Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1720: Xiao Naihe's decision (middle)

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"It seems that everyone is here. Since that is the case, the two of North Songyang and Hong Family Ancestors will also come out!" Then the two figures appeared from this vortex and slowly fell to the front.

These two people are the ancestors of North Songyang and Hong.

When Xiao Naihe looked at the two people here, his expression calmed down to the extreme, and there was a burst of light in his eyes.

"Hong Family Ancestor, North Songyang!"

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly. The smile on his face was like the smile that the big cat saw when he saw the mouse.

But in the north of Songyang in the front and the ancestors of the Hong family opened their eyes at this time, when they saw Xiao Naihe, he was shocked, and the energy of his body suddenly floated.

Boom Boom Boom Boom!

Suddenly, the landscape in the entire space world seemed to become very distorted at this time, because the power of the two people in North Songyang and the Hong family ancestors was almost forced out.

Subsequently, a **** red light appeared on the top of the two people's heads. After the red light diffused out, it formed a galaxy and shone.

Hua Pingren did not expect that at this time, the two people of Beisongyang and Hong's ancestors would actually show such power, but it seems that they are all directed at Xiao Nai.

Suddenly, the power of these two people burst out, only a burst of sound was heard.


Huang Lin's voice seemed to be countless flashes of thunder, blasting through the entire void, suddenly giving up on the still-distorted landscape world, which became more blurred at this time,

The momentum in all directions seems to be the sky.

Huang Lin was so called, and it was just two words. Suddenly, the light of the galaxy that appeared above the heads of North Songyang and Hongjia ancestors shattered violently, and turned into pieces of debris.

There was a trace of terror in the look of these two people. At this time, the whole person seemed to be aging for hundreds of years. When he looked at Huang Lin, the fear in his eyes was even more intense.

Huang Lin is just two words. It actually broke the momentum of the two people in Beisongyang and Hong's ancestors.

At this time, when seeing this situation, whether it was Hua Xiang or Shao Yu, there was a trace of shock in his eyes, but what was more obvious was their fear.

At this time, Huang Lin finally showed his powerful magical means.

Although Xiao Naihe had seen Huang Lin very well, he felt terrified when he saw Huang Lin again.

He now reverses his position with Beisongyang and Hong's ancestors. If he came to deal with Huang Lin, Huang Lin just burst into tears just now. I'm afraid that now he can hardly resist it.

Thinking of coming here, Xiao Nai could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"If the two of you shoot again, I won't be merciful next time."

Between Huang Lin's speeches, there was a sudden shock in the entire void, only to see that Huang Lin's punch blasted out and fell into the void space world, producing a strong explosion.

Suddenly, the entire void seemed to be exploded, and both Beisongyang and Hong's ancestors felt a sense of being pulled out when they felt this riot.

"So powerful?"

Tian Daotong's expression also changes very quickly. Speaking of this, although Tian Daotong has a great relationship with Tian Dao, she is different from Xiao Naihe and others. For the first time, she saw the master of unity of origins.

At this moment Huang Lin shot, and suddenly showed a strength different from the existence of the Jiuzhong realm, making Tian Daotong feel like he was shaking in the face of the mountains, unable to extricate himself.

Even if Tian Daotong faced the body of Tian Dao at the beginning, there was no such strong feeling now, as if the whole person could not control himself.

"North Songyang, the last time you were on the central continent, you violated my rules. I did it against you. Instead of memorizing it, you did it on my site three times or four times."

As Huang Lin spoke, he set his eyes on the front, and the whole person seemed to have released an extremely powerful aura.

When this gas field was released, Bei Songyang was shocked, and suddenly remembered that when he was in the central continent, Huang Lin shot himself for the first time.

That shot was the first time North Songyang felt that he was almost going to die. The desperation that North Songyang now remembers very clearly.

"Is this the North Songyang and Hongzu ancestors? This North Songyang heard that it has just risen recently, and cultivation has only been three hundred years. It is already a half-step passive state like me, and the Hongjia ancestor is an old guy. , There seems to be a grudge between Jun Yongye! "

At this time, the appearance of the flower looks slightly, and it is locked in the two Songyang and Hongzu ancestors.

Jun Yongye looked at the ancestors of the Hong family coldly, and his eyes were very cold.

"I know that all of you present have a great relationship with my few competitors of the Danting God. Yang Gu, Wu Shenyi, Liu Xiu, Xuexia Tian, ​​Tan Moran, Wan Yuehua, Ling Xiao are seven of them. , You guys are behind to support them. I also know what idea you are playing. "

Between the words, a golden light burst out of Huang Lin's eyes. When the golden light did not come out, it was like a spark. It flickered out suddenly, and a form of divine thought appeared in the void. .

When this divine thought floated, a very subtle taste emerged.

When Hua Xiang, Pan Ling Zi, Bei Song Yang, Mu Yu, Jun Yong Ye and others saw this divine thought, several people seemed to have entered a state of selflessness.

Their breathing became extremely rapid at this time.

"Inside ... Is it in ..."

Even Beisongyang had forgotten the physical pain at this time, and looked at this divine body, and then to Huanglin, his voice trembling slightly: "This is the one we want ......... … "

"Yes, among the seven Dan Ting God competitors I selected, if any one of them will become my next God in the future, the Emperor will hand over this thing to them, because this is the idea Among them, there is the chance secret that the emperor passed into, that is, the big secret that stepped into the passive state. "

Between the words, everyone's faces at this time all became very weird. Not only that, even Xiao Nai looked at the Divine Thought at this time, and his eyes glowed.

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