Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1705: Guan Jue (below)

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Wu Shen smiled: "It turned out that there were Brother Xue and Brother Tan. Both of you are here. Even if there is no gift, I have no opinion. Come and we will drink these two glasses of wine."

At this time, another burst of light appeared in Wushen's hand. When three cups appeared in Wushen's hand and three quilts appeared, I saw Wushen's one hand and one pinch, and it was sent to the world with snow In the face of peace talks.

But at this time, the changes were rampant.

The quilt that flew in front of the two of them actually exploded at this time. When there was Xue Hetan in the world, when the two shot out and held the glass, the whole wine glass shattered in an instant.


The voice was very loud, and everyone saw a slight movement when they saw that there was snow in the world and peace talks, and the air in the whole scene became quiet at once.

"Two people, I don't know what you mean? Is there any dissatisfaction with my God of Martial Arts?"

As soon as Wushen snorted coldly, a sound of thunder and lightning burst out in his voice, and the airflow in the entire void was poured back at this time, as if a small vortex had formed.

After the vortex emerged above Wu Shenyi's head, it suddenly became very mysterious.

This Wushenyi showed such a supernatural power at this time, and the people in the field suddenly felt a kind of bad.

The scent of gunpowder between these three people instantly spread.

Just when everyone thought that the three of them were going to shoot, they did n’t expect that there was snow in the world and the talk was actually a slight smile at this time, and the laughter came out immediately: "Ha ha ha ha ha, Brother Wu. You are a misunderstanding, we two Just now I just used too much force and accidentally crushed the wine glass, which is really embarrassing! Although the three of us are usually competitors, do n’t be so excited in front of a big day like Brother Wu today. Do n’t you want to shoot us against Wushenyi? "

There was a laugh at the end of the talk, and there was no slightest fear on his face.

Although the strength of these two people is far inferior to that of Wushenyi, as long as Wushenyi wants to get started, there is definitely no way to stop the peace talks in the world.

Even so, these two men are without any fear.

Because these two people know that in today's day, it is impossible for Wushen Yi to do it. Once Wushen does it, I am afraid that it will have a great impact, and it will bring a very unfavorable image to Wushen Yi.

That's exactly why the peace talks in the world are so accurate.

However, the two men just said that they did not work hard enough. They accidentally crushed all the two wine glasses they sent. How could it be possible?

You have to know that these two people are already masters of the Eightfold Realm. The control of Shennian Spiritual Power is extremely perfect. Not to mention crushing a cup, even if Wushen smashed the entire glass in the sky, he sent it directly. . Both of these people have a way to recover the shattered quilt in the void,

When I heard this, I knew that there were two people in the world who were looking for fault.

But after all, Wushen is not an ordinary character. When he thought of this, his expression moved slightly. The original cold face on his face disappeared at once, and he suddenly turned into a smile, looking to the world. When there were two people in Xue, they laughed: "Where will it be, but the two masters of the Eightfold Realm, I didn't expect that they would be hard to use. It seems that the two practitioners are really a bit lazy. I am very helpless. If he has time in the future, I will be able to instruct the two of you. "

With a slight smile, Wu Shen counterattacked the "attack" of the two people who had snow and peace in the world.

Suddenly these two people changed their faces slightly after hearing the answer from Yu Xuexue in the world, but they didn't expect that Wushen actually thought of this kind of answer at that moment, and his heart moved.

But now, after all, it's not when these two people are talking. There is Xue Xue in the world, and the two of them glanced at each other. After drinking the wine in their hands, they laughed coldly, and then walked away.

Wushen and Yangu, there is snow in the world, and Tan Ranran happened this kind of thing one after another. The smell of gunpowder was strong, which immediately gave everyone on the scene a feeling that these four people wanted to go to war.

But they all know that these people are impossible to do at this time.

Xiao Naihe's eyes turned when he was real, and suddenly he saw a figure in front of him appear.

That person was no one else, but Naran was invincible.

"Naran is invincible?"

Xiao Naihe suddenly released a burst of light in his pupils.

Suddenly remembered that when he was in Yantian Pavilion, Nalan invincible had dealt with himself.

At that time, when Nalan was invincible in Yantian Pavilion, when Xiao Naihe was about to step into the eighth realm, he actually shot Xiao Naihe and stopped Xiao Naihe from breaking into the realm. Down.

The same is true of Xiao Naihe and Nalan Invincible, who took over the hatred, but now it is not expected that Nalan Invincible would actually treat Nalan Rong as a chess piece, and Xu was allocated to Wushen Yi to make his own name, and at the same time, he would be King Huo Bring to Wu Shenyi's side.

"Xiao Nai?"

At this time, Nalan Invincible also felt Xiao Naihe's look, and instantly locked all his eyes on Xiao Naihe.

The two men glanced at each other, and Xiao Nai suddenly felt a sneer in Nalan's invincible eyes.

However, Xiao Naihe's expression remained the same. He just looked at Nalan invincibly quietly, and suddenly a burst of light erupted in his eyes.

It was as if this gleam of light had formed a strange vortex at that time, which was revealed in Xiao Naihe's pupils.

Suddenly, after the vortex light in Xiao Naihe's eyes emerged, his whole body of blood exploded at this time, although it only burst out in a flash, and the concealment was perfect. No one else found around, Nalan was invincible, but at that moment, he felt the blood and blood that Xiao Naiho just burst in a moment,

Because Xiao Naihe's outburst of qi was originally aimed at himself.

Others may not feel it, but Naran is invincible.

At the moment when this blood burst out, Nalan invincible seemed to feel an extremely dangerous thought. At this time, the whole body's acupuncture point made a slight clicking sound, as if it was extremely powerful. Enemy.

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