Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1695: I will leave immediately

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From the beginning, Long Tianlong knew that Xiao Nai was so powerful, and his strength had reached a very high level.

Although the long sky itself is related to Heavenly Dao, he also has great opportunities and good luck, and progresses very fast, but compared with Xiao Naihe, he did not expect Xiao Naihe to be so powerful.

"The sky is long, your current strength should be at the level of the late Jiuzhong, but because you have a lot of magical powers and means in your body, it is not much worse than the average peak of the Jiuzhong."

Xiao Nai breathed a sigh of relief, and looked deeply at the sky, between the five fingers, which was a grip, the fist broke out, and the spiritual power of his body suddenly burst out, just like the rivers gathered together , Forming a vortex.

When this vortex appeared, it wrapped up the whole sky and the whole person, and a violent air wave formed at this time.

Wow wow wow wow wow!

These air waves are like seawater, wave after wave, continuously spreading and rotating, almost enclosing a space of 30,000 miles.

And at this time, the sky was full of acupuncture points, and the breath on the body formed a golden dragon at this time, which was a palm, and a pressure toward the front.

"Panlong Shengyin!"

A long palm with a double palm seems to have three points similar to Xiao Naihe's Rulai handprint, but when he patted his palm, all the airflow exploded at this time, and a tornado suddenly formed over the entire Jiehe.

When these tornadoes rushed into the sky, they seemed to have spirituality, and they made a howl, like a dragon reborn.

The long sky is this trick, which overwhelmed the air waves in Xiao Naihe's body at once, and the light in the sky formed a streamer, just like the rainbow light.

"This guy in the sky, the mysterious cultivation of Taoism, although it has a lot to do with Heavenly Dao, but speaking of it, I didn't understand the nature of Heavenly Dao except that I had a consciousness with the advent of Heavenly Dao."

Xiao Naihe raised his eyebrows, and the relationship between Long Tianlong and Heavenly Dao was extremely close. The various Taoisms practiced by Long Tianlong were extremely powerful. Even now Xiao Naihe has to admit the strength of this man. There are indeed six basic skills.

But he is very clear that if today is really lost in the hands of the sky, then the "Dust of Witches" in his body will be replaced by the road of the sky.

Therefore, Xiao Nai cannot lose.

"Promise against the current, the truth is true!"

Xiao Naihe jumped, and the acupoints on his body seemed to be connected to the stars at this time.

As he clapped his palms, the spiritual power of Shennian formed a beam of light, rushed into the sky, patted it with one palm, and landed down into the sky.

When this palm wind fell down, it hit hard, and above the top of Xiao Naihe's head, the original beams of light at this time actually formed a big mountain.

As if it were Mount Taiwu, it showed a magnificent momentum and was extremely heavy.

And Xiao Naihe's body of thought held up the whole mountain, floating in the void, between the words, the giant mountain in his hand was already flying over, and he was hit hard against the sky.


The sky and sky looks the same. In the face of Xiao Naihe's powerful power, he still has no fear, but he calms down, his body is not moving like a mountain, and he is on the move.


The violent Thunder landed from the sky at this time. If it were not Xiao Naihe and Long Mantaki who had used their magical powers, otherwise no matter if they were taken lightly, they would most likely win the match in a flash.

Although the strength of Longman's body is still not as good as Xiao Naihe, Xiao Naihe doesn't think how much Longman's body has lost to himself.


He suddenly saw the figure of his own leapfrog murder in the sky.

When Xiao Nai was in the realm of Shinto, he dared to fight with the masters of the Supreme Realm.

When you step into the uppermost realm, you will be able to fight against the masters of the sky and the world.

At the level of creation in the void, it is fighting with the creator.

When he became the creator, it was difficult for even the masters of the Eightfold Realm to get benefits in Xiao Naihe's book.

Now Xiao Naihe is already in the realm of the Ninth Peak. Because of the many supernatural powers and means, as long as he does not encounter the master of the unity of origin, he can be invincible.

But he also saw a kind of aura that he could kill and skip the level just like himself.

"If it weren't for the presence of the Imperial Dust Witch Book on me, the power of this person's source might actually replace the source of Wu Dao and become the legend of the six sources of the new generation. It's a pity."

Xiao Naihe shook his head, he had to admit that Long Tianlong was indeed an extremely powerful opponent.

This man is very young, no matter how old Xiao Nai is.

