Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1688: Turn around

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"Don't shoot, keep watching." Seeing Liu Xiu wanted to shoot at this time, Mr. Long quickly stopped him.


"Look carefully, this Xiao Nai is not simple, certainly not only this ability."

Mr. Long's eyes moved slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking, but his eyes were tightly locked in the battle scene, and he seemed to be very fond of this battle.

After a while, there was a loud noise in the front hair.

A closer look, Xiao Naihe rushed out of the sword qi arranged by Mr. Chu, and the whole person seemed to be crushed by the terrifying momentum of entrapment.

At this time, behind him, a huge divine wheel appeared.

It ’s also the ‘Great God Wheel’ of the heavens.

Xiao Naihe's "Great God Wheel", just like his handprint, is more proficient than any other Taoism.

Nothing else, because Xiao Naihe, the great **** wheel, is really too powerful, and with his now powerful spiritual power, the spiritual power is condensed in an instant, and it can be formed in almost no breathing time.

When this huge **** wheel was formed, it kept turning and slammed into the front.

The original sword gas burst out and formed a blue river. At this time, it was smashed by the "Great God Wheel", which inspired countless splashes of water and splashed down.

"Actually the river? What kind of Taoism is this? Mr. Chu's Taoism is so clever that he can turn all hypocrisy into reality?"

Seeing this, Liu Xiu's voice was a bit surprised.

However, before Liu Xiu was really surprised, Xiao Nai and He Shi exhibited the "Goddess of the Heavens" at this time directly bombarded in the sky and smashed all that sword gas.


After Jian Qi was dissipated, a strong wind formed, and all the buzzing pieces disappeared.

However, Mr. Chu does not seem to be surprised. If Xiao Naihe does not have any skills, others will not say that Xiao Naihe is the left arm and right arm around Liu Xiu.

"Come again, the Seven Saints Soul Refining Plan!"

As soon as the voice fell, it was originally calm in the sky, and suddenly there was a strong wind, and a strong wind filled the surrounding.

After a while, an extremely peculiar pattern appeared in front of Xiao Naihe.

In this array, it seems that a scene of asura **** appears, the situation is very strong.

"Kill kill! Kill kill!"

From this Shura array, there was a scream, as if it were the Shura **** in the array, which became concrete at once, and purgatory was formed in the world.

"what is this?"

At this time, Mr. Long was slightly curious. He felt as if he was in a hell, and there was a gust of wind blowing from all directions, making his spirits feel frozen and frozen.

But he is sure that this is definitely not an illusion, nor is it a space move, moving himself into the real Shura hell.

Rather, the purgatory in front of him is completely real and fully embodied by Mr. Chu.

In the sky, the blood flashed, as if the **** with swords flying out, and the wind was blowing, attacking everyone's heart.

When Mr. Long and Liu Xiu felt this breath, they could not help but feel an uncomfortable feeling, and their faces were strange.

The two of them worked supernatural powers, and their blood was floating, making their bodies a little warm.

It was the beautiful girl behind him who had been with the woman beside Mr. Chu as if she knew Mr. Chu's way of doing things. She looked the same and was very calm.

"Xura Hell, the map is refined."

A cold light flashed in Mr. Chu's eyes, magnificent, and the cold wind in the whole space blew up at once, forming a huge vortex.

This vortex shattered the huge divine wheel that Xiao Naihe had originally formed.

"Kill kill!"

The fierce howling came from the array, as countless murders were derived from the asura hell, Xiao Nai could feel that the whole world seemed to be turned upside down at this time, so Xiao Nai had a way to be Take away the soul.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

Xiao Nai snorted coldly, five fingers, a golden light spread across his body suddenly, forming a Qiziite pattern.

Hundreds of apertures appeared above his head. These apertures rose up and down and merged with Xiao Naihe's body. A huge Buddha statue appeared in the golden body, as if fighting in the world and defeating the Buddha!

"Yang 960, the highest Buddha Road!"

Mr. Chu's eyes glared, and there was something unbelievable and shocked in his voice.

When it came here, Liu Xiu turned his head and could not help asking: "Mr. Long, what is Yang Jiu Six ?? I have only heard that the Buddha's magical power is ninety-nine, but I have never heard of Yang Nine hundred. six."

"There is an ancient saying that taking 4,617 years old as one yuan, the first entry is one hundred and sixteen years old. There are nine years of drought in it, which is called 'Yang Jiu'. Anyone who is 4,617 years old, At the end of one yuan, it is 'hundred six'. If the magical power among the buddhist Taoism enters the peak of one yuan and breaks the shackles, it will present hundreds of apertures, called Yang nine hundred six. "

Mr. Long said slowly, his tone became more cautious.

He also did not expect that Xiao Naihe's Buddhist magic powers were so powerful.

"One yuan peak, Yang nine hundred sixty-six. It turns out that, since ancient times, no one has been able to reach the ninth peak in the cultivation of Buddhism and Taoism. The Realm of the Ninth Peak? "

"This is inaccurate. Xiao Shengzi cultivated the handprint of Darirulai, and inherited the origin of Buddhism in the last era. This handprint can be said to be the beginning of Ten Thousand Buddhas. So I do n’t know what special effects are there . "

Mr. Long shook his head, and he became more and more blind to Xiao Naihe.

This son is not only passed down to Beinanyi's "Dian Tian Yao Dian", but also passed down to Sakyamuni's "Da Ri Ru Lai Handprint". The strength is a mystery.

But remembering what Master Nao received before Xiao Naihe, what happened in the middle, this is worth pondering!

When Mr. Long thought about floating, suddenly, a violent wind blew up. When he looked closely, Xiao Naihe's eyes burst out with a ‘卍’ aperture.

With five fingers, he pinched out an "empty seal", the huge Buddha seal was suppressed, and the vortex in the void was crushed severely, and it was shot on Mr. Chu!

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