Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1692: Banquet (middle)

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"Good qi and blood, more than that, these qi and blood volume is so dense, at least there are tens of thousands."

At this time, Mr. Long's face was slightly moved.

A powerful expert, the stronger the qi and blood inside his body, the more he can release the qi and blood to form a wolf smoke and rush into the void.

Just now they saw that qi and blood wolf smoke were released by powerful masters.

When this qi and blood coagulated together, even people who were thousands of miles away could feel it clearly.

Especially now Liu Xiu, he feels that when this burst of qi and blood rushes into the sky, even the qi and blood that can't be suppressed in his body, there is a way to release it.

"It seems that a lot of people have already come to the banquet of Wu Shenyi. Since the guests are already here, let's go." Xiao Nai He smiled slightly.

"let's go."

The sun was shining down, and the blazing sun was empty.

Xiao Naihe also has a golden sun in his own space-time world, but that golden sun is not like the sun in reality, there will be such a strong masculinity.

When the masculinity in the sun is mixed with the blood and smoke of the cultivator, it will form like a long river, making the entire void seem to shake.

At this time, Xiao Nai and others have already entered the small world.

Looking at the past, this small world of Tianshang is full of people, tens of thousands of cultivators and masters.

There are those who can call out names, and those who can't.

"So many people? These people started at least from the realm of Shinto, but there are hundreds of them alone. There are at least dozens of masters in the eighth realm, and there are ten masters in the nineth realm. A few people. Is Wu Shenyi's face so big? "

Rao is the current Liu Xiu, who are all frightened by so many people.

He was originally helped by Ruxiangxiang and Mr. Chu, and felt that the forces around him now no longer lost to Wu Shenyi.

But seeing here, Liu Xiu's original complacency felt shocked.

There were so many masters at Wushen's banquet, and no wonder Liu Xiu felt such a shock in his heart when he saw it.

"Wu Shenyi is regarded as the most likely to be God in the outside world. Not only that, but he is also a disciple of Danting God. But the most important thing is that today Danting God will come forward. I believe there are many People are all for the Lord of the Court. "

Xiao Naiho seemed to see Liu Xiu's thoughts and smiled slightly.

What is the character of God, Danting, maybe other people do n’t know, but Xiao Naihe is very clear that Huang Lin is not under this person.

Who is Bai inorganic? The Lord of God Realm is the protagonist of the historical chapter in the 3,300 world.

It can be said that Bai inorganic is one of the most powerful masters since the birth of this era.

And Huang Lin can actually play against Bai inorganic, especially without any pressure, you can see the realm of the strength of Huang Lin itself.

However, there is only one person who knows this matter, Xiao Nai.

Others did not know what happened between Huang Lin and Bai inorganic, and Xiao Nai could also understand.

"Is Lord God? But also, it is estimated that half of the people are from Lord Lord."

When Liu Xiu heard Xiao Naihe's words, he exhaled slightly, letting himself relax.

But at this time, Xiao Nai's whole body suddenly seemed to explode, his skin hole seemed to be exhaling, and both Mr. Long and Liu Xiu were shocked.

"what happened?"

Liu Xiu was indeed shocked by Xiao Naiho's move, and there was a trace of doubt in his eyes.

"No, I just saw an acquaintance?"


This time it was Mr. Long ’s turn who was a bit skeptical. He already knew what level of Xiao Naihe ’s current strength had reached, but this time, seeing Xiao Naiho ’s acupuncture opened in a flash, as if entering a state of fighting. Going, could not help making Mr. Long feel very shocked.

Xiao Naihe didn't explain, and said: "I'm out of company first."

Between speeches, Xiao Naihe walked slowly towards the front.

Liu Xiu was about to speak, but that moment was stopped by Mr. Long.

"Mr. Long, what's wrong with Brother Shi, his blood just moved, I seem to be aware of an extremely tense breath. The master of his realm now, he would be like this at the moment, Don't you find it strange? "

"I naturally feel strange, but Master Yu said that this person has a great chance and is also very mysterious. Although he inherited the mantle of the heavenly demon Beinan, he also got the big day of Shakyam If there is a handprint, I have investigated the identity of this child. From a few years, he has stepped into the present state from an ordinary person, and there must be a big secret behind it. The secret of promotion to the passive state is bad. "


Liu Xiu did not expect that Mr. Long ’s view of Xiao Naihe was like this,

However, after hearing Mr. Long ’s words, Liu Xiu was also moved. In fact, at first, he also asked Xiao Naihe for the news. Xiu felt strange.

