Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1674: Outer law

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"Unparalleled sword spirit?"

Xiao Naihe's eyes moved, his body immediately backed away, and the sword gas derived from the original void covered the sky.

When Xiao Nai turned around, the sword energy originally shot out actually changed the position a bit, as if Taishan pressed the eggs.

It broke out, almost twitching the whole world!

"The Great God Wheel!"

Xiao Naihe was in a hurry to run the magical power. At this time, Xiao Naihe was born with a huge magic wheel.

This divine wheel turned up, as if the life spirits had merged together, forming a free world, and completely enveloping this sword spirit.

However, when this sword energy came up in the package, it was forced to the extreme. In one fell swoop, the entire Divine Wheel was punctured.

"This is unparalleled sword gas?"

At this time, King Huo Luo seemed to have disappeared even the pain of Xiao Naihe's 30 million Shennian disappeared, but locked tightly in front.

However, at this time, Xiao Naihe showed an unprecedented calmness.

Since rebirth, Xiao Naihe has rarely had such an expression.

The first time was when I met Huang Lin, the second time was when I met Heavenly Dao Consciousness, and the third time was when I met Bai inorganic.

Now again showing such an expression, Xiao Nai restrained the essence and energy of his body, his eyes moved, and his eyes suddenly revealed a pattern of heavenly stars.

When the star chart turns, it looks like a big compass, absorbing the endless stars in the eye!

"Xiao Naihe, Xiao Shengzi? It turns out to be you."

At this time, a burst of light suddenly emerged from the void, and when these lights gathered together, a figure was formed.

The figure is covered with endless brilliance, and the entire void is a sea of ​​light.

After the figure, a huge Tianmen came out, and it seemed that the Xuantian God Lord was formed in this Tianmen.

The man was tied with a blue tiger belt around his waist, black hair, wearing a water-green shirt and standing with a smile on the lake, his eyes moved slightly.

When looking at Xiao Naihe, the golden light in the entire void converged at this time.

Originally, Xiao Nai's infinitely countercurrent flow, at this time, actually under this momentum, all restrained to a piece.

After a while, the man came out and showed what he was.

When the man opened his eyes, the aura on his body emanated at this time, as if all the gods in the heavens were completely surrendering to the man at this moment.

"Fu Mengwu!"

Xiao Naihe's expression moved, and his eyes locked tightly on the man in front of him.

The blood on this man formed a long wolf smoke at this time, as if it were the Milky Way of the Nine Heavens, fluctuating.

The light released in his eyes made Hu Mengwu look as if he was extremely energetic.

Between the actions, the only thing I saw was that Fumengwu shook towards the front as if the world and the earth were shaking, and the debris of the whole world would explode.

"Master Father."

At this time, Humeng Yurong saw Humengwu, and he was shocked, his face could not help but showed a trace of joy.

"Mr. Fu Mengwu!"

At this time, Huo Luo endured the pain in his body, and quickly gave a gift to Hu Mengwu.

This husband Mengwu is not an ordinary person, he is the second master of the unity of origin in nine days.

Not to mention the Huoluo King, even when Hua Xiang saw Humengwu, he was very afraid.

This is because Hu Mengwu is the same person as Bai Nanwei.

The master of the unity of origins, the world of heaven and earth, there are almost no opponents in the era of heaven and earth.

King Huo Luo pursues the road of life, just want to step into this realm, now when seeing Hu Mengwu, there is also some respect between his looks!

There are only three people in the world who can give the Huo Luo a look like this.

One is Fumengwu, one is Bai inorganic, and the other is Danting God Emperor Lin.

"My father, Qilin was captured by Xiao Naihe, and he subdued him into his eyebrows."

Fumeng Yurong said quickly at this time.

Hu Mengwu nodded and looked at King Huo Luo, and then looked at Xiao Naihe and smiled slightly: "The master of King Huo Luo and I had a little friendship with me. I wanted to take him away, don't you know that Xiao Shengzi agreed?"

