Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1753: It really is you

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When Zhao Feiling and others looked at Tang Yuanyi, there was no change in his face, but only a very calm, no emotional fluctuation between his looks, just like what was expected.

Tang Yuanyi did not anticipate the big anger, but Tang Yuanyi could see a look of sadness, anger, shock, etc. in his eyes.

Tang Yuanyi did not expect that his three fellows would actually betray himself at such times, and he would betray himself by uniting outsiders.

"Tang Yuanyi Palace Master, this is the first time we met, but we don't need to introduce it below. Presumably you already know my name."

At this moment, Bei Mingxie smiled slightly.

And Xiao Nai He looked at this Beimingxie lightly. It seemed that there was a spiritual force wrapped around him, which made this man release a kind of extremely powerful wave of spiritual thoughts. It seems that the whole person has entered into In a state where you can fight at any time.

Tang Yuanyi did know Beimingxie. Although she was closed in the Loulan Palace, the master of the Nineth Chongfeng Peak had many means to be able to contact the outside when he closed.

Tang Yuanyi already knew when Beimingxie entered the mainland of Loulan.

She originally thought that Beimingxie really wanted to cooperate with their Loulan Palace. Although they used each other, at least they gave Tang Yuanyi the possibility to step into the passive realm.

I didn't expect that all this was just a trap. I was afraid that Tang Yuanyi and Su Cai's remarks were nothing more than a smoke bomb. They wanted to reduce her defense against the Northern Ming Evil.

"Beijing Xingxie, you deserve to be the disciple of Lord Danting, and you are so deep in mind. But after all, you are the master of Jiuzhong Peak, a person with a head and a face, why should we deal with our Loulan Palace?

"Although Tang Yuanyi and I don't have any hatred, but I heard about Tang Yuanyi's beauty. Over the years, I have always wanted to meet. If Tang Yuanyi is willing to agree to be my harem, I can't deal with it. How are you? "

Yang Hanyue and Ren Hongying looked slightly, looked at each other, this man really wanted to conquer Tang Yuanyi.

After hearing Beimingxie's words, Tang Yuanyi's face turned out to be a paradox of redness.

Although Tang Yuanyi's woman has been practicing for five or six thousand years, she has already stepped into her innate days when she was young, so she has always maintained a twenties appearance.

In terms of appearance, Tang Yuanyi's woman looks definitely not a veteran of thousands of years, but a girl in her twenties.

Now that such a look has appeared, it also has a three-point eccentric charm. Seeing the movement of Beimingxie's heart, the desire for Tang Yuanyi is more and more intense.

"Beijing Xingxie, you just broke this thought."

"Hahaha, Tang Yuanyi, I knew you would say that, but I didn't expect that you would face the fatigue period of Shennian so quickly. I thought I had to wait a few more hours. Is ingenious. "

Bei Mingxie laughed, he was originally a wise man, how could he not know what happened to this woman now when he saw the fluctuation of the mind and thoughts on Tang Yuanyi.

"Zhao Feiling, Ren Hongying, Yang Hanyue, this palace believes that it has been taking you for so many years, why do you want to join Beimingxie outsider to deal with me?"

Tang Yuanyi's face has a look of joy and sorrow, but anyone can feel that Tang Yuanyi has a very sad mood in his heart.

But it is also that his most trusted peers would actually betray himself, and Tang Yuanyi could not have any emotion at all.

Yang Hanyue closed his eyes, expressionless: "It's the blame that the master passed the position of Loulan Palace to you, not us!"

Tang Yuanyi froze for a moment, then a sneer appeared on his face: "Okay, okay, okay. Three of you good sisters, son, go with this little girl, this time is our Loulan Palace I do n’t want to involve you in the contradiction, please leave quickly. "

Tang Yuanyi sighed softly and looked at Xiao Naihe.

There is a relationship between this young man and Lou Lanzi. Tang Yuanyi also has some affection for Xiao Naihe. Especially, Xiao Naihe didn't take action against herself when she was exhausted, and Tang Yuanyi was very moved.

In this kind of thing, she is not willing to involve Xiao Naihe and Yun Weixue.

At this time, when Xiao Naihe and Yun Weixue were beside Tang Yuanyi, Bei Mingxie and other four people had already discovered it, but they didn't pay much attention to it.

After hearing Tang Yuanyi's words until now, the Beiming evil spirits seemed to think of something.