Now Liu Xiu is more and more mysterious about Xiao Naihe, and he is more and more unable to see through Xiao Naihe.

As for Xiao Naihe's move just now, Mr. Long and Liu Xiu would think so much in a flash, and Xiao Nai didn't know, because he was out of the crowd at this time.


"Everyone is here. I have seen the world where there is snow, Tan Moran, Ling Xiao and others."

At this time, in a dark corner, a figure appeared.

This man is Wu Shenyi. He is wearing a navy blue brocade top, a yellow embroidered belt tied around his waist, a black hair, black hair, a pair of popular eyes, and a tall body.

At this time, Wu Shenyi revealed a very powerful breath.

"Huh, these people are here to take refuge in you. You must do a good job at this wedding banquet today, especially when Lord Danting comes out, and you have to be careful to deal with it if you can leave a good one Impressions are also extremely helpful to you. "

The Immortal Elder said suddenly.

"Yes, Master is coming today. There must be a lot of people here because of Master. If I make good use of it, I can draw so many people together, and then form my own power, even if it is Liu Xiu, Wan Yuehua and others are not my opponents. "

"I recently got some information. In the recent period, Liu Xiu seems to have received the support of some masters. You should not underestimate this. In particular, there is a comrade and Xiao Naihe beside him."

Pan Lingzi could not help but reminded.

When he heard Xiao Naihe's three words, Wu Shen's face changed slightly, and his eyes burst out with a killing intention.

This is not the intention of Wu Shenyi to show it, but he now hates Xiao Naihe to the extreme. As soon as he hears Xiao Naihe's name, it will automatically generate a response.

It seems like an instinctive reaction.

"Liu Xiu is definitely coming back. As for Xiao Naihe, he should also be back. Last time, Xiao Naihe broke my heart behind me. This time at the wedding banquet, I must find a way to get back."

As soon as Wu Shen raised his head, he looked at the disc floating in the void.

This compact disc is a Taoist weapon, which can ignore the space and map the scene in another space.

What they are looking at right now is the scene in the manor.

"How about Nalanrong?" Wu Shen suddenly asked. Although he didn't have any feelings for Nalanrong, in the eyes of Wushenyi, Nalanrong was only used to draw the tools of King Huo Luo.

But Nalanrong is also one of the protagonists today, and nothing else should happen.

"She's here, you don't have to worry." Nalan invincible walked in from the door, with another woman beside him.

But I saw her wearing a bean-green color flower gown and embroidered camel under the silk embroidered silk. Bright hair, chic and elegant chiffon hanging from the bun, and cloud-shaped temples with blue flowers and jade flowers.

A standard goose egg face, big eyes with dark glare, skin light wins the snow, and there is a magnificent and colorful atmosphere around him.

Wearing a sapphire and gold ring on her hands like a fat, her waist is a turquoise yellow flower pattern embroidered with gold satin girdle, and her feet are wearing medium and yellow baoxiang patterned cloud head boots.

It must be said that under careful dressing, Nalanrong did show a brilliant talent.

However, Nalanrong's expression was slightly apathetic, and there was a little void in his eyes.

Wu Shen was expressionless and said nothing.

"Huh? Look, who is that?"

At this moment, Linglong, who had not spoken, suddenly said something, pointing to the disc in front.

Suddenly a figure appeared on the disc. This person was none other than Xiao Naihe.

"Xiao Naihe, he really came!"

Wushenyi's originally suppressed repression broke out again at this time, looking coldly ahead, and was about to rush out.

But in a flash, Wushen suppressed the idea.

"Where does Xiao Naihe seem to be going?" Tianshui looked a little strange, watching Xiao Naihe step by step outside.

At this time, Xiao Naihe felt that someone was peeping in the void, but he didn't care.

The **** is the first class of Wushen.

"This Xiao Nai Ho is mysterious and secret, there must be something. We sent someone out to see what Xiao Nai is doing!"

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