In the words between Hu and Mengwu, every word seems to be endlessly endowed. When these forces flash, they suddenly give Xiao Nai a feeling that his body must be shaken out.

It is worthy of the master of unity of origin, even now Xiao Naihe, running infinitely against the current, I am afraid that it is not the opponent of this husband.

Not to mention a Xiao Nai, even if it is combined with Hua Xiang, Tian Yao Implication, Jun Yongye, they may not be this husband and Meng Wu's opponent.

"King Huo Luo and I are enemies of life and death. I can't let him go."

Xiao Nai thought for a moment, and finally spoke.


Hu Mengwu seemed a little surprised. He didn't expect that Xiao Nai would actually say that, and smiled slightly.

But there was no smile on his face. When he took a step forward, the whole void suddenly shook, as if it were almost crushed into pieces in the world.

At this time, Fumengwu didn't apply any Dafa method. It was just that, the momentum was like the devouring of the devil, and the terror was extremely extreme.

If the cultivator who is a relatively poor cultivator at this time is here, as long as he feels the momentum of Fu Mengwu's body, I am afraid that his soul will disperse in a flash.

The momentum of the master of unity of origin is already natural and belongs to the category of Taoism.

A master like Fu Mengwu, in every move, even if he does not deliberately practice any Taoism, will produce extremely strong power.

Therefore, Humengwu took a step, and there would be such a shock in the entire void, making Xiao Naihe's entire person seem to be crushed by Humengmeng's momentum and could not move.

However, at this time, Xiao Naihe suddenly turned on the magical power, and a huge Buddha statue was born behind him. After the Buddha statue was derived, the momentum that originally permeated Xiao Naihe disappeared.

The Buddhism and Daoism are revealed, and all the men and women's momentum are dispelled out, and there is a burst of Brahma sounds:

"Every law is born by fate, and all the law is fate by fate. The fate of the fate of the fate is said to be empty."

"If the heart has a living, it is non-living. The heart should be born without a living."

"Everything is impermanent, everything is bitter. There is no self in all methods, and happiness is in silence."


When these Sanskrit sounds came out, the floating light on Xiao Nai He Yuan itself suddenly became dim, making Xiao Naihe's whole person look incomparable spirit.

"It's actually like a handprint. Legend has it that in the last era world, Sakyamuni created the big day Rulai handprint. It has great power and can be transferred to this era world. It really is not false."

Hu Mengwu smiled slightly, but when a smile appeared, he said again: "If you can take me two moves today, I will give you the Huo Luo King and let you handle it."

When Xiao Nai heard it, he was shocked, and the husband Meng Wu actually said so.

"Do you want to fight me?"

Not to mention two tricks, even if it is one trick, Xiao Nai does not have much confidence.

Don't look at Xiao Naihe now in this state, the strength is extremely powerful, but there is still a lot of pressure on the showdown with a master like Fumengwu.

In particular, Fu Mengwu, a master of the same origin, has an extremely aura.

Even Xiao Naihe used to be a master of unity of origin, but now the flesh and the personality are not baptized by unity of origin, and he will feel the horror of Fumengwu on his instinct.

If it were not that Xiao Naihe had originally absorbed the two great personalities, and that there was a Taoism of the same origin in his experience, he was able to maintain such a look in front of Fu Mengwu.

"Why don't you dare? If you don't dare, I'll just take King Huo Luo away, and I won't bully you kid."

Xiao Nai heard it, his expression moved, and his brow furrowed tightly.

"I heard that Mr. Fu Mengwu is now practicing diligently. It seems that he has realized a hint of the five decays of heaven and earth. I don't know if it is true or false. Since all the gentlemen said so, then I will be against you.

Xiao Nai thought for a moment, then said suddenly.

Speaking of which, Xiao Naihe was the first time to fight with Humengwu.

When he was the sky monster Beinanyi back then, he entered the Nine Heavens Realm, but he had only heard of Fu Mengwu, but he did not really fight with Fu Mengwu.

Although Xiao Naihe does not exist as a unity of origin at the moment, he does indeed have the idea of ​​wanting to compete with Fu Mengwu, although this idea is very dangerous.