Although Xiao Naiho has been practicing for more than 300 years in his previous life, the relationship between Long Tianlong and Tiandao is far more than Xiao Naihe.

These two people are in this life, but they are both no more than thirty years old.

But the strength, talent, luck, and luck of the two people are almost far more than the others.

Xiao Naihe estimates that the luck in this person is likely to be the luck that was transferred from Tiandao itself.

Among the four realms now, in addition to Huang Lin, Bai inorganic, and Fu Mengwu, if there is anyone who can step into the realm of unity of the origin, it is heaven.

To be precise, heaven should restore the unity of origin.

During the Holy War of the Six Realms, the heavenly ontology was severely damaged by a powerful person from another realm, degenerating from the realm of unity of origin to a half-step passive level.

Otherwise, for the past six thousand years, Heavenly Dao could hardly recover, and the entire 3,300 world fell into a downturn.

The main reason is that the air transport in the world has become scarce.

If the cultivator wants to step into the realm of the unity of the origins, the most important thing is to contend the already rare sky and earth atmosphere transportation.

At the beginning, Bei Nanyi could achieve the realm of unity of origin, which made too many masters feel incredible. Many masters feel that today's world of heaven and earth is not enough to allow them to step into the unity of the origin, and it is impossible to create a master of the unity of the origin.

However, the appearance of Beinanyi broke this rule, allowing all masters to see the possibility of stepping into the unity of the origin.

The heaven and earth body occupies the geographical and geographical advantages, and it absorbs more heaven and earth atmospheric transport. It is more likely to return to the state of unity of origin than Xiao Naihe.

The so-called heaven and earth transportation is actually the luck of the era.

The present magical powers in the long sky are all related to the atmospheric transport in this era of heaven and earth.

In one move, Xiao Nai could feel the thorny tricks in the sky.

"Xiao Nai and I will make a big difference with this move, can you take it?"

The sound of the long sky suddenly came down from above. Between the words, the whole world seemed to vibrate at this time.

The whole Jiehe River became unstable at this time, and the long sky was a punch, and there were all kinds of ghostly light in his fist, forming a glory, as if countless airflows gathered together.

At this time, these brilliant airflows actually formed a golden bridge.

This bridge seems to be through the world line, from one side to the other. From the long side of the sky, it reached Xiao Naihe.

Afterwards, Teng Long walked up to the golden bridge, his body moved slightly, shaped like a gang wind, and punched Xiao Naihe with a fist, then he was bombarded fiercely.

Suddenly, the sky was full of boxing punches.

The majestic power rumbling, as if it were a sky thunder, suddenly came down, the **** momentum was terrifying, the majestic power, the vast soup was bombarded.

This boxing intention seemed to spread in all directions, and within a thousand miles, a huge vortex appeared on the entire river.

When the whirlpool circled, Xiao Naihe wrapped the whole person.

"The great chaos of the heavens, the supreme dharma god!"

In this huge whirlpool, Xiao Nai He shot boldly, and behind him appeared a huge chaotic light and shadow. Suddenly, it was already bombarded.

Behind Xiao Naihe, this stream of divine thoughts actually formed a huge dharma image. This dharma image is like Xiao Naihe's true body and soul, and she is completely the same as Xiao Naihe.

However, the eyebrows of this respect of the Fa, lacked the neat look of Xiao Naihe, and increased by three points.

A shot of blue light flew over.

The chaotic phantom that originally appeared behind Xiao Naihe and his body were also merged into one piece, and the sudden power collided with the golden bridge above the sky and turned into a streamer fragment.

The long sky originally bombarded with a punch, but was stopped by Xiao Naihe's force.

"The demon scriptures of the heavens, the dust book of the dust, are worthy of the power of the six origins in this era of heaven and earth. Even if your Buddhist and Taoist origins are already declining, it ca n’t be called the origin legend of Datong, but the handprints of Darirulai are really powerful. . "

The long sky looked slightly, looked at the shattered golden bridge above his head, and suddenly turned into magical power, and the whole body's blood exploded.


The blood wind emanating from the rumbling body all over the sky directly swept up, as if a deep airflow blasted away.

While this airflow was booming, his eyes were glared, and suddenly there was a wave of anger, and his voice also came out, the words are like Zhu Ji: "Xiao Nai He, if you can do this next move Stop it, I will leave immediately! "

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