Naihe and respecting Xiao Naihe as his master, he vaguely envied.

Of course, there is only envy. If he is jealous, Xiao Nai can feel it in his heart in an instant.

"This is nothing! I heard that Jiuwu Youhuang was the strongest master among the five realms when he practiced to unity of the original source. But after so many years, Jiuwu Youhuang died. , Bai inorganic is still there. "

As Xiao Naihe spoke, the man's figure appeared in the memory picture just now.

Hundreds of thousands of Maori children were crushed and swallowed up by that black cloud in an instant.

"Did that mysterious black cloud be caused by the forces of aliens? It is very likely that when the Sixth World Jihad, the aliens invaded by the clan, and invaded from the third plane, the first three thousand three hundred worlds outside There are countless casualties, at least more than half of the masters are dead! "

At this time, Xiao Naihao had a bright mind!

"Now this palace has been refined by me, Night King, you go back to Yantian Pavilion, and take good care of Yan Tian Pavilion."

Because of some previous things, Xiao Naihe took the Night King out, and now Xiao Naihe absorbed and refined the divine nature of Jiuwu Youhuang, and no longer needed to borrow the power of the Night King.

If he meets Jun Yongye again this time, Ping will surely be able to repel the opponent completely by his own abilities.

Xiao Naihe and Ye Wang withdrew from the world of space and time. Then, Xiao Naihe thought, flashed into his yard, and stood alone in the pavilion.

In his mind, the memory picture of Jiuwu Youhuang appeared just now.

"It can only be explained in this way. After the last cultivator who practiced Yuchen Wushu died, let me inherit this original source book. This time I absorbed the **** of Jiuwu Youhuang, but I also got About the cultivation experience of the 'Yuchen Wuxue'. "

Xiao Nai closed his eyes and breathed back the situation of the magical power just now.

Between him and the Night King, Xiao Naihe used the magical power only slightly. After the Night King broke his 'Great God Wheels of the Heavens', the huge magic wheel was able to recover again.

This is also due to the absorption of Jiuwu Youhuang God's personality, the soul of the gods is not extinguished, the King Kong is not bad, and the Tao is not scattered!

"The magic power of Yuchen Wushu is really vast. I now realize that this power is also a very powerful life-saving means."

Xiao Nai waved his hand, and a small **** wheel appeared in the palm of his hand. Although this **** wheel did not show the unparalleled momentum of the "Great God Wheel of the Heavens" just now, it also had an impetuous charm.

After the little **** wheel turned, it suddenly dispersed and became fragments.

However, the fragments of these **** wheels were also reunited together at this time to form a complete little **** wheel, and turned again.

Even characters like Xiao Naihe are secretly surprised.

He has dealt with so many masters, and he has never seen it before. He even heard that one person's Taoism can be recovered after being broken.

This is equivalent to the fact that one's own power is consumed, and can be recovered again. This method is equivalent to a skill of one plus one equal to three, which is completely beyond common sense.

"Huh? Is there anyone on the wild land?"

Xiao Naihe's expression moved, and a series of celestial stars flashed continuously in his eyes.

The Vientiane star Luo in the star map turned slightly, revealing a very deep meaning of ghost.

In the current state of Xiao Naihe, his consciousness and the sense of heaven and earth are almost a kind of mysterious and mysterious.

Even if he was in the Yantian Pavilion, only one person or even a fly entered the Yantian Pavilion, he could feel it for the first time.

Of course, Xiao Naihe certainly won't be in a hiccup, and every day he senses who has entered the wild continent.

But if you are a master, you must cultivate to the level of the Seventh Creator, once you enter the wild continent, Xiao Nai can feel it in the first time.

In this world, let alone the masters of the Ninth Realm, even if it is the Supreme Realm, there are not many characters like the creator.

Once such a master enters the Yan Tian Pavilion, Xiao Nai can hardly think about it or not.

Although practicing to the seventh level and opening the earth to earth, each has its own set of means to hide the humanity of the heavenly plane, but in the sky map of Xiaonaihe, everything can be sensed!