But Xiao Nai had to follow!

There is nothing else, because Xiao Nai could not agree, if he did not agree, let Huo Luo leave, Xiao Naihe ’s state of mind would be affected immediately, although he would not spawn a demon, but he was still a little bit sharp about himself Blow.

Xiao Naihe defeated the Huolu King, Humeng Yurong and Qilin both before and after, and now he was taken away by Humeng Wuhu, and Xiao Naihe said nothing.

When his strength was less than this level, even Huang Lin gave a contest. Now there is no reason to be afraid of Hu Mengwu.

"Well, actually I have heard of you before. You not only got the inheritance of Sakyamuni's rui handprint, but also the demon scriptures of Beinanyi. At the beginning, Beinanyi entered the realm of God and challenged The master of the Ninth Supreme Supreme, and Bai Zhifei. I did not fight him, which is a pity, but since his current successor has appeared, I can really have an addiction and see the legendary legends. Heavenly demon code, to what extent is the source of demon Dao. "

Hu Mengwu smiled slightly, and the power in his body burst out at once.

Suddenly, the entire airflow exploded to the front, forming a long river. When this river flowed, it was like a galaxy in nine days, radiating an endless light.

When these rays were covered, they shrouded Xiao Naihe's body.

"Don't worry, I'm just a layman, and it's not a real deity. I will go whether you take my two moves or not. This first move is my unparalleled sword spirit."

Suddenly, when these lights covered half of the void, the rumbling piece transformed from the state of the galaxy, revealing hundreds of millions of virtual swords.

When these sword lights rioted, they showed a strong sword spirit. The sword gas bombarded and Wan Jian returned to the sect.

Wow wow wow wow wow!

As if it were ice and rain, sword qi floated in the sky.

"Is this Fumengwu's Taoism?"

Huo Luowang looked, he was the first time he saw Fu Mengwu shot. He had never known that this second master of the Passive Realm in the Nine Heavens Realm was such a strength.

Now that I see Fumengwu's sword riot, Huo Luo immediately knows that he is far from Fumengwu's opponent.

"Xiao Naihe said just now that my father now has realized the meaning of the five declines of man and nature. This is true and false. But no matter how true or false, how did Xiao Nai know? This man is so mysterious, I investigated it, and his growth was very weird, almost within four or five years, from an unknown scholar to a masterpiece of the nineth layer. Especially the man behind this man has nothing like his father. The powerful existence, whether it is Taigusheng or Beinanyi, is already dead. How did this man come to this step? "

Humeng Yurong also had to admire Xiao Naihe. In the beginning, facing himself and the Huo Luo King, they were able to capture Qilin abruptly and hit the Huo Luo King hard.

Now facing his father, he has no fear, but dare to fight his father.

Even the most powerful Jiuzhong Peak Realm Master, even the first person under the passive, is really one heaven and one earth compared to the master of the unity of origin.

And why did Xiao Nai have such confidence, he could not help making Fu Mengwu feel a deep admiration.

Xiao Naihe naturally didn't know what Fumeng Yurong's thoughts are, because all his thoughts were put on Fumengwu's body.

"Wu Shuang Jian Qi, I heard that Mr. Fu Meng Wu used to kill 3,600 alien ninth masters with powerful sword power.

"That was more than six thousand years ago, and it's useless to talk about it, look at Jian Qi, look at Jian Qi!"

Hu Mengwu shook his head, **** in the void a little.

He is so simple and single point, when the spur of the sword shot over, it directly hit Xiao Naihe's entire person 100,000 miles away.

"Fivefold true body, King Kong is not bad!"

Xiao Nai could not dodge, run supernatural powers, and his golden light flickered.

I saw him shaking, the sword gas originally attached to Xiao Naihe, at this time, all of them exploded and were blocked by Xiao Naihe.

"Huh? Even my Wushuang Jianqi can be blocked? In the Nineth Realm, you are the first one!" Fu Mengwu looked at it, and his eyes lit up!

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