Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1744: Dragon Battle in the Wild (4)

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This qi and blood wolf smoke, countless of this independent space, released a strong shock.

At this time, the whole void was shaking again.

It was as if the scenes were falling apart, even Su Cai was almost unable to stabilize his body in a flash.

However, Su Cai has stabilized and her gaze moved. When her gaze locked on the other woman in front of her, at that time, Su Cai shook the whole person and looked closely at each other.

"Ren Hongying, Ren Elder!"

Su Cai never thought that Ren Hongying would appear in Xiao Naihe's room.

Like Honghan Yang, Ren Hongying is the elder of the palace in Loulan Palace.

But at this time Ren Hongying, the elder of the palace, actually appeared in Xiao Naihe's room, which was a bit intriguing.

"Is there any relationship between Xiao Shengzi and Ren Hongying? Or the two of them know each other?"

Su Cai looked slightly moved.

I have to say that although Ren Hongying has been practicing for thousands of years, he is bigger than himself.

However, the appearance of Ren Hongying seems to be about thirty years old. It is well maintained and has a very good charm.

Such a woman is indeed very easy to attract some young men.

Originally, Su Cai also gave birth to such a weird idea. When she saw Xiao Naihe and Ren Hongying's actions, her idea was immediately rejected.

"These two people are actually fighting? How did Ren Hongying and Xiao Naihe meet? No, right, what happened between these two people!"

Reminiscent of Yang Hanyue's previous performance, Su Cai slightly understood.

Why did Yang Hanyue want to let himself go just now, and even completely isolate all his disciples.

It turned out to be the same thing.

There is a deep friendship between Yang Hanyue and Ren Hongying. After all, these two people are elders of the palace. They have known each other for thousands of years. There must be some connection between them.

Yang Hanyue did not see Su Cai's expression at this time, but even if she knew what Su Cai was thinking, she would not care too much.

Because now Yang Hanyue has already put his attention to the front.

Xiao Naihe and Su Cai are two people. Their blood and blood are like a combination of dragons and phoenixes. They collide in the void and produce a wave of distance fluctuations.

The entire independent space seems to be smashed at this time.


When the two men came in, Xiao Naihe discovered it early in the morning, but Xiao Naihe did not care about the two women at this time, because his whole body of blood and blood condensed into a wolf smoke at this time, rushing into the void Among them, a powerful divine power spread.

At this time, Xiao Naihe flipped his five fingers as if turning over the clouds and rain, forming golden rivers.

When these five golden rivers emerged, a golden bridge condensed above their heads,

The bridge is built as if it is a road leading to the world.

A taste of transformation from life to death was immediately communicated.


Subsequently, Xiao Naihe's whole body of thoughts has exploded in the amount of three trillion.

The "Promise Countercurrent" he performed was quietly running. Between the soaring Shennian and the golden rivers and bridges, it seemed to drag Su Cai into the world of life and death.


Ren Hongying's face showed an unprecedented caution.

She did not expect that if she wanted to test Xiao Naihe's bottom line, she would be forced into this situation by Xiao Naihe.

At this time, Ren Hongying also knew that Xiao Naihe's current strength was definitely not under him.

Although he said that he still has some means to show, but Xiao Nai's existence of Sanxiu Avenue definitely has some magical means that have not been used.

For a time, Ren Hongying suddenly fell into a dilemma.

I saw Ren Hongying's two palms and a slap, and a white gas appeared in the whole body. When the white gas filled up, it turned into a strong frost and snow.

When this frost and snow seemed to diffuse, the temperature in the entire room fell at once, as if it had entered a level of absolute zero.

"This is Ren Hongying's utter desperation. This Xiao Naihe really can't do so well, and actually forced Ren Hongying to exhibit such housekeeping skills."

At this time, Su Cai, after seeing Ren Hongying's Taoism, also shook his body slightly. When he looked at Xiao Naihe, a surprise and shock appeared in his eyes.

Speaking of which, Su Cai was the first time to see the strength between Xiao Nai and He Zun.

Before, Xiao Nai borrowed Xiao Hong's flesh to compete with the two women beside Bei Mingxie, not his flesh.

Then, in a battle with Beimingxie, he imagined a **** behind his back, not Xiao Naihe's own body.

So Su Cai is still very interested in Xiao Naihe's strength.

Seeing Xiao Naihe's strength now, Su Cai knew that this man was indeed extremely powerful.

"This Xiao Nai and Xiao Shengzi, at least until the late Jiuzhong, or even the peak of Jiuzhong, is worthy of the existence of Sanxiu Shengzi, and Ren Hongying's confrontation, yin and yang repelled, the dragon battle is wild.

Su Cai exhaled slightly, a flash of fine light flashed in her eyes.

However, Su Cai tightly locked in the battle taking place in the scene, and Yun Weixue, who had been standing at the front, nodded at this time.

At this time Su Cai only noticed Yun Weixue again.

Speaking of that, Su Cai does not know Yun Weixue, and the kind of breath fluctuation conveyed by Yun Weixue is not the Taoism in their Loulan Palace.

But what you can feel is that Yun Weixue's mental fluctuations are at a level around the creator.

But that kind of power fluctuations made Su Cai feel that if this woman really wanted to do something, she would definitely not be under the creator.

Where did Su Cai know that Xiao Naihe used his ability to set a ninth peak in the mind and body of Yun Weixue?

If Yun Weixue is going to shoot, with this force, he can even threaten Su Cai.

At that time, the **** sword in Wushen's hand covered the power of Huang Lin. When he finally shot, he almost took the night king's fate.

This is the same reason.

"This sister, who the **** are you? You are not a disciple in my Loulan Palace, but you are here, do you have anything to do with Xiao Shengzi?"

"How can you? My relationship with my husband is husband and wife. How do you say I'm here?"

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