Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1690: No wonder I feel so familiar

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"Haha, the brothers did not expect that the magical powers were so powerful. The Yang 960, the true dragon essence and blood, and the demon magical powers were all so magical.

Liu Xiu recovered his expression between three and two times. According to the situation, the more powerful Xiao Nai is, the happier he is.

Xiao Naihe is now a character on the same boat as him. If he is more powerful, he will be of great help to himself.

The side of Wushen, where Huo Luo and Nalan were invincible, one after another, made Liu Xiu feel a deep fear.

Now that I know that Xiao Nai is actually a master at the peak of the Ninth Layer, the kind of worry in my heart has already disappeared, and will never appear again.

"There is also Mr. Chu. Your Excellency is also supernaturally powerful. Just like the" **** Shura "figurative method just now, I was really dazzled. If it were me, I would definitely not be able to hold a trick in it."

Liu Xiu did not forget Mr. Chu. After all, Mr. Chu came to assist himself. If Xiao Naihe gave up and ignored Mr. Chu because of his strength, it would be too inappropriate.

But Liu Xiu is also telling the truth. With the magical power of Mr. Chu just now, even if according to Liu Xiu ’s strength, I ’m afraid that I ca n’t hold a trick, it will be smashed directly by that Shura scene, and my mind will be destroyed. Can't recover.

"The worm is just a trick, it's still far worse than Xiao Shengzi."

This time, Mr. Chu put away his arrogance. I have to say that although Mr. Chu has a great temper, he also has great respect for the strong.

Xiao Nai is more powerful than himself, and Mr. Chu will treat him well.

"Everything is amazing, all is amazing."

The happiest person today is Liu Xiu. He used to worry about Wushen ’s big wedding, because God will appear on Wushenyi ’s wedding day, which makes Liu Xiu a very bad thing. a feeling of.

But now he had the help of a master like Mr. Chu. Secondly, he knew how powerful Xiao Nai was.

"Xiao Shengzi, please go slowly!"

At this moment, a clear voice came over, and Liu Xiu was slightly stunned, because the voice came from behind him.

A closer look turns out to be the little girl who has always been behind Mr. Chu.

After the girl opened her mouth, even Mr. Long was slightly stunned.

Instead, Xiao Naihe looked at the woman thoughtfully.

"this is……"

Liu Xiu raised her eyebrows, this woman's blood was empty, and it should be only at the level of the eightfold realm.

Although powerful, it is a lot worse than everyone present.

Suddenly speaking now, Liu Xiu could not help but feel a little strange, and there was also a little emotion in his heart, which impressed the woman with an ignorant manner.

"No worries, no worries."

Mr. Chu said in a hurry, and rushed to the woman's side, his expression seemed somewhat respectful.

When I saw here, whether it was Liu Xiu or Mr. Long, there was a look of surprise on my face. After looking at each other, we all saw a strange look in the other party's eyes.

It should have been this girl who showed such a look to Mr. Chu. Why did this time Mr. Chu show such a look?

At this time, Xiao Naihe smiled softly: "It turned out that I always felt very familiar. I didn't expect that you were a hundred years ago, Miss Yunxiangxiang who practiced the Infernal Demon Road! It really looked away. Looking away, Miss Xiangxiang has already stepped into the ninth peak. "

"Ninth peak?"

Mr. Liu Xiu and Mr. Long shocked and turned around, and suddenly felt that the thunder breath of Ruxiang Xiang had turned into a profound and profound mystery, which was a symbol of one yuan: "It really is the peak of the Ninefold. "

Liu Xiu did not expect that the woman who always thought that this was Mr. Chu's apprentice turned into a master at the peak of Jiuzhong.

"Xiao Shengzi actually knows me?" This time the rut incense showed a look of surprise.

"Of course I know, after all, I have also practiced demon Taoism, and I know a lot about the infernal demon Taoism. It is said that there was a secret demon inheritance in the wilderness continent. There is only one person in each school. This has always been the case for years. The secret school is called Wujian Door. Wujian Door has always had only one successor, and each successor is a disciple in Wujian Door and also the head of the school. "

When Xiao Nai was still Bei Nanyi, he had heard of the news of the door.

Not only that, when Bei Nanyi became the founder of that year, he once also fought with the infernal descendants and exchanged Taoism between them.

For example, the "eight-level big handprint" that Xiao Naihe had exhibited before was obtained from the hands of the inferior.

At that time, the inferior heir was Ruxiang Xiang.

At that time, the rue incense was already in the realm of Yae Peak.

I didn't expect a hundred years to pass, but I had already stepped into the ninth peak.

"No door, what school is this, why haven't I heard of it."

Liu Xiu at this time could not help but secretly wonder.

He is in the Dan court, and he also has a large intelligence force. He is also relatively clear about the distribution of the ancestors on the 3,300 world.

Mr. Long seemed to see Liu Xiu's doubts and gently forced his voice into Liu Xiu's mind: "I don't know much about Wujian, but I heard that this school has been passed down from Taikoo to the present. There is only one person in the martial arts. Every time the descendants of the martial arts face a big disaster, they will put their inheritance somewhere in the wilderness continent before they die. Waiting for the inheritance of the fate, this is the intergenerational inheritance. But because this school is too small, even I do n’t know much about it. "

"Xiao Shengzi's inherited" The Legend of the Heavens "is a friend of mine, the origin of Dao Nanyi's Taoism. Grandpa Chu is my servant. The reason why Grandpa Chu will fight with the Son just now is actually my secret instruction. Yes. I did not expect to offend the Son, I am really sorry. "

After speaking, Ruxiang Xiang could not help but salute Xiao Nai.

"Since that is the case, I won't pursue it anymore. Miss Ruxiangxiang had that kind of friendship with Bei Nanyi at that time, and I was also a bit of an eye-catcher, but since we are all here to support Brother Liu's great cause, we are naturally ourselves."

"That is, my purpose is for the secret of the great chance behind the promotion of the Lord of the Court." Between the words, a burst of light erupted in Ruxiang Xiang's eyes.

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