"This person should not be the creator, should have stepped into the eighth realm, or even the nineth realm."

Xiao Naihe's eyes moved, and then his body seemed to be a breeze, and he swept a little, moving toward the front.

At this time, it was a man who entered the wild continent. This man was one of a man and a woman who appeared on the moon star world.

That is the Fenghuo duo under Beisongyang.

This man is called ‘fire’. When he entered the wild land, he kept all his thoughts inward and prevented any discovery.

Although he has reached this level, if he condenses his breath, it seems to be transformed into a burst of air, even no one can feel it.

"Is this a wilderness continent? This is my first time. I heard from an adult that Xiao Nai is the legendary son of the Three Cultivators, and his strength has reached a peak of nine levels, close to the half-step passive . Even adults have suffered a big loss in this man's hands, I really want to see if he really has reached this level of master. "

In the eyes of this ‘fire’, a kind of fine eruption burst out, as if eager to try.

Just as he walked into the sky above the wild continent, his consciousness was released at once, as if forming a net of light.

This light net is constantly spreading out, spreading continuously, enveloping the entire void, and the consciousness of 'fire' has spread to tens of thousands of miles away.

The space of tens of thousands of miles is the consciousness of ‘fire’.

His consciousness is like a self-scanning machine. Whenever he walks through a place, he uses his consciousness to scan it well.

"My divine consciousness has already been observed, like meson, even if it is Xiao Naihe, if he really has such a skill, he has discovered it long ago, and I did not expect that he has not even noticed it now!"

"Fire" snorted coldly and flew towards the east.

"It turns out that you really came against me. The Yantian Pavilion is really disaster-prone and difficult. Every day someone comes to trouble, once in a picture, once in Wushen, and now there is a master of the nineth level. "

When this sound came out, the current in the void continuously flowed. When each syllable appeared in the void, it oscillated continuously, producing a frictional current.


Between the words, the "fire" consciousness spread out at once, and once again wrapped towards the back.

"It's useless. Although you have cultivated to a very powerful level, it is still a medium level. After all, you can find out about the ninth-level cultivators. I am now refined and restrained, not you. Can be felt by the race. "

The person who flew out of the sky was none other than Xiao Naihe.

At this time, Xiao Naihe stood in the void and stepped on the lotus, and there was a layer of fine light reverberating on his body, as if it was a fusion of supreme divine power. A very hot smell.

"You are Xiao Naihe, how did you find me?"

There was a trace of horror in ‘fire’ ’s eyes, and there was even a look on his face that he could not understand.

I'm afraid that in this man's eyes, he doesn't know how Xiao Nai discovered him.

"Although you are powerful, but your consciousness is sweeping unscrupulously not far from Yantian Pavilion, if I can't feel it, if I have cultivated to the name of the Three Cultivation Sons, I can give up . "

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly, a burst of fire burst into his eyes.

Slightly in the void, the fingers were combined to form a sword qi. When this sword qi shuttled out, it came to the front of ‘fire’ in an instant.

And the speed of this sword gas is almost beyond anyone's imagination. When it flew to the front in an instant, the whole person seemed to feel a scorching flame breath rushing head-on.

Suddenly, there was a "click" sound in the void, as if some object collided in the void, making a sharp sound.

"San Xiu Son, San Xiu Son!"

"Fire" saw here, his body jumped slightly, like a spirit cat, stretched in the air, and suddenly, a mist around his body seemed to twist the entire void and change it. Very ghostly.

Later, his footsteps also strode out at this moment, and the energy on his body was so strong that it was extremely extreme.

The world is infinite, and the momentum of ‘fire’ at this time is to eliminate all the sword qi that Xiao Naihe shot.

"But nothing more!"

"Fire" smiled coldly.

"is it?"

However, Xiao Nai's expression was indifferent. When this sword energy was eliminated, it was very calm. At this time, the sword energy that had been eliminated was actually reunited in the void, forming a complete sword energy. , Suddenly flew out!

"You are here to die!"

Between Xiao Naihe's speeches, the sword energy reunited all rushed to the front!

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