Then Bei Mingxie's gaze turned and moved to Yun Weixue. He couldn't help but stunned. There was a fanatical and lustful color in his eyes. It seemed that he wanted to strip all the woman's clothes. General pressure underneath.

The naked possessiveness immediately made Yun Weixue feel uncomfortable. Rao is her current strength, and she feels uncomfortable.

However, at this time Yun Weixue suddenly felt a cool breath appearing on his body, making the kind of discomfort that appeared on the original itself disappeared all at once.

"However ..."

A cloud of warmth suddenly appeared in Yun Weixue's heart. He knew that Xiao Nai shot in secret, and he couldn't help but feel a little warm.

Xiao Naihe smiled, but when he looked northward, he suddenly became expressionless.

When Bei Mingxie looked at Yun Weixue with that kind of gaze, Xiao Naihe's heart was already showing a hint of murder.

"You are Xiao Nai!"

At this time, Bei Mingxie's voice passed slightly, and his eyes were moved from Yun Weixue's body to Xiao Naihe's body.

"Your Excellency is really courageous, and anyone dares to plan."

Xiao Naihe did not answer Bei Mingxie's words, but asked instead, but anyone could hear Xiao Naihe's tone of chill.

"Hahaha, don't dare to be dare to be. I am not interested in anything, but I am interested in beauty, whether it is Su Cai, Tang Yuanyi, or even the woman next to you, I am very interested.


Xiao Naihe smiled slightly, his eyes narrowed, but Yun Weixue could feel the way Xiao Naihe is now, already very dangerous,

Yun Weixue's existence of Xiao Naihe is nothing less than his most important relative. His own companion was actually counted by other men, where Xiao Nai would not be angry.

At this time, not only Yun Weixue, even Ren Hongying and others could feel Xiao Naihe's murderous chance.

But Bei Mingxie didn't have any fear, but laughed: "But you didn't admit it, but I know you are Xiao Naihe. I heard that you are colluding with Liu Xiu's waste and are plotting the position of God. "

"Since you have such abilities, why not compete for the position of God?"

"Hahaha, if I wanted something that Bei Beixie wanted, how could I not get it? I just do n’t want to fight for the same thing with those wastes. The way that Bei Beixie wants to go is just myself. Tao, even if I want to step into the passive realm, I will not borrow the path of my master. Because I am me, is it possible that Liu Xiu and Wu Shenyi can compare the waste. "

When Xiao Nai heard it, she faintly admired Beimingxie.

The difference between Beimingxie and Huaxiang and Junyongye is that although he also wants to step into the passive realm, he has never thought about borrowing the experience of being robbed, but going out of his own way.

This kind of consciousness is indeed very rare, and it is very difficult to step into the passive realm, but Beimingxie can think in this way, which is very simple in itself.

"Xiao Shengzi, you are a good person. I know that you have played against Ren Hongying, and your strength is not under her. I really appreciate you. If you are willing to trust me, I will let you go. But you will Give me this buddy. "

Between Beimingxie's speech, Yun Weixue was also pointed, and his eyes did not hide his possessiveness.

"Brother Bei, you are a bit wrong. Although you admire me, but I don't admire you, I admit that you are more powerful than Wu Shenyi and Liu Xiu, but unfortunately you have been a defeat of my men. I turned to you? "Xiao Nai smiled.

"The defeated man?" Bei Mingxie raised his brow slightly.

At this time, Xiao Naihe's body and blood were fused together, forming a dragon-like fluctuation, as if the entire void was fused into Xiao Naihe's body at this time.

Seeing here, Bei Mingxie burst into a sudden burst of fierce killing in his eyes: "Sure enough it is you! You were the master who was attached to Su Cai by Su Cai at the beginning, as well as the use of dual Taoism to carry out long-range attacks against me. People! "

At this time, Beimingxie had already discovered Xiao Naihe's identity, that is, the master who had shot himself twice before.

As early as before, Beimingxie vaguely guessed, but it has not been confirmed, but now when I see this, I immediately confirmed it.

"Hahaha, Brother Bei is really good luck. I originally could not take you through the 30,000-mile space between the two supernatural powers, but you have a little skill. But the matter is only three, and your luck will not exceed three times. Today, I am rushing at you with these words and saying nothing will not let you go out. I once said secretly that I will never let you leave Loulan mainland safely, and now it is time to honor my promise. "Xiao Nai He smiled faintly.

"Hum, don't you let me go? I don't let you go, I don't care if you are the son of Sanxiu, I will kill you today, and then prostitute your wife and humiliate your mate!" Shouted!

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